Rosa Angela: description and reviews

Rosa Angela, whose photo is in front of you, is very beautiful and unusual. Her popularity continues to grow. Rosa Angela (Angela) is also called Angelica. This wonderful variety is bred in Germany, it belongs to the group of roses floribunda.

rose angela
“Abundantly flowering” - this is how the name of the floribunda is translated, which fully corresponds to the truth, since the roses belonging to this group are simply doused with flowers. This variety was obtained as a result of crossing polyanthus and hybrid tea roses. It is because of this that this group of flowers has a very diverse color of buds and excellent resistance to disease and frost.

Rosa Angela: Description

Angela rose is a low bush. The height of the plant depends on the climate in which it is located. In the middle zone (climatic zone 4), the Angela rose reaches one meter in height, the branches of the bush are erect. In warmer climates, a rose bush can grow up to two meters.

The leaves are glossy, bright, green, medium size. Angela begins to bloom early, at the very beginning of summer, flowering is long, the last flowers delight the eye in September. The buds are beautiful, semi-double, cup-shaped, reaching a diameter of 5-6 cm. The flowers are light pink in color at the base, closer to the edges of the petals are much darker, gathered in lush inflorescences of several pieces.

Angela rose is valued not only for its beauty, but also, it has many other advantages. The plant is highly resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew and black spotting. Angela is not afraid of either wind or rain. The buds do not fade in the sun, have a weak delicate aroma, similar to the aroma of apples. Flowering bush abundant and long.

Landing and care

Rosa Angela requires when planting well-prepared soil with drainage, a place for a rose bush must be selected so that there is no air stagnation. It is better to plant young bushes in the spring, it is recommended to deepen the budding place by 7-8 cm.

Rose loves the sun, so the "place of residence" must be determined, taking into account the wishes of the Queen of Flowers. It is advisable to plant rose bushes in a sunny place with permeable and fertile soil. As mentioned earlier, the air should not be stagnant, a place with a pink flower bed should be well ventilated.

rose angela reviews

Watering roses should be moderate, as the soil dries. Twice a season, bushes need to be fed. The first time at the beginning of the growing season in the spring, the second time - before the flower buds open.

Before the first leaves appear, plants are pruned. It is necessary to remove broken, frozen and old branches with a brown shell. To prevent the bush from thickening, branches are cut that grow inward and cross each other. If the bush is tall, then, in addition to the above, all the other branches are cut by one third. Low bushes, this rule does not apply.

Angela looks beautiful both in group landings, and in single. From the bushes you can make a beautiful hedge. Rose looks great next to evergreen conifers and against a background of purple, blue and white clematis.

Winter preparations

Rosa Angela is a relatively winter-hardy variety. In the southern regions (fifth zone), the plant does not need to be sheltered for the winter. In a colder climate (fourth zone), rose bushes must be spudded to a height of 20-30 cm before the onset of winter. It is better to make a heap not from the ground, but from compost. The top of the plant also needs to be wrapped with covering material or burlap, for this you can still use spruce branches or brushwood.

Rosa Angela: reviews

Reviews of flower lovers about the rose of the Angela variety are only positive. Florists note that it blooms for a long time, looks great in border plantings, and is also grown in flowerpots and containers.

rose angela photo
Of the permanent neighbors, juniper, boxwood, blue spruce, and thuja are best suited to this beauty. Everyone who is familiar with such a flower claims that the Angela variety blooms beautifully; in the cut buds do not fade for a very long time. This rose can serve as a worthy decoration for any flower garden.


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