Whippet dogs: description, character and photo

The Whippet dog is one of the three best greyhounds in the world, along with Italian greyhound and Reichound. These animals have many external similarities, their characters and behavior are similar. They differ mainly in size. The Little English Greyhound - Whippet - is a fast-moving sprinter and a great companion. The animal harmoniously combines the instinct of the hunter, calm and friendliness.

Dog breed whippet

Breed formation

Like many greyhounds, the history of the Whippet breed is rather confusing. There are several conflicting versions of the origin of the breed. The first says that whippet is a relatively young breed, which was mined in the 19th century by miners and factory workers for hunting and participating in races. Based on this version, the Whippet is a cross between Manchester Terriers, Greyhounds with other breeds, for example, Foxhounds.

However, as a result of recent research, dog handlers have come to the conclusion that the breed is much more ancient. Almost always, the goddess Diana was portrayed accompanied by dogs that looked very much like a modern Whippet. In addition, many animals with the same appearance are depicted on the canvases of masters of the XIV-XVI centuries. In the Louvre, a sculpture of the 4th century BC is kept, which, apparently, depicts a whippet.

According to the latest version, the ancestors of this breed were brought to the islands of Britain by the Romans in 55 BC. e. Some experts believe that these animals are the descendants of the pharaoh dog. Greyhound and Whippet sprang from this medium-sized greyhound, developing as two independent, but very similar branches.

Probably the key to the mystery of the appearance of the breed lies somewhere in the middle. It is unlikely that the researchers will be able to find out the true history of the breeding of the Whippets, however, it is clear that the formation of this breed and various terriers occurred in parallel, and therefore their influence on each other is not in doubt.

Nowadays, the dog of the Whippet breed differs from its closest relatives of the Greyhounds with a great distrust of strangers, a brighter temperament. This suggests the presence of terrier blood in them. The British even refer to representatives of this breed as “bull terriers among greyhounds”. And this is entirely justified, since the whippet was used much later for breeding terrier breeds (Bedlington Terrier, Bull Terrier).

Breed history

For the first time, a detailed description of the Whippet breed appeared in Great Britain in the middle of the 19th century. And in 1891 it was officially registered and began to rapidly gain popularity not only in Britain, but also in other countries. Then in the history of the breed came a period of oblivion. But now the little greyhounds are again at the peak of popularity in Europe.

The Whippet breed standard, adopted in 1903, has changed little. The most famous nurseries in the UK were Manorley and Shirley. In Russia, the first dogs of this breed appeared in 1988 in the KPT "Elite". Ten puppies were brought from Germany, Czechoslovakia and Poland. They were highly bred and gave excellent offspring.

Whippet dog: breed description

The standard describes this animal as a reduced greyhound, graceful and strong dog. The weight of an adult dog should not exceed 12 kg with a male growing from 47 to 51 cm, and a female from 44 to 47 cm. As you can see, these dogs are small in size. The Whippet breed is different from most greyhounds.

In the past, these animals had a heavier physique. They looked more like mutts remotely similar to terriers. Modern whippets have lost their resemblance to terriers: they have found an elegant and light physique. The refinement and grace of these animals is harmoniously combined with strength, endurance and inexhaustible energy.

Breed description

An elongated head with a flat skull is planted on a long, elegantly elongated neck. The ears are small, the eyes are oval. As a rule, the color of the nose depends on the color of the animal. Powerful jaws have a scissor bite. I would especially like to draw your attention to the whippet's run - this is a graceful and graceful soaring above the ground. The animal’s movements are somewhat peculiar: far ahead and low above the ground, like a purebred trotter, the whippet throws out its front paws, its back legs deep under the body and, after a strong push, makes a powerful body ejection forward.

Whippet in motion

The hunting instinct in the representatives of this breed is caused by visual movements: to follow the trail not like Whippet, he needs to see the prey.


