The status of a poor family: how to get it, the size of the allowance, the necessary documents and conditions

Any society implies a certain social structure, where some families may be more prosperous in material terms, and the incomes of others not even reach the minimum size established by the state. In the current economic situation in the country, many are interested in what is the status of a poor family, how to get it.

In accordance with Russian law, there is a special category of citizens who need additional social support based on unfavorable housing or financial conditions. Today, those families where the average material income per person is below the subsistence minimum established in the region can receive the status of the poor. Therefore, in different regions of the Russian Federation, families with different incomes can be recognized as poor. They are entitled to subsidies, benefits, additional social payments. Therefore, many citizens who find themselves in difficult financial situations are trying to formalize the status of a poor family. How to get it and who can claim it - we will consider in this article.

status of a poor family how to get

Which families can be recognized as poor?

Such persons whose income is less than the established subsistence minimum per person and it does not allow them to cope even with basic payments:

  • pay for housing and communal services;
  • purchase a universal consumer basket;
  • purchase necessary personal hygiene items and seasonal clothing.

On the basis of regional and federal programs, a certain financial support is allocated to such a family, with the help of which the population can acquire everything that is necessary to meet basic necessities of life.

How to get the status of a poor family in Moscow

The status of a poor family: how to get it?

  1. You need to know the size of the living wage in your region.
  2. Calculate the income of all members of your family. Only official sources are taken into account here, for example, salary, scholarship, allowance, pension.
  3. If the total income, after its separation into all family members, is less than the subsistence minimum established in the region, it is worth collecting a package of documents. It includes certificates confirming the amount of income, and statements proving the composition of the family.
  4. To apply to the department of social services of the population in your region with a statement on recognition of the poor family and attach the collected certificates.
  5. Wait for the decision of the commission after considering the submitted documents.

Previously, it was possible to submit documents only to the department of social services, today the list of institutions where it is possible to obtain the status of a poor family has been expanded. You can submit a document through the MFC, the unified Internet portal of the State Service and through the services of the Single Window or My Documents. They allow not only to submit documents for consideration, but also to resolve the issue of how to obtain the status of a poor family in the shortest possible time. Data processing in such institutions is fast.

where to get the status of a poor family

What difficulties may arise?

If the question of how to obtain the status of a poor family in Moscow or another constituent entity of the Russian Federation is easily solved by many citizens - it is enough to collect documents and apply to the appropriate authorities, then it is precisely with the collection of these certificates that there are difficulties. The most common problem is the lack of knowledge of citizens about where you can draw up a document from a mandatory list.

For example, a certificate of family composition can be issued at the passport desk of the housing and communal services. However, it is worth remembering that if people live or are registered in various places, you will have to draw up several such statements. Also, all documents must be processed promptly, as they have a limited validity period.

How to get the status of a poor family in St. Petersburg

The question that arises most often when they draw up the status of a poor family is how to get a certificate of financial income. Such a document is required to be provided to all persons over 18 years of age. If there is an official place of work, it will not be difficult to do this, it is enough to contact the accounting department. But what about those who do not work? Full-time students apply to their educational institution, persons receiving benefits - to social protection institutions, those who are on the stock exchange - to their organization, those who do not have a job, provide their work book.

Documents required for registration

In order to receive social program benefits, you must first acquire the status of a poor family. The necessary documentation for applying for the status of a poor family:

  1. Originals of passports of all family members who have already reached the age of eighteen. It is recommended that you prepare copies of documents in advance. If there are minor children in the family, originals of birth certificates must be presented.
  2. A document on the full composition of the family. This certificate confirms the relationship between family members who apply for benefits as a poor family.
  3. Certificate of financial income. Must be provided by all family members, with the exception of persons under the age of majority.
  4. Details of the bank account or savings book of the family member who will receive the benefit.

What documents may be required additionally?

How to get the status of a poor family in Russia

There are a number of additional requirements that must be met in individual cases:

  1. If the family includes preschool children, it is necessary to submit a document from the place of the institution they attend.
  2. Providing a document from the institution where schoolchildren are studying.
  3. If the family includes people of retirement age, you must provide the original pension book.
  4. If a woman has the status of a single mother, then it is necessary to provide supporting documents, as well as information about the transfer of alimony, or their absence.
  5. To make a final decision, the commission has the right to request a number of additional documents: certificate of divorce, death, etc.

Assistance to low-income families: conditions, amount of benefits

There is no fixed amount established by the government that would operate throughout the Russian Federation. The amount of assistance depends on the region of residence and the accepted subsistence level. It should be understood that the monthly allowance is paid from regional funds. Therefore, if the methods of how to obtain the status of a poor family in St. Petersburg or another region of Russia are similar, then the amount of material assistance can differ significantly. In addition, new amendments are adopted every year and new social programs appear, within the framework of which new aspects related to security are provided.

how to get the status of a poor family in the shortest possible time

Helping low-income families with children

So, for example, benefits and allowances for providing children in low-income families will be provided to address the following issues:

  1. Free food.
  2. For young children, preferential meals in the dairy kitchen.
  3. Preferential use of public transport.
  4. Free lunch at school.
  5. After the submission of reporting documents, it is possible to return the money that was spent on a sports uniform for physical education.
  6. Admission to a higher educational institution.

There is a social program under which a lump sum allowance can be transferred to the recipient's account. As a rule, this happens when you need to spend a considerable amount to prepare a child for school, or to enter a university. There is support for pregnant women who are not able to provide themselves with a balanced diet. It is worth noting that families with the status of the poor have the right to apply for a monthly allowance only after the birth of their third child.

assistance to low-income families

Estimated figures

Despite the fact that in each case the amount of the benefit is calculated on an individual basis, it is still worth noting a number of universal rules, based on which the amount is formed. So, for example, if the average profit indicator is less than the minimum for the region, then a payment of 150 rubles is relied on each member of a poor family. In addition, once a year there is a one-time transfer in the amount of 1,500 rubles.

If the family has small children, then a monthly transfer of 450 rubles is made to the recipient's account. Also, low-income families can be transferred a lump sum in the amount of 1000 rubles. Additional financial subsidies are given to low-income families, which include members of retirement age or with disabilities requiring specific care.

It is worth noting that additional subsidies are relied on to provide for children under 18 years of age. They do not apply to maternity capital payments or payments at birth. If upon reaching adulthood the child continues to study at a higher institution, then the subsidy may be extended to 23 years.

Speaking of the Moscow region, monthly payments for families with small children vary from 1,500 to 4,500 rubles. Thus, a single parent with a child aged from one to three years is entitled to a monthly payment of 4,500 rubles. In order to clarify the information on the expected payments, you must contact the department of social services at the place of registration. It is important to understand that all sizes of benefits depend on many circumstances, primarily on the financial condition of the family and the number of members, including minor children. Depending on the situation, according to the decision of the authorized bodies, additional subsidies may be allocated to a poor family.


Before getting the status of a poor family in the Russian Federation, citizens need to find out the minimum living wage in their region. After calculate the average amount that goes to one person per month. When calculating income, only official income is taken into account. If the average indicator is less than the established one in the region, you can collect a package of documents and submit them to the appropriate organization with a request for recognition of the poor family.


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