What is street style? Fashion trends street fashion. Street style in celebrity clothing

Times change, but fashion does not lag behind. Take a look at the photos of today's celebrities, who are increasingly abandoning elaborate outfits in favor of convenience and coziness. Street clothing dominates the wardrobe of stars, politicians and other media personalities. In a way, this is a challenge to morality, everyday life and the grayness of being. To differ from others, you no longer need to reinvent the wheel, just relax your own boundaries. What is the so-called street style expressed in?

Street style

In contrast to expensive brands

A very long time ago, in the sixties of the twentieth century, the style of street fashion began its development and a rapid climb to the top. Street fashion balanced the pathos of glamorous trends and incredibly expensive labels. Being the best of all has become boring. It is not surprising that an abscess of general intolerance towards overpriced prices and a universal style was revealed precisely in the UK, whose prim inhabitants still give to give a classic five-hour tea party. English youth simply rebelled. A similar wind of change swept over Japan, where photographer Shioshi Aoki was gaining popularity. What was unusual in his photographs? Custom cartoons that gave rise to the fashion of Japanese street traffic. Street fashion in Japanese was based on absolute freedom of thinking and denial of rules.

street style clothing

Street geography

Each country in the world offers its own understanding of street fashion: in Japan, these are girls with doll-porcelain faces, pigtails and white socks. An extravaganza of color, contrast and purity are welcome here. Europe offers restraint and the lack of fanciful accessories. Colors rather protective - khaki, gray, lilac. More freedom in silhouettes, street style implies convenience and emphasis on one's own personality. The garment of the people around you should not matter. You do not go after fashion, but do it.

street style in clothes

What about us?

Russia only recently began to abandon stereotypes, finding attractive European style. Street clothing in Russia is not perceived as separate. Rather, it is a mix, eclecticism, a combination of seemingly incompatible things that, in total, give an exclusive. Those who prefer a street style in clothes do not have to stand out, so the image of such a mod is perceived easily and unconstrained, so that later you can find a response in your thoughts. How can you recognize them in a crowd? Pay attention to the people who get high from life! It is convenient for them to ride a bicycle, jump rope, sit on a bench in the park. These people do not depend on the opinions of others and nothing prevents them from doing what they want. Down with office skirts, trousers with arrows, lace blouses and ties! What do we see in street style magazines? Photo of such hipsters, combining blouses of delicate colors with sports jeans, effectively torn on their knees. Cycling gloves, baubles and dark glasses complement the look. Hair is most likely loose or bundled so as not to interfere. Accessories that make you comfortable! Pendants that are dear to you, bracelets with ornate weaving and, of course, bags to feel confident in any situation.

street style celebrities

Search for yourself

Are you tired of following the call of fashion designers? Then this is your topic, which sharply denies the rules of the podium. The street style has no clear boundaries, nationalities and recommendations, but like a sponge it absorbs elements of popular subcultures and develops with them. Such a large niche could not be missed by companies creating fashionable clothes. The street fashion clan is pampered by brands: Obey, Bape, Supreme, Addict, Cheap Mondey and many others. There is already a good time for trendy bloggers to appear. And what fashion will celebrity ignore? The skillful mix of vintage and democratic things captured media personalities. What do they wear?

Top Democracy

More recently, even the ubiquitous jeans have been the subject of street fashion. And well-known brands quickly recognized where the wind was blowing, and adapted to the needs of a potential audience. Now, street giants from the catwalks are brought to the masses by such industry giants as Armani, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana. What are the main fashion trends street fashion offers to our attention today? Of course, the canons are dictated by the fashion capital - the famous Milan. Here people think in advance all the nuances of their outfit for the day, so as not to freeze. In the trend, colors close to neon, for example, turquoise, fuchsia, scarlet and orange. And how unusual accessories are valued here!

street fashion

Street style foggy London

There is less pathos and pretentiousness, although the famous English restraint is recognizable in everything. The street style of celebrities is demonstrated by Miroslava Duma, who was the first to pay tribute to the rich blue color. Neckerchiefs, elegant handbags of strict geometric shapes are in trend. Street fashion is closely intertwined with sports, but allows the inclusion of unusual textures. If you want to blend harmoniously into the atmosphere, create an image with grunge jeans, a large belt and a T-shirt with a bright print. A slim blouse and platform shoes add femininity . Well, a rare Englishwoman will appear on the street without a handbag.

Street shocking

The mood of the city cannot be understood unless one penetrates into its very heart. And the heart of the city is its streets; a whisper of passers-by, smiles of urban fashionistas, the smell of rain and wet grass, lines of your favorite poems and songs. The images of the street are far from the usual and prim, although individualism is often compared with shocking. Vivienne Westwood, who opened an informal clothing store , was once considered a rebel. And now the Westwood dress honors the wardrobe of any fashionista. Kate Moss, who became famous for her wasp waist and anorexical collarbone, neglected the limits of pseudo-decency and was the first to combine English chic with things found on the market.

street style photo

Wear a jacket with shorts? Or a vest over a shirt? Easy, most importantly, to be comfortable! Agness Dane is another example of how a celebrity's street style is used. On her miniature figure, the leather jacket is becoming more intelligent, and the sneakers are in harmony with the skirt. Do streets accept neatness and starched collars? Of course not, so the edge lines are often torn, clothes can be wrinkled. Long live the asymmetric cut and freedom of movement! Another ardent adept of street style is considered to be Selena Gomez. A bright brunette knows how to present herself at a fashionable party, but in everyday life she does not bother herself with stilettos and dresses. The leggings and juggins that Selena loves look cute and natural, especially in combination with uggs and funny t-shirts. Her colleague Miley Cyrus chooses denim shorts complete with tops and thin cardigans. Miley competently plays with multi-layering, creating the street style of the 80s. Do not be afraid to lose your zest in the struggle for style. The images of celebrities are an example of this, because they work from morning to night, remaining fresh and smart. Be inspired by their example - and you can become a muse for yourself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21928/

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