Representatives of the Whippet breed are so thin that people who are ignorant, looking at the protruding ribs, can decide that the animal is suffering from exhaustion. In fact, the greyhound is incredibly hardy, its muscles are well developed. The apparent thinness can be explained by the minimum amount of subcutaneous fat. The back is strong and long. The line of the abdomen has a pronounced undermining. The tail is long and thin. A dog never holds him over his back. The chest is deep.

The limbs are long, muscular and straight. Medium sized paws have thick pads. The step is long and easy.

Color and type of coat

In accordance with the standard, representatives of the Whippet breed (you can see the photo in the article) should have a thick, short, skin tight coat. The hair is quite thin, not hiding even the smallest errors on the skin, for example, scars. To the colors of this variety of greyhounds, the standard does not impose strict requirements. He can be anything. The only exception is albinos: such puppies are rejected at birth and are not allowed for breeding. The most common gray, black and tiger dogs.

Wool and color

Differences of Whippets from other species of the breed group

At the beginning of the article, we mentioned the external similarities of the whipp with Italian greyhounds and greyhounds. In this regard, many dog ​​breeders are interested in how to avoid mistakes when choosing an animal. From the greyhound, the little greyhound differs, as you might guess, in its height and in the proportions of the skeleton.

By nature, Greyhounds are more calm, their hunting passion is not so developed. Unlike them, whippets remain “children” to a very old age: they like to play and frolic for days on end. Nevertheless, for the main purpose (hunting), both dogs can be used. In addition, they are smart and dedicated companions.

The differences between Italian greyhounds and whippets are not so pronounced. At the same time, Italian greyhounds are even more miniature: they are lighter in the skeleton, quite often they tremble from the cold. They are not regarded as greyhounds. Unlike them, Whippets are very fond of hunting and accompany their master with great pleasure. Another difference between these dogs is the color. If whippets can be of almost any color, then Italian greyhounds, in accordance with the standard, can only be monophonic.

Unlike other breeds

Maintenance and care

Representatives of the Whippet breed do not have an undercoat, therefore they can not be kept on the street. These animals can only live in the house. In the cold autumn and winter, such a pet will need warm clothes for a walk. Not only frosts, but also dank spring and autumn winds are dangerous for this dog. To protect their pets during this period, breeders use protective raincoats made of waterproof fabric that warm the dogs.

The breed is extremely active, so you need to walk the dog twice an hour for an hour. To meet the needs of the animal in movement, dog handlers recommend active walks - coursing, swimming, running next to a bicycle.

Whippet's wool does not require too careful leaving. It is enough to clean the dog with a special brush once or twice a week. These animals molt twice a year - in spring and autumn. At this time, you need to help your pet: comb it daily. It is important that the whippet dog's coat has no characteristic odor. This allows not only to keep them even in a not very large apartment, but also not to bathe often.

The rest of the animal care is traditional: you should regularly examine your teeth and, if you find tartar, consult your veterinarian. It is advisable to prevent chewing bones, which are intended for brushing teeth, to prevent the formation of hard plaque on tooth enamel. In addition, periodically inspect your ears, eyes, and claws.

External features

Whippet feeding

Making a diet for a greyhound is not easy, because it must be saturated with carbohydrates, but be dietary at the same time. A veterinarian can help in this matter, who will advise the owner on the choice of products and feeding regimen. For the animal, not only the correct selection of products is important, but also their quantity: for representatives of this breed, overweight can be detrimental. So what to feed a dog with?

Whippets are very fond of meat. It is desirable that it is fresh, and not frozen. In this case, the product is better absorbed. Boiled chicken eggs can be included in the diet of the animal. In addition, whippets are happy to eat boiled low-fat marine fish, from which all bones must first be removed. Dogs need to receive cereals. Most suitable buckwheat and rice. Vegetables must be given stewed or boiled. It is used in feeding and vegetable broth, which contains many vitamins.

