Sign "One-way traffic". The action of the sign "One-way traffic"

Moving around a well-known city, the driver knows exactly which street how to do it. It is also difficult for someone who has recently appeared in a village to move without errors; he very often can find himself on the streets with an unusual form of traffic. Such streets include, for example, those on which the movement of vehicles occurs in one direction. Where should the “One-Way Traffic” sign be located, what are the requirements for life on these streets, and what is the responsibility for non-compliance with them?

one way sign


Index 5.5 indicates the carriageway or road, the movement of which the law permits exclusively in one direction. Placed before the start of the road. It is acceptable not to use in the following places:

  • The sign "One-way traffic" is not needed before the congress at the intersection of various levels, thoroughfares, traffic on which is unidirectional.
  • At the beginning of a one-way road, divided by a boulevard (or marking on asphalt) with a carriageway with multidirectional traffic; with separate tracing.

The “One-way” sign is reused only if the road was interrupted by an intersection with an intricate topography.

Departure signs are placed at the exit points on the road with unidirectional traffic. Positioned above other signs, on the same support. It is permissible not to set up on exits from sites that can only be reached from the same road.

End of the road

The sign "End of one-way traffic" informs motorists that the rules of the ordinary road with a multidirectional flow continue to apply. Lanes on which movement in opposite directions is permissible are indicated by 5.15.7. It is placed near the end of the one-way flow.

Thus, having found the sign 5.6, we can consider the left side of the road a lane for moving oncoming vehicles, unless otherwise indicated by signs.

one way road sign

Sign on the opposite side

When you try to turn onto a one-way road, you will find a sign called simply “brick”. This means that all types of vehicles are prohibited in this direction. If there is no sign on the opposite side, driving is permitted. The action of the "brick" does not apply to public vehicles.

To understand what to do with route vehicles, you should study GOST. It says that the "brick" indicates the prohibition of entry by an ordinary vehicle, while public places require a different sign.

Dedicated lane for public transport

Sometimes the “single-threaded” road is equipped with a dedicated lane for oncoming traffic for public vehicles.

The pointer looks like a one-way sign. The picture is supplemented by the image of the bus. This means that public vehicles are allowed to move towards the stream. Cars should not go to this part, otherwise you may get a fine.

one-way traffic

Driving rules on “single-threaded” roads

Not every motorist is ready to adequately respond to the sign "One-way traffic", because he does not understand how to leave for this section. Ignorance of such maneuvers can lead to violations. It’s easy to protect yourself from punishment: you should study all possible options for movement.

The easiest way to move, requiring no maneuvers: the road with multidirectional flows goes unilateral. Continued movement required.

If you can get to the place where the “One-way traffic” sign is located by making a right turn from the intersection, this should be done in the same way as in normal circumstances: by changing lanes to the far right. After completing the maneuver, driving is acceptable on both sides of the road.

If the sign "One-way road" is on a left turn, you must act similarly to the previous description. But before the start of the maneuver, it is required to change lanes to the leftmost lane. The territory of the initial movement can be divided by tram tracks, then you need to turn from them. This should be done only in cases where other signs prohibiting such maneuvers are not placed. The motorist making the turn must be careful not to interfere with the trams.

Public utility vehicles fall on the allocated part in a similar way. It is important for the vehicle driver to ensure that he does not appear in the oncoming lane of the same vehicle.

one way traffic sign

Stop and parking

If the “One-Way Road” sign is placed, parking and a stop require certain knowledge. This is especially true for drivers who are accustomed to park the car in any way, interfering with the movements of other vehicles.

Decree No. 1090 states that stopping the car and parking is possible if there are no prohibition signs or objects near which such a maneuver is unacceptable (intersections, stops, markings, signs, pedestrian crossings, etc.). If a road adjoins the road, it is strictly forbidden to park the car in other places.

The SDA explains: if the right side does not have a curb, it is permissible to leave the car from the very edge of the road or, if other conditions allow, to park on the sidewalk.
The law allows you to leave the car on the left side of the road with unidirectional traffic permitted. It is important to know: stopping the vehicle or parking in this way is permissible only within the boundaries of the settlement. And only if there is no tram line. Trucks, whose weight is not more than 3.5 tons, cannot park on the left - only a stop is allowed for unloading / loading of goods or other cargo.

