Popular bearded dog breeds: a brief description

Most people, choosing a four-legged pet for their family, focus solely on the appearance of the future pet. Some people like miniature toi, others like huge mastiffs, others like curly poodles, and others like to indescribable delight from wire-haired schnauzers with magnificent eyebrows. In today's publication, the main features of bearded dog breeds will be considered.

Giant Schnauzer

Germany is considered the birthplace of these animals, and their ancestors were wire-haired dogs, used as guards and assistant shepherds.

bearded dog breed

Giant Schnauzer is a large and strong dog, growing up to 59-70 cm at the withers and weighing from 32 to 46 kg. On an elongated head, tapering to the nose with a pronounced stop and powerful jaws, there are high-set hanging ears and oval dark eyes hidden behind long eyebrows. A dry square case with a protruding withers, a strong back and a shortened lower back is covered with thick, hard wool with a dense undercoat. And the face of the animal is decorated with a beard. As for color, the standard allows the existence of black, silver or dark steel individuals, on the body of which there are no white spots.

Giant Schnauzer is a breed of bearded service dogs endowed with an appropriate character. These are bold, balanced animals, infinitely loyal to their owners. They are easy to train and able to recognize the real danger. Despite their seriousness, they can be fun and playful pets, easily coping with the role of a companion.

Brussels Griffon

The birthplace of this breed of bearded dogs is Belgium, and the process of forming the appearance lasted more than one hundred years. The ancestors of modern griffon were used for catching rats, but over time they were re-qualified as favorites of aristocratic nobility. To give them an appropriate appearance, they began to cross with pugs and representatives of other then popular breeds. They received official recognition at the end of the 19th century, and the last update of the standard occurred in 2003.

photo of bearded dog breeds

The Brussels Griffon is a breed of small bearded dogs growing up to 23-36 cm and weighing between 2.5-6 kg. On a rounded head with a clear transition from the forehead to the muzzle there are small neat ears and huge expressive eyes. The compact, almost square body with a short back and curved ribs is covered with thick, stiff hair forming an extravagant beard and luxurious eyebrows. As for the color, it can only be red.

Griffins are smart and self-confident creatures that require constant attention. They do not tolerate loneliness and in the case of a prolonged absence of owners begin to spoil the property.

Lhasa Apso

This is one of the oldest bearded dog breeds. Its homeland is Tibet, and among the ancestors are mountain wolves and some local dogs. At the beginning of the XX century, several such dogs came to the UK and seriously interested British breeders. Over time, they spread throughout the world and are still very popular among lovers of decorative breeds.

breed of small bearded dogs

Lhasa apso - small dogs growing up to 27 cm at the withers and weighing between 5-8 kg. A strong, slightly stretched body with well-developed muscles and a straight top line is covered with a thick stiff awn that forms a beard on the face. As for color, the standard does not provide any restrictions.

Lhasa apso is a breed of bearded dogs with the character of a real guard. They are wary of outsiders and need early socialization. In the absence of education, they turn into cowardly embittered animals that can cause a lot of trouble.

Bearded collie

These dogs appeared so long ago that specialists can only guess about their origin. According to some reports, among their ancestors were bobtail and long-haired collies. Such kinship left a certain imprint on their appearance and character.

bearded dog breed

This is a fairly large breed of bearded dogs. Photo of dogs can not fully convey all the features, but allows you to evaluate their pleasant exterior. Depending on gender, the height of an adult bearded collie is 51-56 cm, and the weight ranges from 18-27 kg. The entire body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with soft dense hair, and on the head there are mustaches, eyebrows and a beard. As for the color, it can be gray, black, brown or beige.

A bearded collie is a good-natured, contact dog who does not show aggression. He quickly becomes attached to his master and lends himself well to training.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21862/

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