Veniamin Caverin "Two Captains" - summary

Veniamin Kaverin is a Soviet writer, author of many books, including the wonderful novel “Two Captains”. The summary of this work, of course, does not give a full impression of the adventure plot. It is always better to read one day in full than to review a concise retelling a hundred times. But when you just need to refresh the memory of the main points of the work “Two Captains”, then the summary of the story will help in this.

two captains summary
The main character of the work “Two Captains”, the summary of which is presented here, is Sanya Grigoryev. The boy hears well, but is absolutely unable to speak. They live with their sister Dasha and their parents in Ensk on the river bank.

It was here that a dead postman man was discovered, in which there was a bag with letters. In the evenings, residents read these letters aloud. One of them was from the polar explorer from the expedition - it subsequently played an important role in the fate of the boy.

The letter was addressed to his beloved wife by the polar captain. Little Sanya decides to find the missing expedition, reveal its secret, also become a captain, only air.

The book is therefore called so - “Two Captains”. A summary of the beginning of the story is a description of the difficult childhood of the protagonist. Sani's father, accused of an imperfect crime, dies in prison. Stepfather torments all members of the family, as a result, the mother dies.

They want to send orphans to a shelter, but Sanya and his friend Petya Skovorodnikov flee to Turkestan. The boys have to endure a lot, hiding from checks and round-ups, but still Sanya gets into the dispenser for street children, and from there he is transferred to a communal school. The meeting with Dr. Ivan Ivanovich became a gift for Sani - he learned to speak.

The following chapters in the story "Two Captains" Kaverin devotes to growing up a hero, the emergence of first love, friendship and betrayal.

Sanya accidentally gets into the house of Nikolai Antonovich Tatarinov - the head of his school, where he meets Katya - his first love.

The intricacies of the destinies of people whom the author brought to the same house — Veniamin Kaverin — are amazing. “Two Captains” - a work not only adventure, but also deeply psychological. The story reveals the story of the Tatarinov family - strange and confusing.

It turns out that Katya’s father, the husband of Maria Vasilievna, is the captain of the schooner “St. Maria ”, who went on an expedition to the North in 1912. At this time, the family lived in Ensk - in the homeland of Sani. The expedition was lost; communication with the polar explorers was lost.

two captains caverns
Nikolai Antonovich is the cousin of the captain - a polar explorer, he has long and unrequitedly in love with his brother's wife. After the recognition of the head of the family as missing, the widow and daughter move to the house of Nikolai Antonovich. But, despite the claims of a fan, Maria Vasilievna remains faithful to her husband's memory.

Being again in his hometown, the young man visits acquaintances. He re-reads those old letters and realizes that the letter he remembered as a child was addressed to Maria Vasilievna by her husband. The decisive role was played by the intimate signature “Montigomo Hawkclaw” - that’s the name Katin jokingly called himself - Ivan Lvovich, talking to his wife. Now Sanya takes an oath: by all means, he must find answers to all questions.

Benjamin Caverine Two Captains

Indeed, it follows from the letter that the Northern land was discovered by I. L. Tatarinov, that the captain’s brother supplied equipment for the expedition, which proved unsuitable, and this caused the expedition to die.

After the public denunciation of Nikolai Antonovich, Sana'a is forbidden to come to the Tatarinovs. After some time, Sanya learns that Maria Vasilievna committed suicide - Nikolai Antonovich had already become her husband by the time the secret was revealed. Thus, Sanya seemed to be an involuntary killer.

Nikolai Antonovich convinces everyone that Sanya slandered him that this slander had defeated his wife, that the young man was a liar, a villain and a murderer. His first love, Katya, turns away from Grigoryev.

Sanya enters a flight school in Leningrad, works at the factory. Here, at the Academy of Arts, his sister and her husband Petya Skovorodnikov are engaged. Sanya still seeks his appointment to the North.

helicopter pilot
Grigoryev heard rumors that a former friend of Romashov had made Katya an offer. The young man is going to Moscow. But, performing one of the tasks, Sanya falls into a snowstorm and makes an emergency stop. There he finds a hook with an inscription confirming that this thing from the schooner "St. Maria".

Having systematized the collected information, Sanya decides to make a report in Moscow, but the slanderous material about him on the pages of Pravda, fabricated by Tatarinov and Romashka, prevents this.

But Sanya with the help of Korableva reconciles with Katya, learns that she is forced to marry Chamomile. And Katya leaves home (she works as the head of a geological expedition).

As a result of a long and stubborn struggle, an article with excerpts from the navigator’s diary is still published in the newspaper, Sanya marries Katya, and they eventually settle in Leningrad.

Sanya takes part in hostilities with Spain. Fate again confronts him with his former friend Camomile. He throws the wounded comrade, taking his weapons and documents. Met Katya, the scoundrel lies to her that he carried Sanya out of the environment, but he disappeared.

Sanya manages to escape, recover. He has been looking for Katya for a long time. During a combat mission, the pilot finds the body of Katya’s father, his reports and farewell letters. In 1944, already with Katya, the captain was resting in Moscow.

Here in court, Sanya testifies in the case of Romashov, makes a brilliant report on the missing expedition. Tatarinova N. A. expelled from the Geographical Society. Justice which triumphs once in the story “Two Captains”, a summary of which is presented here.


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