What are the breeds of horses: name, description, photo

What are the breeds of horses? Each of them is beautiful in its own way, because these animals delight primarily with its grace and nobility. There are true horse connoisseurs for whom each breed is an art that brings aesthetic pleasure.

What are the breeds of horses?

New types of horses arise due to the work of special breeders. These professionals know everything about the appearance of horses, their physiology, as well as their character. When breeders work on a new breed, they pay attention not only to its appearance, but also to its capabilities. After all, a good horse is valued not only for its beauty. It is important that the animal can overcome obstacles well and run fast.

Still important is the manner of movement in gait or gallop. It also takes into account how obedient the horse is and how well it can be trained. Nowadays, there are a large number of different breeds, they are very different. Let's try to understand this variety.

The best breeds of horses

Specialists distinguish breeds that deserve the title of the best. They are not only attractive aesthetically, but also hardy, strong, obedient. In this article we will consider the most beautiful breeds of horses that attract with their appearance and their skills.

Vladimir heavy truck

Vladimir heavy truck was withdrawn back in the Soviet Union. The breeders of the Vladimir and Suzdal regions tried to do this. The horse is distinguished by its endurance, as well as a calm character. She has a very beautiful appearance, so the local people really like her.

Horses of this breed are characterized by a strong neck, a wide torso, as well as muscular beautiful legs, which are decorated with a white trim. Vladimir heavy truck is very playful and can run fast. Keeping such a horse will not be difficult, because it is not picky about food and conditions. Today it is almost on the verge of extinction, so it can be attributed to rare breeds of horses.

Vladimir heavy truck.

Persian arab

According to researchers, this breed existed in the second millennium BC, and its homeland is Persia, known today as Iran.

Representatives of this breed have a very powerful physique. It can be easily recognized by its silky hair finish, which gives it a sophisticated and elegant look. She also has a very long swan neck. Horse growth can reach 150 centimeters. She fell in love with her stamina, energy and agility.

Welsh Pony

This is one of the representatives of ancient breeds of horses. The mention of the Welsh pony can be found even at the time when the Roman Empire existed. Nowadays, there are three types of animals of this breed:

  1. Mountain view - he has the smallest growth.
  2. The average view.
  3. Welsh cob are horses that play polo. They can reach 150 centimeters at the withers. The breed was bred by crossing the best riding species with Arabian horses. They also have proven themselves in racing.
Welsh pony.

Fjord horse

The breed is famous for its clean generic lines. Her homeland is Norway. The reliable origin of this horse is currently unknown. Researchers suggest that it existed three thousand years ago. This is because the animal is very similar to the samples that were discovered in ancient cave paintings.

The horse perfectly retained its characteristics and color. In most cases, its representatives are of Bulan color. The fjord horse has a good disposition. She is very strong, but also reliable. Even in our time, it is used for transportation of goods, as well as for riding.

Fjord horse

English heavy truck - shire

This is one of the largest horse breeds that exist. In height, they can reach 220 centimeters. They have a very ancient origin. Specialists claim that this genus originates from Roman horses. And they, as you know, were good fighters and helped with the housework. The name of the breed comes from the English word, which translates as "county".

The breed itself is heterogeneous. There are large horses, the sizes of which are really surprising, suitable exclusively for slow movement. There are also massive representatives who participate in field work or transport cargo.

The English heavyweight is characterized by large growth and massive chest. On their legs they have white hair stockings.

Iberian breed

The Iberian breed hails from Portugal and hot Spain. Also applies to ancient breeds. It was she who served as the basis for many new species. For example, a pony, appaloosa.

The appearance of the horse will not leave anyone indifferent. It is famous for its grace. She can often be found in bullfighting and other show shows.

Two species of this breed stand out:

  • Pure Portuguese.
  • Pure spanish.
Iberian breed.

Hannover horse

The first representatives of this breed arose in the seventeenth century. It was bred in Germany. Now the Hannover horse is considered one of the most numerous breeds, which is distributed throughout Europe. Thanks to her external and β€œtechnical” data, she is a frequent guest at sports competitions.

Surprisingly, the breed was not brought from the best and most beautiful livestock. They crossed it with Arab representatives. And now her appearance can be called perfect. In some ways, the influence of Asian horse breeds, as well as purebred English, can be traced.


The Holstein horse is also famous for its ancient origin. It is believed that this is one of the oldest breeds of horses in Germany. It was bred in Prussia, and selection work was carried out in the thirteenth century.

Previously, the Holstein people were involved in farm work, as they were distinguished by their endurance. But the breeders worked to improve the species, and so the breed turned into a horse. Now she can be seen participating in crew race competitions.

Holstein horse.


This breed was bred in Russia in the twentieth century. Breeders wanted to produce an animal that would do an excellent job of transporting goods, and would also be suitable for horse riding. But over time, it began to be used for military purposes. She also participated in various sports.

The Budennovsky horse has a very beautiful appearance. Her disposition is calm, good-natured. In addition, she is very hardy. Among other breeds, the Budyonnovsky horse can be recognized due to the fact that it has a bright red color. She now takes an active part in sports competitions.


An unusual breed, the birthplace of which is the southern part of our country. It was bred by the Don Cossacks. It can be recognized by its beautiful red color. The breed itself is very hardy, with excellent health, so its representatives live long.

These horses took part in the Russian-Turkish war. They were used as a heavy horse breed. They are also great for horse riding. The growth of these horses can be 160 centimeters.

Many call this breed universal. This is due to the fact that it shows good results in all kinds of equestrian sports, in circus art, rally and tourism business.

Oryol trotter

The Oryol trotter is a breed of horses that is the real pride of domestic horse breeding. Count Grigory Orlov took part in its breeding.

It happened due to the crossbreeding of various breeds of Eastern and West European horses. The result was a graceful, beautiful horse, which has a very kind disposition.

Oryol trotter.


In order to know what breed of horses there are, in addition to those listed, we present to your attention an Arabian breed.

Such a horse is the most expensive. Among others, she stands out as the best indicator of endurance. It was bred in the fourth millennium BC.

It can be recognized by its concave head, amazing large eyes, as well as a protruding tail. The horse is fertile, can live up to thirty years, and this is a record figure, if we compare the breed with others. It is distributed around the world. Participates in equestrian sports, skating, in races and attends shows.


The Akhalketa breed captivates with its appearance and abilities. The first horses were bred about five thousand years ago. Modern Turkmenistan is considered their homeland. The breed became famous due to the fact that it has the purest roots of riding horses. She is a recognized world standard.

This breed fell in love due to its ability to adapt to different climates. This is a very fast horse, and also hardy.

Outwardly, you can recognize her by the fact that she does not have a mane. In the sun, the hair shines brightly, so it seems that it is glowing. Thanks to these external features, the animal cannot be confused with another breed. Representatives of this breed are temperamental as well as frisky.


Also known as the "black pearl". This is the nickname given to her by the locals. In many ratings of the best breeds of horses, the Friesian horse takes first place, which is not surprising, because it is impossible to look away from him.

His homeland is the Netherlands. The horse is famous for its physical capabilities, as well as for its amazing appearance, a special feature of which is the unusual hairiness of the legs.

Friesian horse.

A few words in conclusion

Horses are graceful animals that have always been people's best friends. They helped with the housework, participated in wars, and also brought victory to their masters. Their appearance cannot but admire: muscularity, beautiful smooth lines, proud posture, courage and speed riding - all these qualities delight many horse lovers.

Now you know what kind of horse breeds are, and which of them are the best.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21893/

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