The child complains of leg pain: causes, symptoms, treatment

Parents often hear a child complaining of leg pain. Especially often, children aged 3 to 10 years experience such symptoms. In the afternoon, as a rule, nothing worries the baby. But towards evening or at night unpleasant discomfort appears. Many parents attribute these symptoms to normal overwork and do not give them due weight. Such an attitude is unacceptable, and sometimes fraught with the development of serious pathologies. Consider why leg pain can occur , and in which cases you should consult a doctor.

child complains of leg pain

Growth Discomfort

This is the most common reason. Unpleasant sensations are provoked by a high growth rate and active metabolism. Discomfort may continue until puberty. After all, the growth of crumbs at this time increases as a result of lengthening of the legs. At the same time, the feet and lower legs grow most intensively. It is these areas that need enhanced blood circulation.

The vessels responsible for blood supply at this age are still not flexible enough. Therefore, they function best under loads. Thus, while the child is moving, he does not feel discomfort. But during rest there is a decrease in the tone of arteries and veins. Blood circulation is getting worse. As a result of this very reason, the child’s legs often hurt at night.

Caring parents must be sure to heed the complaints of the crumbs. After all, the pain of growth can be somewhat reduced. To do this, you just need to massage the legs and feet of the baby. As a result, blood circulation will increase, and the discomfort will significantly decrease or completely disappear.

Orthopedic problems

Various pathologies associated with the musculoskeletal system are classified as quite common in babies. It can be:

  • incorrect posture;
  • flat feet;
  • scoliosis
  • congenital ailment of the hip joints.

Often, as a result of just such violations, the child’s legs hurt. The reasons are a shift in the center of gravity. The load is unevenly distributed on the lower limbs. Most often, one specific area of ​​the children's leg suffers: foot, thigh, lower leg or joint.

Constant pressure leads to the fact that the child has sore legs.

the child’s legs hurt

Limb injuries

For an energetic and active baby, such phenomena are rather the norm. In most cases, bruises, sprains are completely insignificant. Typically, a child complains of leg pain for a couple of days. Then everything goes on its own.

However, in some situations the situation is more complicated. And if a serious injury is visible from the first minutes, then there are microtrauma, invisible to the human eye. Such conditions often provoke excessive physical exertion, because modern babies attend many sections and circles.

The danger is that microtrauma is invisible to others, and even the child himself may not be aware of it. Namely, it can subsequently lead to serious complications.

Sharp pains in joints or muscles signal tissue damage. If puffiness or redness joins the discomfort, as well as a local increase in temperature, be sure to contact a specialist. This condition needs careful diagnosis. After all, an infection could also have got. In this case, the child may develop septic arthritis. Inadequate treatment can lead to permanent damage to the joint.

Chronic infections

Sometimes the reasons why a child has sore legs can be hidden in the nasopharynx. This condition is caused by:

  • tonsillitis;
  • adenoiditis;
  • multiple caries.

the child’s legs hurt at night

It is extremely important to timely carry out the necessary preventive measures:

  • visit the dentist, otolaryngologist;
  • treat problem teeth;
  • monitor oral hygiene.

In some cases, leg pain is the first symptom of developing rheumatism or rheumatoid arthritis.

A similar clinic can occur against the background of pathologies of the endocrine system:

  • adrenal disease;
  • diabetes
  • parathyroid diseases.

These ailments are accompanied by a violation of bone mineralization. Sometimes discomfort in the legs is the first sign of some blood pathologies. Therefore, if the pain is permanent, parents must definitely show the baby to the doctor.


This is a disease that is manifested by disorders of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems. A kid who has this pathology is extremely poorly tolerated by any physical activity.

Most often, with this diagnosis, parents notice that the child’s legs hurt at night. Symptoms are often accompanied by the following clinic:

  • headache;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • discomfort in the abdomen;
  • heartache;
  • feeling of lack of air.

leg pain

Congenital ailments of the cardiovascular system

Discomfort in the legs is a clinical symptom of such ailments. Congenital arterial valve disease or coarctation of the aorta leads to insufficient blood supply to the limbs. As a result, the child experiences pain.

It is difficult for such kids to walk, they often fall, stumble, and get tired very quickly. With these conditions, the pulse on the hands can be felt, but on the feet it is practically absent.

Inferiority of connective tissue

Such a pathology is also congenital. It is characterized by insufficiency of tissues that make up the heart, veins, ligaments.

In addition to pain in the limbs, a similar condition can lead to:

  • flat feet;
  • nephroptosis;
  • violation of posture;
  • joint diseases;
  • varicose veins.


Sometimes, against the background of colds, the child complains of pain in the legs. Influenza, acute respiratory infections are often characterized by aching joints, loss of strength. Discomfort of aching nature can cover the whole body.

This condition is not considered abnormal. Therefore, it does not need special attention. As a rule, a child with joint discomfort is prescribed the drug “Paracetamol". It relieves discomfort.

After recovery, such symptoms completely disappear.

why does the child have sore legs

Lack of nutrients

Often, parents whose children have reached the age of 3 notice that the child has pain in the calves. A similar deficiency can be provoked by a lack of substances such as calcium, phosphorus, and potassium in the body. Bone tissue begins to grow rapidly, but they do not receive good nutrition.

This condition can be triggered by improper food. But sometimes a deficiency of substances is caused by poor assimilation of these elements. Such a picture may signal secondary rickets.

Schlatter's disease

The disease is most often diagnosed in older children or adolescents. With this disease, the child has pain below the knee. In this case, the discomfort is acute. Pay attention to which site is bothering your child.

Schlatter's disease causes painful discomfort in the anterior region of the knee joint, where the tibia is connected to the tendon of the patella. A characteristic feature of the pathology is the constancy of sensations. No matter what the child is doing, the pain does not subside. Discomfort worries day, night, while moving, in a state of rest.

As a result, such an ailment appears, doctors are not ready to say. But doctors say that most often the disease is diagnosed in children involved in sports.

Still's disease or leukemia

If the child has sore legs, be sure to pay the necessary attention to the emerging symptoms. Sometimes, such discomfort may indicate the development of a systemic, rather severe ailment - Still's disease.

the child’s legs hurt

As a rule, pathology is accompanied by:

  • periodic backache;
  • painful syndrome in the legs;
  • general malaise.

If you notice such clinical manifestations in a child, then consult a doctor. Sometimes such signs indicate the initial stage of Still's disease or leukemia.

With improper treatment, a child can have serious consequences. Still's disease can lead to significant visual impairment.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

So, if a child complains of leg pain, it should be clearly understood when discomfort is triggered by serious reasons, and in which cases there is no reason for concern.

Growth pains are easily eliminated by massage and taking a warm bath. If the baby after such procedures completely got rid of the discomfort, then there is no reason for panic. However, do not forget that frequent pain in the legs is an occasion to visit a pediatrician, orthopedist, and surgeon. Such an event, in most cases, will help parents make sure that the baby has no pathologies. Just a crumb is growing rapidly.

the child has sore calves

Discomfort in the legs can be a "bell" of developing ailments, if it is accompanied by symptoms:

  • high fever;
  • swelling of the extremities;
  • beginning lameness;
  • pain arising in the morning, as well as during the day;
  • loss of appetite and weight;
  • chronic fatigue.

If you notice at least one of the symptoms listed above, be sure to visit a doctor. Do not give a chance to develop an unpleasant illness in the body of the child.


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