Cat food "Flatazor": features, composition, reviews

Cat food "Flatazor" is not often found in pet stores. This type of prepared food for animals has not yet received wide distribution in Russia. Therefore, you have to order it online. We will try to understand the composition and assortment of the product, talk about its advantages and disadvantages, and also give feedback from veterinarians and cat breeders.

Feed Features

Feed "Flatazor" produces company Sopral SA (France). This company has been producing finished food for animals for more than 50 years. The product is manufactured using the most modern equipment and is subjected to very delicate heat treatment. This allows you to save all useful substances in granules. The whole production process takes place in a vacuum environment, which eliminates the ingestion of harmful microbes into food.

Sorpal SA has abandoned the use of soy and corn. These ingredients do not bring any benefits to the body of cats. The manufacturer also does not add GMOs, dyes and artificial substances to the food to improve taste and smell.

Flatazor cat food belongs to the premium class. The products of this group are characterized by a high content of meat and a reduced proportion of offal, as well as the presence of healthy nutrients. This is a complete cat diet, which does not require additional nutrition.

Complete cat diet

Ingredient analysis

Let us analyze the composition of the food "Flazor" on the example of a product for feeding kittens. On the packaging with granules you can find only a list of ingredients. Their percentage is not indicated. Therefore, we will only consider the purpose of each of the components:

  1. Dehydrated meat and fish. A good and fairly high-quality source of proteins.
  2. Gluten. Vegetable protein is not of the best quality. May provoke allergies and digestive problems.
  3. Duck and animal fat. Used as an energy source.
  4. Fish organolysates. Strengthen the immune system and are necessary for a good condition of the coat.
  5. Flax seed. Forms protective mucus on the walls of the stomach.
  6. Sugar beet pulp. Stimulates intestinal motility.
  7. Apple Pectin Improves the absorption of nutrients and normalizes the microflora of the digestive tract.
  8. Egg powder. It contains lecithin, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  9. Vegetable oil. Saturates the body with useful Omega-3 acids and breaks down bad cholesterol.
  10. Sea salt. Strengthens teeth and claws.
  11. Taurine. An essential amino acid that does not form on its own in animals.
  12. Yucca extract. Reduces the smell of excrement.

The composition of the product also includes germinated wheat. However, the benefit of this ingredient for cats has not been proven. The manufacturer does not indicate which plant extracts and preservatives are contained in the feed.

We can conclude that this food belongs to the premium class, as it contains good sources of animal protein, as well as useful plant components. However, the manufacturer provides incomplete information about the composition, so it is difficult to judge the safety and quality of individual ingredients.

Pros and cons

Cat food "Flatazor" has many advantages. The following advantages of this product can be distinguished:

  1. Wide range of. You can choose feed for animals of different ages, as well as medical nutrition.
  2. A large number of plant components. It enriches the body with vitamins and fiber.
  3. The use of dehydrated meat. This ingredient is a useful source of protein.
Meat is the source of animal protein

However, the product is not without flaws. The disadvantages of feed include the following:

  1. Lack of information on some ingredients. It is not known which preservatives and extracts are used by the manufacturer.
  2. Lack of canned and spider in the line. The manufacturer produces only dry feed. But many cats prefer wet food.
  3. Low availability. Currently, this feed is distributed mainly through online stores.

Many breeders attribute the low price of cat food "Flatazor" to its cons. The cost of a package of dry granules weighing 3 kg - from 1200 to 1700 rubles. This food belongs to the premium class, but is equal in price to the nutrition of super-premium.


The Flatazor cat food line includes the following product series:

  • Pure Life for Cats.
  • Protect.
  • Croctail.

Next, we consider in detail the features of these types of cat food.

Pure life for cats

The composition of this series includes different types of complete feed. They are designed for daily nutrition of cats. The manufacturer offers the following types of products:

  1. Pure Life Cats Kitten. This is food for kittens. The food is rich in fruit ingredients. It helps strengthen immunity in babies and facilitate digestion. This product can also be given to pregnant and lactating cats.
  2. Pure Life Cats Adult. The food is intended for adult pets. Its composition promotes healthy skin and coat.
  3. Pure Life Cats Sterilized. This is food for sterilized animals. It contains fullness ingredients to prevent weight gain and urolithiasis.
  4. Pure Life Cats Sterilized 8+. The food is recommended for elderly sterilized pets (over 8 years old). It not only prevents the formation of stones and the development of obesity, but also strengthens the immune system in aging animals.
Sterilized Cat Food


The Protect line includes therapeutic feeds. Its product range includes the following products:

  1. Urinary Diet food for pets suffering from urolithiasis. This food is especially useful for stones of infectious origin.
  2. Dermato. A complete diet for pets with problem skin and dermatological diseases.
  3. Obesite The food is intended to feed obese cats.
Medical food "Flatazor Urinary"

Food of this series should not be given to healthy animals. Clinical nutrition can be prescribed only by a veterinarian according to indications.


The Croctail series includes cereal-free feed. They are suitable for cats allergic to crops. In addition, all products in this line contain prebiotics.

The range of the Croctail series is quite diverse. The following products are part of this line:

  1. Crocktail Kitten. A complete diet for kittens, as well as for pregnant and lactating cats.
  2. Crocktail Adult With Poultry And Vegetables. Product with turkey and vegetables for adult animals. Helps to remove lumps of wool from the stomach.
  3. Crocktail Adult With Turkey. Adult food with three kinds of poultry and pork.
  4. Crocktail Adult Sterilized With Chicken. Chicken food for sterilized cats. Helps normalize the acidity of urine.
  5. Crocktail Adult Sterilized With Fish. Food for neutered animals. Contains 4% fish protein.
  6. Crocktail Adult Sterilized 8+. Nutrition with fish oil for elderly sterilized cats. Helps normalize cholesterol levels.
  7. Crocktail Adult Large Breed. This food is intended for pets of large breeds. Helps maintain heart function in cats with high weight.
  8. Croctail Senior. Diet for older cats with a reduced amount of protein.
Series of feeds "Croctail"

The opinion of experts

Reviews of veterinarians about food for cats "Flatazor" are not always positive. Experts believe that some ingredients of the product are far from the natural diet of animals. For example, peas and wheat are far from the best sources of carbohydrates for cats. According to veterinarians, the feed contains few useful additives.

At the same time, veterinarians emphasize the advantages of feed. This is a fairly high protein content, the presence of vitamins and minerals in the composition, as well as the presence in the assortment of special medical nutrition.

The opinion of the owners of animals

Reviews about cat food "Flatazor" are infrequent. This brand is still not very common in our country. A positive opinion about the product has developed among the owners of sterilized cats. After transferring to this type of food, animals stopped gaining extra weight, their digestion and coat quality improved.

However, cat breeders note that sometimes it is not easy to transfer animals to dry Flazoror granules. Pets are not always willing to eat this product, since it does not have a pronounced appetizing smell. Therefore, such food should be introduced into the diet gradually, daily mixing a small amount of granules with the usual food.


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