How to plant jasmine in spring? Planting a bush in the country

Probably many in their lives have heard about jasmine. Basically, this flower decorates the home windowsills of apartments and houses. But this shrub loves to grow in the wild. In particular, many gardeners grow it on their sites. It happens that some people confuse jasmine and mock orange. Plant care is the same, but there are differences in appearance and origin. In the first, the flowers are much larger and more fragrant. So, let's look at how to plant jasmine in the spring, and also learn all the subtleties of caring for it.

Briefly about the main thing

To get started, let's look at more information about jasmine. This shrub came to us from the Mediterranean countries. It is grown for decoration, and also used for medical purposes. A bush with a large branched crown grows. It blooms very beautifully in white or yellow. They have a pungent, but pleasant and sweet smell. To date, there are many subspecies of this plant, so the shape and size of the buds depend on this. The plant is unpretentious in care and adapts to any weather conditions. Coexists easily in the shade or in the sun, in the south or in the north. The plant is able to withstand severe drought and heavy rain. This flowering shrub is loved by bees. They collect pollen and nectar from buds. Jasmine has its own unique features, which you should also be aware of.

how to plant jasmine in spring

What is the peculiarity of jasmine?

As soon as fresh buds bloom, a large amount of essential oil is formed in them. It has a beneficial effect on human libido. The main parts of the essential oil, such as benzyl acetate, benzene alcohol, jasmone and other ingredients, have one main feature - they restore sexual function in the human body. From jasmine flowers, you can prepare a decoction that will help you restore digestive function. Also, with its help, you can easily remove toxins and improve blood circulation. Here is such a seemingly ordinary flowering bush, but hides a lot of useful functions. No matter what kind of jasmine decorates your site, they all have healing properties. Having planted such a shrub at the cottage, you will get a unique decoration that will guard your health. It is worthwhile to figure out how to plant jasmine in the spring and why it should be done at this particular time of the year. But first, consider the available varieties of this magnificent flowering shrub.

Varieties of jasmine

On your site you can grow the following types of shrubs:

  1. Small-leaved. Shrub grows small. Its height reaches only 1 m. The branches are large, curved, with terry leaves. Flowers have a pronounced aroma of strawberries.
  2. Coronary vulgaris. This is a large variety of shrubs. Its height can reach three meters. Large white flowers have a sweet aroma. It will delight you with its beauty from the beginning of June. Leaves are green with a yellow-golden color.
  3. Fluffy. Ideal for large plots or a city park. Among all representatives of jasmine, this is the highest. Its length can reach 4 meters. It has no smell at all. Also this variety is the latest. It can bloom for a month.
  4. Ermine Mantle. This bush does not reach a height of one meter. Flowers are located along the entire length of the branches and can please you for two long months.

These varieties are considered the most popular. They are in great demand. The plant can be chosen for every taste. Everything will depend on your preference.

jasmine planting in spring

Proper planting of jasmine

In order for the shrub to grow well, you need to plant it correctly and continue to produce constant care. All varieties of jasmine are planted equally. Let's look at what is necessary for the favorable growth of the bush.

  1. You need to choose the right place. Since jasmine is an unpretentious plant, it will take root anywhere. The main thing is that there are no strong drafts. They prevent the bush from growing in the first 2 years of its life. Better if you choose a sunny place for him, then jasmine will be fragrant and bloom to you for joy.
  2. The plant will look good on a flower bed next to blue and purple flowers, such as dolphiniums or lavender.
  3. Jasmine gets along well with neighbors such as hydrangea or spirea.
  4. It can be planted only in autumn or spring.

We are interested in planting jasmine in the spring. Let us examine this question more specifically.

jasmine home

What should be the soil?

As we said earlier, jasmine is an unpretentious plant, so it does not have any special preferences in the ground. But it is better if the land is fertile. Jasmine roots do not tolerate excessive moisture. It is better to plant the plant on the hills. Before planting, it is worthwhile to provide drainage, which will consist of sand and small stones. To plant jasmine in the spring was successful, about 50 grams of nitrophoska should be added to the hole. Once the shrub has been planted, the soil should be well packed and spilled with water. Now you should carry out constant fertilizer of jasmine.

Fertilizer rules

How to plant jasmine in the spring, we have sorted. Now let's pay attention to plant nutrition. Here are some tips:

Tip 1. The first fertilizer should be produced only a year after planting the plant in open ground.

mocker care

Tip 2. Jasmine should receive mineral fertilizers. One of these is prepared according to the following recipe: in 10 liters of water you need to mix 50 grams of superphosphate, 25 grams of urea, 25 grams of potassium sulfide. The fertilizer is thoroughly mixed and the bush is watered with it.

Tip 3. Jasmine should receive in the right amount and organic fertilizer. These include manure or humus. Here, one rule should be observed: so that the roots of the plant do not burn, the manure is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15.

Following such simple advice, you will get a plant in your garden of amazing beauty that will delight you with its pleasant aroma. Now we know not only how to plant jasmine in the spring, but also how to fertilize it properly. But this is not the end of plant care.

Shrubs crown formation rules

How to cut jasmine in spring, every owner of this wonderful plant should know. In order for the bush to have a beautiful and well-groomed appearance, you need to form the correct crown.

how to prune jasmine in spring

It is worth familiarizing yourself with some basic pruning rules:

  1. It is worth pruning in spring when the plant is in the vegetative stage. Long branches are removed completely, short - half.
  2. So that the branches are always filled with flowers, it is worthwhile to carry out anti-aging pruning. All unnecessary and empty branches are removed.
  3. In an adult shrub, the main trunks should be shortened to 50 cm, the rest completely.
  4. Every year, be sure to sanitize the bush, in which remove excess and diseased branches.

Having figured out how to cut jasmine in the spring, you should learn how to cook it for winter.


Jasmine home needs the same care as street. However, the latter must be constantly, every year, prepared for winter. If this is not done, then the plant may die from low temperature.

varieties of jasmine

To avoid this, it is worth following some recommendations:

  • Adult seedlings tolerate the cold season better and do not require additional preparation.
  • The same cannot be said of young bushes. After the jasmine has flowered, it is covered with a special material or straw. So the plant will tolerate severe winter.
  • To preserve the roots of jasmine, before wintering, the soil near the trunk of the plant is dug up with the addition of compost.

If after a long winter you decide that jasmine needs to grow elsewhere, then you can arrange a move for him.

Jasmine transplant

Jasmine is being transplanted in spring. To do this, they prepare the soil in a new place in the manner known to you and plant a bush. Dig a hole the size of the root system of a plant. Everything else must be done according to all the rules and advice. Also, the plant can be propagated by yourself. There are several ways to do this.


jasmine transplant in spring

Jasmine is a plant that can be bred on its site. This can be done in several ways:

  • The seeds. They can be planted immediately in open ground or seedlings.
  • Cuttings. They are harvested in June. Then planted in a greenhouse or immediately into the open ground.
  • Shoots. In the spring, they start to shoot. They are cut from the main trunk. Escape choose the strongest. They give him wintering, and next year they plant him in the place allotted for him.
  • Division of the root system. This method is used extremely rarely. This method is used only when they want to quickly grow another jasmine bush. This method is only relevant in the autumn.

In the article, we examined how to plant jasmine in the spring. Use this information as a desktop memo and you will be able to grow a jasmine garden. The main thing is not to confuse absolutely two different plants - jasmine home and garden. They are completely different from each other and require a different approach. Remember, jasmine is not only beautiful, but also healthy. Want to improve your health? Then you simply must have this miracle plant in your area.


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