Norms of morality as a regulator of social behavior

The moral component of a person’s personality is not present in itself. These qualities need to be educated, and best of all since childhood. By assimilating from an early age, “what is good and what is bad”, as a child grows up, he can already draw conclusions about his own and others' actions, giving them a positive or negative assessment. However, in the case of an inadequate perception of reality, a person may not see the line between moral and immoral acts, moreover, he changes their places.

Norms of morality are a subjective concept. Epoch, state regime, religion matter. Looking around at the history of mankind, one can see that what was once considered the norm is what is now unacceptable in a civilized society, for example, the Inquisition, corporal punishment and slavery. And at the same time, at present in Russia there is a decline in morality compared with the era of the Soviet period. Often it turns out that in an attempt to impose certain moral norms on the people , the state itself violates them, and subsequently society, breaking free from moral oppression, is embarked on "all the hard way."

Conscious citizens are encouraged to develop in themselves and in children such
moral values ​​like compassion, kindness, conscience, duty, responsibility,
dedication. Unfortunately, when faced with brutal reality, many people lose these qualities over time.

If moral standards are an internal regulator of behavior, then legal norms affect society from outside, imposing certain sanctions on violators. As a rule, legal norms are documented. The rule of law proclaims the will of the people, the state takes control of their observance, but it establishes the punishment and executes it.

The ratio of legal and moral norms is manifested both in general terms and in differences. They are united by a focus on improving society by regulating social relations. The differences lie in the fact that legal norms are regulated by the state, and moral standards, firstly, are not documented, secondly, they are not based on the rule of law, but on the power of public censure. Violation of moral standards is not punishable by law, but it can cause condemnation of people around us, as well as society as a whole, and in addition, cause aggression from the environment. Also norms
morality is wider in the area of ​​its operation, because in no legal act
concepts such as honesty, chastity, devotion, love for one’s neighbor are spelled out.

Here we must also mention such a social phenomenon as religious
norms. After all, they are a source of moral and spiritual values. IN
depending on religion, a person is a follower of one or another
norms, however, in countries where religion holds a leading place, compliance
sacred precepts are necessary, whereas in non-religious states they
are only advisory in nature. Norms of morality, or commandments, are a guide to action for highly religious people, while people who are far from faith may not pay attention to them at all, with the exception of commandments that overlap with the rules of law, for example, “Do not kill” or “Do not steal.”

Many people call the situation in modern society “degradation” and
urge people to spiritual perfection. However, as mentioned above, history develops in a spiral, therefore, modern youth can hardly be called a lost generation. Of course, the moral character of a person depends on himself and his entourage, but nevertheless, the state should also participate in the moral revival of society, but now this is happening only in words.

I would like to believe that moral standards will be stronger than modern trends propagated from TV screens and from Internet pages.


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