Elk (sculpture), Vyborg: year of creation and where is it located

Many cities have a certain difference in the form of a monument. The famous handiwork of Jussi Mäntyunen is an elk (sculpture). Vyborg is a city famous thanks to this animal with a rich history. This “guardian of order” was established in the Esplanade park.

Life-size in the 1920s, a bronze elk (sculpture) was created. Vyborg, undoubtedly, is associated among residents and visitors of the city with this magnificent forest giant. The master was inspired by its creation by the Karelian-Finnish epos "Kalevala". The figure is very realistic, so when you look at it, you get the impression that you met a real sahata in a forest glade. In addition, the moose seems even larger than it actually is, thanks to a small hill, a granite block and a bronze step.

There is also a legend telling that the monument was erected to the hooter, who managed to save several hunters in the cold winter from a whole flock of fierce wolves. Arising suddenly from nowhere, he began to beat hungry predators with hooves and horns. The moose received a serious wound, but still was able to lead embittered animals into the depths of the forest, thereby saving people. There is also a belief: if you want to return here in perfect health, rub the hooves of the animal.

elk sculpture vyborg

Elk (sculpture), Vyborg: description

So, some details. Moose is a sculpture that Vyborg honors and loves. At any time of the year, many tourists rush to see it. Among the citizens, the monument is also incredibly popular, because it is practically their symbol.

Copies of such moose are also found in three cities of Finland - in Helsinki, Turku and Lahti. However, they were somewhat lost. While the Vyborg monument has become a symbolic symbol of the city. In Turku and Lahti, moose are set on level surfaces, on neatly trimmed lawns in parks. Therefore, they do not seem so magnificent. They look much smaller than their brother. Although their size is not at all small. The same goes for the moose established in Helsinki. He stands on the lawn in front of the museum. But the Vyborg sculpture is located on a hill. Her granite pedestal looks like a continuation of the natural landscape.

This case is a good example of how important the environment is for sculptures. Myantinen’s author’s intention fully reveals the place chosen by the master correctly. And one more serious moment. According to tourists, Finnish animals are very uncomfortable for those who want to take pictures. It is forbidden to trample lawns here. Vyborg moose flaunts against the backdrop of the library. Such photographs look simply magnificent - a majestic forest animal on the background of a white elegant building. The romantic and natural neighborhood in the greenery of the park creates an association with the unity of man and nature.

moose sculpture vyborg address

date of creation

Another important point. It is worth noting the following fact about what constitutes an elk (sculpture, Vyborg). The year of creation in various sources, sometimes, fluctuates between 1924 and 1928. Why is that?

The fact is that it was the date of 1924 that was knocked out on the sculpture itself. The sculpture was made of gypsum by Myantinen precisely then, after which it was presented to him at the Northern Hunting Exhibition. Representatives of the Finnish Hunters Association, which organized it, immediately gave this work the highest rating.

Over the past years, the sculpture was cast four times in bronze. She was brought to Vyborg in 1928. Hence the confusion in the dates. Copies appeared a little later. In Lahti, at the request of former residents of Vyborg - in 1955, in Turku - in 1969 at the initiative of the author himself, in Helsinki - in 1972.

moose sculpture vyborg photo

Purchase History in Vyborg

And now more about the main figure. How did the main moose sculpture appear in the city? Vyborg, as already mentioned, adopted Sukhaty in 1928. This happened thanks to Johann Kisimir von Zweiberg. This man was one of the largest donors of the city in the 19th century. Incidentally, the pharmacy on Red Square, which is still operating, belonged to him. The patron was bequeathed to send funds in the amount of 167,500 marks to decorate the city. The great elk was acquired on them, as well as the statue of the small fisherman of the sculptor Howi and the forest boy of the sculptor Liipola. By the way, both shoky and the boy were able to survive both wars.

monument moose sculpture vyborg

Cases of vandalism

All residents of the city know this monument. Moose is a sculpture that Vyborg has fallen in love with since its inception. Unfortunately, having survived two wars, Sukhaty suffered precisely at the hands of local vandals. Such merciless barbarism at that moment was outraged by all the townspeople. Many even cried, not understanding how someone raised a hand to commit such crimes.

Yes, 1991 is known for dropping an elk from its bronze pedestal. Many argue that this was done because of the coins left by tourists in the hole in the back leg of the animal. Currency at that time was worth a lot. It was in this case that human greed manifested itself.


There is another version about why the moose (sculpture) was dropped. Vyborg chose a seemingly successful address for Sukhaty (Esplanade park). However, after the coup failed, after the announcement of mourning for the dead and the cancellation of the disco, the angry vandals went to break everything and smash it in the park. A moose dropped on the ground then fell off one horn.

To begin with, the sculpture was taken to Sovtransavto. After that - to the shipyard. A lot of people took part in the restoration. Moose immediately began to bring to its original state. On its surface there were a lot of dents and breaks. Those places where it was necessary to weld were outlined with chalk. Next, the welder acted in accordance with the instructions of the sculptor. The latter then took up his work - piercing, stamping, oxidation (coating with a protective film). The sculpture was restored for two months.

The monument was dropped without a granite foundation. The stone remained in place. But the bronze plinth fell along with the figure. However, before that, she rocked a little, loosely standing on granite. That is, the moose was not fixed. Therefore, the plant had to straighten the base of the skirting board and weld a special plate with pins to it. For strength, it was also installed on cement mortar. As soon as the moose returned to its place, he stood there just perfectly. In a word, everything was calculated very accurately.

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Sculpture Fasteners

Thus, the monument turned out to be securely fixed. The sculptor drew ideas for this, looking at the base of the monument to Lenin - rigid, faced with granite slabs. The master observed how the monument was fixed during installation. He marked the powerful pins coming from the base and screwed to the base with the same powerful nuts. There were also made special decks, filled with oil from rust.

moose sculpture vyborg image of the monument


Not only the decoration of the city is still an elk (sculpture, Vyborg). Tourists, of course, are sure to make photos next to it. But there is another famous, unforgettable tradition. People still throw coins into the hole on the back leg of the moose. According to the sculptor, who restored the figure, the holes were in other places located much higher. They were brewed, as they were regarded as traces left from shell fragments. Some of them were even, some were torn. However, perhaps they were left intentionally in order to maintain a microclimate inside the figure. Bronze elk is a hollow item with an iron frame inside. It is subject to climatic influences - condensate must have an outlet. Therefore, the holes were welded, quite possibly, in vain. It will become noticeable only with time.

moose sculpture vyborg year of creation

Past, Present, and Future

In general, today the moose (sculpture, Vyborg) helps to preserve the image of the city in the best way. It reminds residents and visitors of history, of many moments experienced. Also, a magnificent decoration of the city is the moose (sculpture). Vyborg image of the monument protects and stores.

Now the figure is in good condition. However, the combination of bronze and a metal frame should not be forgotten. This is not the best pair in the electrolytic sense. Therefore, the monument may be in danger in the future. In short, sculptures must be monitored and looked after. In this case, Mäntünen’s magnificent creation will not be lost.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21939/

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