Proper ventilation in the sauna with your own hands

Ventilation in the sauna is a system which, when equipped, requires careful organization. She is one of the most difficult. If you approach this issue correctly, you can protect a person from carbon monoxide while heating the stove, ensure a comfortable stay inside, and also guarantee economical fuel consumption. With a ventilation system, air flows are evenly distributed, and the walls of a wooden building are protected from decay and waterlogging.

Features of arranging a ventilation system

ventilation in the sauna

Ventilation in the sauna can be supply and exhaust, or rather, mixed. At the same time, both exhaust and air flow are organized. For this, intake air inlets, which are also called vents, must be present. Fresh air enters through them, and if necessary, you can optionally install a ventilation pipe with a fan.

Air can enter through half-open doors, as well as window leaves. The system assumes the need for exhaust outlet openings. Through them, heated air leaves the room or through a stove blower. This is a hole that is located below the firebox and is adapted to improve traction. Supply and exhaust openings can be located in different ways, but the most effective way is the principle that they are in the lower part of the room. It is necessary to place them closer to the heater, in this case the air will heat up faster.

The nuances of the work

ventilation device in the sauna

Exhaust openings can be located on the opposite side from the supply. They can be in two places, one of them is located above the other. Thanks to this, it is possible to better control the air flow. If you need more intense traction, then the exhaust hole should be positioned higher. Otherwise, the draft will be weaker, and you must additionally use the ventilation pipe. Ventilation in the sauna can be controlled. To do this, use special doors or dampers that are installed on the exhaust openings. Be that as it may, the air inside should completely laugh once every 2.5 hours.

Technology for equipping a ventilation system with a furnace in an adjacent room

ventilation system in the sauna

Ventilation in the sauna can be equipped when the stove is bricked, and the structure itself is made of metal. A space of 5 cm is arranged between the outer walls of the product and the jacket. When the tube is led into the adjacent room using the furnace tunnel, this option has many advantages, which are expressed in:

  • lack of garbage;
  • the ability to install heat-resistant glass in the furnace door;
  • no need to open the door to the steam room once again.

Such a ventilation device in the sauna involves bricking the furnace tunnel. Basalt wool is placed in the gap, since during expansion, deformation and destruction of the masonry or tunnel is possible. Next, you should proceed to the supply openings, using one of two methods, the first of which involves holding a ventilation duct under the dome from the street, while the second involves arranging the ventilation duct above the floor.

In the first case, a channel is used, the diameter of which will be 120% of the diameter of the chimney pipe. This unit is displayed at the pre-heating metal sheet, which protects the floor from fire if the coals fall out of the furnace. Outside and inside the channel is closed by ventilation grilles.

When the ventilation system in the sauna is equipped using the second technology, the technique will differ only in the location of the ventilation duct. The rest of the node is conducted from the street and displayed in the same place.

Specialist recommendations

do-it-yourself ventilation in the sauna

At the next stage, you need to make the hood, which is located on the opposite wall, it should go diagonally from the supply openings. Vertically, for this you need to install a ventilation duct 30 cm above the floor. Under the ceiling, through the wall, it should be taken outside, and the box itself sheathed with a lining.

For reference

ventilation in the sauna bath

If you are thinking about how to properly make ventilation in the sauna, you should remember that the area of ​​the exhaust vents should be equal to the area of ​​the supply air. Otherwise, traction may form, and the volume of fresh air will therefore be reduced.

Arrangement of the ventilation system when the furnace is inside the steam room

how to make ventilation in the sauna

In this case, you can act on one of two technologies. The first allows you to resolve the issue automatically if there is a stove in the steam room, and the air enters the blower. Fresh streams will penetrate through the open door, you will only need to leave a 5 mm gap. This method is suitable if the fire is constantly maintained, which ensures the operation of the blower.

Before making ventilation in the sauna, it is necessary to determine whether there is a chimney inside. This method is also suitable when the sauna is operating due to the short-term furnace. In this case, it is necessary to equip more advanced ventilation, the method of creation of which will be described below. At the first stage, a podium is created for the installation of the furnace. This will lead to the design of the box. To do this, lay out three rows of bricks on an edge from the wall. It is necessary to carry out work in the place where the ventilation openings are located.

The first row is laid near the wall, the second row goes along the edge, while the third - in the center. The masonry should have a height of 24 cm, it must be brought to a brick screen. Next, equip the overlap with a brick. The last pair of products is not installed in the place where the furnace will be located. This is required to blow it out of the box.


proper ventilation of the sauna

Ventilation in the sauna, bath is equipped according to the same principle. At the next stage, it is necessary to close the end, and then take up the second box. A basement stove door is installed in its end part, under which something should be put, otherwise it will rub against the floor. The first box should look up, the second - into the steam room. On the wall adjacent to the rest room, a second door channel is being made at the level where the stone masonry passes. The doors should not reach the top edge of the brick shirt 12 cm. If necessary, they can be opened to warm the adjacent room.

Proper ventilation of the sauna in the next step implies the need to install the furnace on the podium. You can place it on metal plates or corners to distribute the load. The stove should be bricked, leaving a hole for the fuel channel. A gap of 2 cm is left between the stove and the brick, which is then closed with non-combustible material. At the next stage, you can start laying a brick screen, in which two latches in the form of doors should be made. Exhaust ventilation in the bathhouse, where the folder is located outside the steam room, is equipped according to the same principle.

Features of arranging a ventilation system by means of vents

how to make ventilation in the sauna

Do it yourself ventilation in the sauna can be equipped with any home masters. However, certain rules must be followed. They say that the exhaust hole can be placed under the ceiling, giving it a size of 15-20 cm. You can make it round or square.

You can close the hood with a sliding flap or a removable plug, with which you can change the degree of air exchange. Ventilation holes should not be located opposite each other. In this case, fresh air will immediately fly into the hood. This will eliminate air circulation and cause draft. The dimensions of the hood must match the dimensions of the air inlet or be larger. If the dimensions are deviated to the smaller side, clean air will not flow.

If you want to increase the outflow of exhaust air, the exhaust should be larger than the supply air outlet. As an alternative solution, you can consider the option in which two hoods will fall on one inlet opening. For the influx of fresh air, a supply opening should be equipped, which is located 0.3 m from the floor surface. You can position it on the same wall as the hood. The air inlet is also closed by the ventilation grill so that the air enters in trickles and not in a continuous stream.


Natural ventilation, which is most often equipped in a sauna, has many advantages, among which are easy installation, low cost, cost-effective operation, simple arrangement and reliability. For the reason that there are no mechanical devices in such systems, they are almost eternal, do not break down and do not need repairs.

However, it should be highlighted and cons, they are expressed in dependence of the intensity of ventilation on the temperature difference in the steam room and on the street. In addition, sometimes smells come from the street, and in winter and autumn, cold air lowers the temperature in the steam room, which is accompanied by drafts.


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