Blue Lake (Tula Oblast): a brief description

Human activity is rarely distinguished by a humane attitude to nature. Especially noticeable is the influence of the technological achievements of mankind at the places of extraction of various minerals. However, there are times when disturbing the landscape adds to the surroundings' attractiveness. The unique blue lake (Tula region), popularly nicknamed "pants", appeared due to human intervention in the environment.


It all started back in 1933 from the moment of exploitation of the refractory clay deposit in the Suvorov district near the village of Konduki. In the 30s, almost all work was done manually, and the annual volume did not exceed 30 thousand tons. The mechanization of manual labor has made changes. In the 50s, production increased more than ten times and amounted to 500 thousand tons of raw materials per year.

The peak of production occurred in the 70s of the last century. The rock was shallow, and the development of deposits was conducted in an open way. The waste rock was dug up and stored at the borders of quarries, gradually growing into heaps.

blue lake tula region

The eighties were a turning point. The Suvorov mining department ceased to exist, leaving behind canyons, gorges and bulk mountains. Over time, individual quarries were filled with groundwater and meltwater, and today have turned into blue lakes (Tula region, Suvorov district) with an unusual relief.


Man-made miracle did not go unnoticed. Numerous outdoor enthusiasts enjoy visiting these places. On a vast territory you can find more than one blue lake. The Tula region is distinguished by the fact that its lake system is not uniform for all water bodies. This is a rarity for central Russia.

Lakes have their own characteristics and differ:

  • a shade of water, from delicate turquoise to deep blue;
  • depth
  • coastal composition: there are sandy, clayey, mixed;
  • the height of the dumps and their color;
  • the presence or absence of vegetation on the banks (some soils are not suitable for plants);
  • the presence of living creatures (fish is not everywhere);
  • chemical composition of water (along with fresh water there are brackish ones).


The most famous blue lake (Tula region has several such objects) called Shtany, enjoys well-deserved popularity not only among local residents. Muscovites and people from nearby areas come here on weekends.

blue lakes Tula region Suvorov district

The highest "mountain" reaches 207 meters. The embankments around the quarries have different shades. There are pinkish, beige, almost white or black, gray, brown, with orange blotches. Some in their structure resemble rocky massifs.

Places of stunning beauty can not but like. From a large number of people you can go deeper into the forest belt and find small ponds, completely virgin. They do not always have access by transport.

Most of the small ponds are located in the forest, which managed to grow after the closure of the mine. This is the merit of the local rangers: they try to plant trees on the slopes, strengthening the coast. Sometimes plants do not take root, there are dumps, in principle, not suitable for plants. In the general landscape there are amazing places, more reminiscent of an alien planet.


Sunny summer weather is the best time to visit the blue lakes. The Tula region (how to get through, the navigator will tell you, just enter the coordinates into it: north latitude 54 * 4'34 ", east longitude 36 * 30'16") is not so large as not to find this interesting object. Itโ€™s easier to get through Tula along the Kaluga highway. Further, on the district to turn to the Manor. Route P-139 will lead to P-95. You need to drive through Nesterovo (a small village), and then Suvorov. After Bezovo it is better to ask the locals for directions, they will tell you how to get there better.

In addition to swimming, visitors come fishing, picking mushrooms, taking pictures, picnicking in the pine, some manage to get a beautiful sand to their summer cottage.

blue lakes Tula region how to get there

It is especially beautiful in autumn. The mixed forest against the backdrop of blue lakes and a bright blue sky resembles a color explosion. From such a riot of colors is breathtaking. Spoil the rest can rainy weather. Everything around it becomes slippery and dirty from clay. On dirt roads, cars sometimes cannot drive.

Those who have ever been here claim that no weather can spoil the experience of visiting this corner of nature. Most tourists repeatedly return to the blue lake. Tula region is a great alternative to long trips on summer weekends for residents of the cities of Central Russia.


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