Simon's rules. 5 rules of Simon in the cop

It is unlikely that one can now find a person who would not know what the COP is. This team shooter was released more than ten years ago, but still has great popularity. He became the prototype of other games of this genre, however, none of them could surpass the COP. Many gamers who are fans of this project still play the very first version of the game, which has far from the most impressive graphics. Those who decided to move on have a great chance to move to the COP: GO. In fact, this is an old game in a new cover and with certain nice additions. Many people play in the COP, but not everyone knows what kind of modes can be used there. They are not told anything by the rules of Simon and the concept of Jailbreak, that is, "Prison Break." But this is all quite accessible to every player.

Game modifications

Simon rules

If you are interested in Simon’s rules and the opportunity to try the COP from those sides that you did not even suspect about, you need to understand what a modification is, a game mode. Each computer game is a finished product that has its own rules, conditions, characters, and so on. Sometimes this is not enough. And then either the developers or the users themselves create on the basis of this project small additions that diversify the gameplay, allow you to look at the game in a new way. Similar small projects are very popular. This is especially true for games such as COP, where there is no specific plot, but there is room for improvement and improvement. That is how various modifications for the COP appeared, the rules of Simon and much more.

Game modes in the COP

old computer games

It's no secret that Counter Strike has one of the most important mode, which is used by almost all players. Participants are divided into two teams - terrorists and counter-terrorism. Each team has its own weapons, skins for characters, and most importantly - their goals. Terrorists are trying to plant a bomb in specially marked places for this, while counter-terrorists are trying to stop them. A round ends in four cases:

  • if all terrorists are destroyed by their opponents;
  • if all counter-terrorism are destroyed;
  • as well as if the terrorists managed to plant a bomb and prevent it from being cleared;
  • or the bomb was planted, but the counterterrorists neutralized it.

This is a very exciting mode that allows you to show both individual abilities and teamwork skills. However, it is worth noting that there are other modes that are simply in the shadow of the main one. For example, people can agree on a duel in which only knives will be used or it is forbidden to use sniper rifles. However, it is much more fun when the regime changes almost the whole essence of the game - it adds the rules of Simon and other participants. These rules apply to the Jailbreak mode, which in Russian means “Prison Break”.

"Jail break"

Simon's rules in cop

Old computer games very often limit the player in his abilities. Therefore, gamers themselves have to come up with something new. This is how “Jailbreak” came about, because it is, in fact, a rethinking of the game itself, and not some kind of modification. It’s just that other roles are given to the players in the standard design of the COP, specific rules are established, which are followed by everyone who takes part in this action. Prison Break is a mode in which a COP card is turned into a prison. There are guards, prisoners, as well as Simon, whose rules were discussed above. In this mode, it is worth focusing, since it really deserves it. Old computer games, such as cops, are very often modified in this way. But much less often, such modifications become widely known. “Prison Break” is one of the most popular game modes that absolutely everyone will like.

Role distribution

jailbreak simon rules

You are most likely eager to find out what Simon’s rules are in the Constitutional Court, which have already been mentioned more than once, but about which so far little has been said. But first, you need to get a general idea of ​​this mode and figure out who Simon is. So, all participants are divided into two teams. The first, which in the original game would be counter-terrorism, is the guard of the prison, while the terrorists assume the role of prisoners. But at the same time, the very Simon is chosen from the guards - their boss, who is the key and determining figure in the whole process. But what does it affect in the "Prison Break" game mode? Simon's rules are a specific charter that both prisoners and security guards are required to comply with. Simon has certain powers. They allow you to both kill prisoners and transfer the guard to the rank of prisoners for disobedience.

Who is Simon?

5 rules of simon

As mentioned above, the maximum authority is transferred to this particular character, and on their basis 5 rules of Simon are formed. In different interpretations, they can be different, their number can vary, but they always remain the main ones. Both guards and prisoners are required to comply with them, but Simon himself must understand his responsibility. He must not exceed his authority and must act according to the rules of the game. Otherwise, he may lose his position. The concept of "5 rules of Simon in the COP" has long been a household name. Moreover, in most cases there are ten rules, and indeed their number is not fixed.

Simon's rules

5 rules of simon in cop

What are these rules by which the game is played? 1 rule of Simon - each order should be given with a countdown. That is, Simon gives the task to prisoners, after which the countdown begins, so that everything is as honest as possible. The second rule, which has already been mentioned: it is impossible to give impracticable orders, as well as those tasks that will lead to the death of prisoners. In accordance with the third rule of Simon, he can transfer the guard to the rank of a prisoner. In the event that he violated the rules or did not comply with orders, as already mentioned. Thus, the charter of the game is formed, in accordance with which its process is conducted.

Game process

1 simon rule

Now you should understand who the prisoners are, the guards, and most importantly, Simon. But what is the gameplay? How is everything going? So, Simon gives a specific instruction to the prisoners, which they must fulfill. The directions correspond to the mechanics of the game. That is, Simon cannot order the prisoners to fly, because this function is not provided for in the Constitutional Court. The last one to complete the task, the guards shoot on the spot. The prisoners have two options: they can either follow the instructions and try to stay alive, or raise a riot and try to defeat the guards and Simon to escape from captivity.

Ending game

Now that the game has become clear, you need to figure out how it can end. If we assume that the prisoners will not take any illegal actions, but will strictly follow Simon’s instructions and not come into conflict with the guards, then there will be only one arrestor, the most dexterous and agile of all. And then they give him the opportunity to decide how the round will end. That is, he actually receives the rights of Simon, only in the extended version: he can order the guards to shoot each other and then he will get out alive. He can also come up with something more original, that is, the ending depends entirely on the survivor. But there are times when prisoners decide to raise a rebellion - then brute force determines everything. Whoever overcomes the enemy’s side won. The prisoners here are not in the most favorable position, since they cannot plan an organized uprising, and someone may not support him in the hope that he will remain the only survivor. In general, this mode is very exciting, unusual and unpredictable.


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