If a one-way road contains an oncoming lane for the movement of public vehicles, then on the left side of the road you can not stop or park for anyone.

one way sign


There are several ways to leave the road, at the beginning of which the “One-way road” sign is placed.

The simplest and most natural way is to go straight. It is required to move in the same lane, obeying the markings on the asphalt.

Turn right where the action of the sign "One-way traffic" is completed, is not difficult. You need to move to the right lane, making sure to be on the right lane after completing the turn.

Left turn is the most difficult situation. There are probably a lot of mistakes and violations. The difficulty is that the movement becomes multidirectional only after the intersection. Prior to this, the movement remains one-way. So, to turn left, you need to change lanes. But to complete the maneuver is required in the right lane.

It is important to remember that the right lane of the carriageway, at the beginning of which the “One-way road” sign is set, is intended for vehicles that turn right or continue straight ahead.

one-way traffic sign picture


Car enthusiasts are often lost when you need to reverse when driving on one-way roads. Pointers and markup do not regulate such actions, since in most cases it is forbidden to "back off" by default.

So, you can’t move back at the intersection and in areas where a U-turn is prohibited.
SDA indicate that a U-turn is prohibited:

  • In the tunnels.
  • At the railway crossing.
  • On a zebra for pedestrians.
  • On the territory of public transport stops.
  • On bridges, overpasses and under them, overpasses.
  • With a viewing range of less than 100 m.

Starting reversing where the “One-way” sign began, it is necessary to make sure that the maneuver is safe for others. If circumstances require, the driver should ask for help from others.

The rule applies when the visibility of the road is limited. For example, when reversing from a personal yard, when the fence makes it difficult to assess the situation. Upon departure, the assistance of a second person is required. It can be a friend or just a passerby. Independent travel in conditions of limited visibility is considered a violation.

You cannot turn around on a one-way road, but you can “back off” if there are objective reasons.

The reason for the backward movement is parking, detour obstacles and similar situations.


Drivers who have not finally figured out the nuances of moving on a one-way road may disagree with the traffic police representative, feeling innocent. In addition, they may consider that the largest punishment is a fine. Sometimes the inspector is able to act incorrectly, taking advantage of the lack of awareness of the motorist. It is necessary to understand what punishments can await where the road sign "One-way traffic" is set. SDA provides for liability in the form of a fine or forfeiture of rights.

The most serious violation is moving towards the stream. Since such driver behavior increases the likelihood of getting into an accident, the most serious punishment is a fine, the amount of which is 5 thousand rubles, or deprivation of rights for 4-6 months. Such liability is indicated in part 3 of article 12.16 Administrative Code.

Those who after the first violation did not realize the importance of observing traffic rules should study part 3.1 of the same article, which refers to the responsibility for re-traveling against the one-way road.

For a secondary violation, the inspector may select rights for a period of 12 months. If the violation of traffic rules is recorded in a place where there is a sign "One-way traffic", with photo or video equipment in automatic mode, a fine of 5,000 rubles is imposed. Thus, fixation by equipment is luck in this situation.

If, when turning from a road on which there is a lane for public vehicles, it is possible to call on it, the traffic police will draw up a protocol, which will result in the need to pay a fine of 500 rubles. In some cases, a warning may be given.

If moving in reverse without good reason, a fine of 5 thousand rubles may be exacted. or confiscation of rights for 4-6 months. If this is done at the intersection, then a violation of Part 2 of Art. 12.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, for which a fine of 500 rubles is imposed.

If a private car moves in the same lane for public transport in one direction with it, he will have to pay a fine of 1000 rubles. In Moscow or St. Petersburg, this fine will be 3,000 rubles.

sign area one-way traffic

Driving at a gas station

Drivers do not look too closely at the signs installed at gas stations. And therefore they can violate traffic rules by driving under a "brick".

Sign 5.5 indicates the carriageway or road that is allowed to move in one direction. Gas stations are not part of the road. So, if the inspector of the traffic police claims that part 4 of art. 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, its actions are unlawful. In this case, it is necessary to require the drawing up of a diagram on which it will be seen that the driver was moving not along the roadway, but along the adjacent territory.


There may be many nuances when driving and maneuvering on a one-way road. In order to protect yourself as much as possible from fines and violations, and others - from the possibility of getting into an accident, it is necessary to carefully study traffic rules, strictly observing all the requirements set forth in them.


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