Basic rules of behavior on the street

The rules of good form are not easy science, not without reason many books and journal articles have been written about it. From an early age, young children are instilled with good manners, taught behavior at a party, in public places. Much depends on the parents, they must first of all be brought up and set a good example for their children.

street rules for children

Street rules for children should be developed and respected not only by children, but also by their parents. Children are a reflection of adults, so you should carefully monitor your walk so as not to do what you yourself forbid to your children.

The most important thing is to learn and constantly repeat with the kids the rules of safe behavior on the street, this will guarantee that in a serious situation the response to it will be correct. Each time crossing the road, ask the child to say how he will cross it. Repeat the rules for traffic lights and zebra crossing if there is no traffic light.

Also explain that there may be people in the crowd who might need help crossing the road. The child should know that older people and people who find it difficult to cross the road without the help of others exist, and he should give them all possible assistance if he sees such people in the crowd before crossing.

safe street rules
Few people know that the rules of behavior on the street show a person from all sides. It is on the street that we meet people unfamiliar to us, and they are the most objective critics of the upbringing of each person. Strangers do not know us, unlike friends and acquaintances, therefore they evaluate it solely by their appearance and actions. Therefore, before going out, carefully look in the mirror, from there a neatly dressed person should look at you. If it is autumn or winter, then all the buttons on the coat should not only be sewn, but also must be of the same style and not different from each other. Shoes should be washed and cleaned if the structure of the fabric on the shoes allows. In general, there should not be something that will attract to you the disapproving views of others.

Many girls and women are not indifferent to stockings, therefore, so that there is no embarrassment, it is worthwhile to buy and wear spare stockings in your handbags, since any clue can ruin the most tidy look.

Rules of conduct on the street instruct not to eat while walking. Firstly, it is not cultural, and secondly, it is unhealthy. Eat should be in the designated places, and not eat on the run. There is also the moment that, being in a crowd, you can inadvertently spoil clothes both your own and a person standing nearby with food . An educated person will never allow such cases.

street rules

The rules of behavior on the street also dictate that you can not talk loudly and actively gesticulate when talking with the interlocutor. The conversation of two or more people on the street should be almost intimate, such a conversation should not distract and attract people around. The rules of behavior on the street categorically prohibit sorting out relationships, this not only does not color the conflicting ones, but also makes people passing by feel uncomfortable. A scream can just scare them.

On the street, always think about others, and you will always have time to think about yourself at home.


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