Original bracelets from elastic bands: "July Flower", "Spring"

The classic weaving "Fanny Lum" is bright rubber bracelets. A flower and a chain remain the most popular motifs in the manufacture of original children's and teenage jewelry. Readers are offered detailed instructions with explanations on how to weave bracelets out of rubber bands.

gum bracelets flower

"July Flower"

To make this simple, but very beautiful piece of jewelry, you need rubber bands of violet, white, red, yellow and light green colors, as well as a hook, a clip, and slingshot and rainbow loom machines. To emphasize the chic appearance of the product, you can add green and purple beads to the weave.

First stage

  • Remove the central row of columns from the machine and turn the remaining open sides towards you. Scribble the purple gum in the following order: the first from the third column of the left row to the first column of the right row, the second from the third column of the right row to the first column of the left row, the third from the remaining column of the left row to the last column of the right row. The last gum is thrown on all six columns in the usual way. If you know how to make classic elastic bracelets, a flower woven in this way will not be a problem for you.
  • Crochet the bottom rubber band from the third column of the right row and transfer it to the first column of the left row, the lower rubber from the first column of the left row to the third column of the right row. Similarly, you should weave “Fanny Loom” on the two remaining pairs of columns.
  • Scatter three white gum crosswise, followed by three yellow and three red. Dip the purple rubber bands in the center. Pull the green Fanny Lum through the two central purple gum. Remove the finished flower from the machine and weave another six such blanks in the same way.

Second phase

how to weave flower gum bracelets

As a rule, products for beginners are woven on the slingshot - the simplest bracelets made of rubber bands. A flower is the most technically difficult part of this decoration, so the second stage is much easier than the first. Weave a regular chain of light green gum. As soon as the first loops are ready, drop the lower elastic bands from both columns to the center and throw the first flower-blank on the slingshot. Dip the bottom rubber bands in the center and sprinkle the light green Fanny Lum. Continue to weave the bracelet to the length you need. If you use beads for decoration, leave two light green gum between the workpiece and the bead. Thus, you will soon get a beautiful bracelet made of rubber bands. The flower on the Rainbow Lum loom, woven according to this instruction, can also be used to make original rings.


To create a delicate decoration you will need a “Fanny Lum” of light green, pink, purple and lilac colors, as well as a hook, a clip and two machines: “Monster Tail” and “Rainbow Lum”.

First step

weaving flower bracelets

  • Throw light green gum on all six columns of the Monster Tail machine, twisting it with an eight in front of each column. Put on top the three pink rubber bands with the letter "F", then the lilac and purple ones. On top of all the columns, throw, without twisting, the light green "Fanny Lum." Perhaps the instruction will seem too complicated, however, as soon as you learn how to create such bracelets from rubber bands, a flower with separate petals will no longer be an impossible task for you.
  • Discard from the bottom of the columns the lower green gum in the center. Crochet the rubber band from the center column of the first row and transfer it to the center column of the second row. Insert the hook under all the green loops, pick up another “Fanny Loom” of the same color.
  • Pull a new rubber band through all the green loops, throw the other end of the elastic onto the hook. Remove the green loops from the column, and then all the petals. If you already understand how to weave bracelets from elastic bands, a flower of this level will not be difficult for you. Repeat all the steps of the first step and weave six more such blanks.

Second step

elastic flower bracelet

  • Take the Rainbow Lum machine and sprinkle light green gum on it. Expand the machine and on the last column of the middle row throw a contact light green elastic in two turns. Throw a flower blank in the center of each hexagon. Enter the hook under the contact "Fanny Lum", pick up the upper green gum and transfer it to the column with which it begins; the second - on a column of the opposite row. In a similar way weave all the hexagons.
  • Insert a hook under all the green loops on the last central column of the machine, pick up the green rubber band. Remove the jewelry from the machine and secure with a clip.

As a rule, even restless and overly active children and adolescents can be captivated by such a simple kind of needlework as weaving bracelets from elastic bands. The flower described above can also be used to create a beautiful ring - it is enough just to stretch one green loop of the workpiece through another.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21938/

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