Street LED floodlight with motion sensor. Specifications

Outdoor LED floodlight with motion sensor can be used to solve a wide range of tasks. The most effective is its use at night in protected areas. The combined use of an LED spotlight for street lighting and a motion sensor can significantly save electricity to owners of private houses. The inclusion of emitting LEDs occurs in automatic mode only as necessary.

Operating principle

Motion sensors that control the on / off LED spotlights for street lighting can be infrared, ultrasonic or microwave. They can be integrated into the general fixture together with a searchlight or have a separate articulated arm. There are models that use remote sensors connected to the spotlight with an electric cable of a certain length.

spotlight option

Ultrasonic and microwave sensors use the Doppler effect. Ultrasonic detectors operate in the range from 20 to 60 kHz. The operation of microwave sensors is carried out at a frequency of 5.8 GHz. In the absence of movement in the zone of their action, the frequencies of the waves emitted by the sensor and the waves reflected from the obstacle coincide. At the output of the control device there is a signal close to "zero". The searchlight is off.

When a moving object appears in the field of view, a "shift" in the frequencies of the emitted and reflected signal occurs. The control device generates a signal that turns on the LED spotlight for street lighting.

Infrared or pyroelectric motion sensors detect dynamic temperature changes in their scanning area. The optical principle of tracking temperature changes from its background value in the infrared wavelength range is used. Each change is recorded by a pyroelectric sensor. At its output, a signal appears that controls the inclusion of an LED streetlight with a motion sensor.

Features of each type of sensor

Motion sensors using the ultrasonic principle are not affected by light and ambient temperature. They remain operational in conditions of high humidity and dust. Stable response occurs with a sharp movement of the object. There is a possibility of skipping slow and smooth movements. The disadvantages include a short range, low sensitivity.

Microwave - microwave - sensors can operate in conditions that are independent of ambient humidity, temperature and light. Sensors have high sensitivity and track minor movements. They are able to "see" objects behind non-metallic obstacles. But too high sensitivity often leads to false positives. Fine tuning of sensors after their installation is required.

Infrared motion sensors are triggered by any dynamic change in ambient temperature. It can be both the result of detecting a moving object in the observation zone, and the influence of external extraneous factors: convection of heat when heating objects, precipitation in the form of raindrops. There is a high probability of a false inclusion of an LED spotlight.

Key Specifications

Street LED floodlight with motion sensor is a combined device. It consists of an LED spotlight designed to illuminate the required area, and a motion sensor that determines the moment the illuminator is turned on. The technical characteristics of the LED floodlight has each of its components.

The main features of an LED spotlight include:

  • power consumption, measured in watts (W), which determines the degree of illumination of the required area;
  • radiated luminous flux measured in lumens (Lm);
  • light scattering angle determined by structural elements;
  • instrument supply voltage;
  • Colour temperature;
  • IP XY protection against dust and moisture.

When purchasing a LED streetlight with a motion sensor, it is necessary to know in advance the area of ​​the territory necessary for lighting, the conditions in which the device will be used. Perhaps you may need to use several lighting spotlights.

Searchlight with sensor

The main technical characteristics of the motion sensor are:

  • sensitivity determining the range of detection of a moving object;
  • maximum value of the viewing angle;
  • the time interval that determines the operating time of the spotlight after the termination of the command to turn on from the sensor;
  • the degree of illumination that determines the conditions for the inclusion of a searchlight;
  • Operating temperature range.

The parameters of the time interval and the degree of illumination are set by adjustment elements on the body of the motion sensor in accordance with the individual desires of the user.

Motion Sensor Settings

Manual adjustments are made after completion of installation work on the installation of a street LED spotlight with a light sensor.

Floodlight design

The main purpose of LED spotlights is the concentration of light flux in a certain direction. This is achieved by the presence of a lens system of mirrors made of high strength materials. The angle of the cone formed by them determines the area to be illuminated. To remove the heat generated during the operation of the LED matrix, a powerful metal fin radiator is provided in the spotlights.

Spotlight on a post

The front surface of the sensors is made of radiolucent material. It is not an obstacle to scanning signals and signals reflected from objects. Inside the infrared detectors is a Fresnel lens system that focuses the received thermal signal from the object onto a pyroelectric sensor system. The resulting signal controls the switching on / off the operation of the LED spotlight.

Manual adjustments for the sensitivity of the infrared sensor, turn-off delay time and light level are located on the rear panel of the sensor. The LED wall floodlight has a special bracket for attaching to a vertical surface.

Areas of use

The use of LED streetlights with motion sensors can significantly reduce energy consumption and save on material resources. Their use is advisable in places of a single visit.

Smart House

They are indispensable in the security systems of warehouses, garage cooperatives, car parking at night. In places of regular movement, their installation is not recommended. Frequent switching reduces the life of the LED spotlight matrix.


The material of the article is intended to familiarize the reader with devices that use the joint work of LED spotlights and motion sensors, working on different principles. The basic parameters that determine the operation of such devices are given. The specific technical characteristics of LED streetlights are indicated in the documentation for each type of finished product. After reading the article, upon acquiring the necessary device, the reader will be able to speak with the seller in a language that is understandable to both.


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