What is homespun cloth?

Homespun cloth is strikingly different from modern natural materials produced by machine. It is made very differently, adhering to ancient technologies that have been passed on to family members for generations. Moreover, the methods could change, falling into new hands in order to improve the quality of the result. But the belief in the forces of nature, embedded in the fabric, has never faded away, and is still warm among fans of Slavic culture.

What was used for

The healing properties attributed to this material, of course, can be exaggerated, but clothes made from it have undeniable advantages over synthetics. However, handmade fabric, in the old days, was used everywhere. Craftswomen decorated it with various patterns, charms, to then present as a gift or save for yourself.

homespun cloth of embroidered

Such homespun linen-embroidered cloth is still very popular, although the technology of material production has changed greatly. And now only the name is left of it, perhaps.

Raw materials

A lot depends on the plant that was used to create the fiber. Those that our ancestors took had similar properties and allowed them to keep their clothes in good shape for a long time. As a rule, flax and hemp were prepared under the homespun cloth. The latter was less demanding in care, and therefore was used as a raw material much more often. By the way, even in our time, wardrobe items from this plant are very popular. And those who once donned a hemp item afterwards cannot switch to cotton or synthetics, considering this to be a blasphemous action in relation to themselves.

homespun cloth


To get a real homespun cloth (photo presented above), you have to use old machines, so now there are less and less masters of this business. The cost of the effort is too high and few are able to pay a similar price for natural materials for tailoring. The manufacturing process is approximately as follows:

  1. Cut hemp is soaked for a while, then the soaked plant is left to dry. When the moisture evaporates completely, the raw materials are again placed in water. This allows you to significantly soften the material for further work.
  2. Next, the stems are rolled out using a rolling pin and divided into fibers, from which threads are obtained after combing.
  3. The future homespun fabric is created using a loom, which requires quite a lot of time, because you need to set the mechanism in motion with your own hands. And no automatism.
  4. The finished material is subjected to a very peculiar bleaching process, leaving it under the scorching sun or in the cold.

homespun cloth photo

As dyes in the old days, only natural decoctions of various plants or fruits were recognized. Therefore, this homespun cloth never shone with a variety of colors, since only gray, brown and green shades were available. However, this dubious flaw was compensated by skillful embroidery.

Benefits for the body

Hemp material was especially appreciated, as this raw material has excellent absorbent properties and has effects similar to thermal underwear (maintaining body temperature in comfortable limits regardless of weather conditions). In addition, it does not irritate the skin at all, despite the external roughness.

Earlier homespun cloth was used for grinding and lotions. However, in some countries hemp tissue is still used for such purposes, and even doctors note its bactericidal properties. Therefore, wearing clothes from these raw materials is not only pleasant, but also useful.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21916/

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