The nature of the uppet

To improve the intestines, give the dog boiled carrots, pumpkin, zucchini. Dairy products in the animal's diet should be unsweetened. Every day the dog should receive vegetable oil with food. Thanks to him, the hair of the pet becomes shiny and silky. As a rule, veterinarians who help create a diet for whippet observe a proportion of 75/25, where 75% are protein foods, and 25% are porridge and vegetables. Once again we remind you that you should not overfeed your pet, because overweight negatively affects the general health of the animal and its development.

Finished feed

If there is no possibility or desire to cook daily for a dog, then today you can feed it with ready-made feed for industrial production. But in this case, you need to choose premium formulations that are designed for active dogs. Veterinarians recommend giving preference to the following products:

  • Frolik (Russia).
  • Pro Pac (USA).
  • Chicopee (Canada).
  • Bewi-Dog (Germany).
  • Happy Dog - Croq (Germany).
  • Alder's (Germany).

Today, special feeds for representatives of the Whippet breed have not yet been developed. Choose compositions for shorthair dogs.

Whippet character

Affectionate and very gentle, balanced and infinitely devoted - this is how you can briefly characterize this dog. In the description of the breed and the nature of the whippet, many breeders note that this dog desperately needs the attention, care and love of the owner. She seeks to spend all her time with a person. Of the existing greyhounds, Whippet is recognized as the most affectionate. The dog tries to take part in all household chores and whenever possible demonstrates how much she loves all family members.

These dogs are friendly and calm to children. The greyhound should feel their understanding and even respect. Very young children, sometimes perceiving an animal as a toy, drag a dog by the tail, ears. In this case, the whippet does not show aggression, does not offend the baby - just goes to a secluded corner.

Extremely wary and even unfriendly, these animals belong to strangers. A properly raised dog in such a situation shows cold restraint. He looks at people who are well-known and close to his family more friendly. In describing the breed and nature of the whippet, many researchers emphasize that these dogs need early socialization. If this is not done, your pet can grow up nervous and timid.

Whipp on a walk

Most borzoi and hound dogs are pack animals. They can hunt or coexist peacefully in the company of their own kind. Due to the developed hunting instinct, representatives of the breed cannot be left alone with small animals, including small dogs. The dog can regard them as game and immediately start hunting.

Whippet is not a fan of barking about and without him. You will hear the voice of your four-legged friend only when a stranger appears. Representatives of this breed can reach speeds of up to 64 km / h. Dogs quickly accelerate from a jump and rush forward at full speed. In order to keep his pet in good physical condition, he should be given the opportunity to run after a mechanical hare. This will allow excessive energy to splash out and maintain muscle tone in excellent condition.

Whippet is very fond of his masters and does not tolerate separation. This is a very sensitive and vulnerable breed - the greyhound suffers when you have to stay at home alone, painfully perceives screams and scandals in the family. It can direct excess energy to small pranks, damage to furniture and home decoration, for example. Interesting toys or a second pet save from loneliness.

Whippet breed reviews

Despite the fact that mini-greyhounds appeared in our country at the end of the last century, today these animals remain quite rare. In large cities, there are already noteworthy nurseries offering purebred and healthy puppies.

The owners of these animals warn everyone who wants to make such a four-legged friend that you should first study the characteristics of the Whippet breed to determine how suitable this dog is for you. It is also necessary to do this in order to avoid acquiring a puppy of a different breed, which unscrupulous breeders sometimes sin. And of course, there can be no question of buying a puppy in bird markets.

According to the owners, it is impossible not to admire whippets. These are ideal dogs that get along wonderfully with children. They are devoted and attentive companions, smart and quick helpers on the hunt. They are suitable even for people who previously did not have experience in dog breeding. The advantages of such pets are:

  • Attractive appearance.
  • Devotion to the owner, lack of aggression.
  • Lack of a specific smell.
  • Easy care.
  • Attitude towards children.
  • Possibility of maintenance even in a small apartment.
  • Resistance to many diseases that are typical for greyhounds.

Owners of whippets and animal flaws are noted:

  • Waywardness.
  • Developed hunting instinct.
  • The need for daily long walks.
  • The dog does not tolerate cold and damp weather.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21885/

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