Why are Jews smart and rich?

Why are Jews smart? This question worried other nations at all times. Somehow it was customary to believe that the Jews are a smart and wealthy people. Indeed, it is very rare to find people of working professions among the representatives of this nation - builders, railway workers, street cleaners, etc. But there are a lot of Jews whose profession is related to creativity (artists, photographers, poets, writers, designers, singers and producers) or requires highly developed intelligence (scientists, philosophers, chess champions). Yes, even if you just take a look at the statistics of Nobel laureates, then representatives of this people received 20% of the awards, moreover, in completely different industries (in physics, chemistry, economics, and fiction). So why are Jews so smart? Is it really in their blood? Are they really the highest nation on our planet? Let's try to figure it out.

It cannot be categorically stated that Jews are the smartest people. After all, all nations are different and the representatives of each are good in their own way. African-Americans, for example, are great basketball players, and Brazilians are just aces in football. But there are still wonderful and world-famous Americans, Germans, Russians ... We all belong to the species Homo Sapiens, Homo sapiens, and therefore all of us were initially given the same start in the development of our mental abilities, regardless of what national roots we have. However, not so long ago, studies were conducted by Stephen Volkley of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, which showed that the nation in question was smarter than the rest genetically. But why are Jews smart? What and when did it contribute? Several different theories answer this question.

1. Religious. Perhaps the heavenly forces chose the Jewish people in order to reward them with all kinds of talents, in particular, extraordinary mental abilities. Such an answer would suit many people who consider themselves, as they say, believers. But we will argue further.

2. It is no secret to anyone how many Jews have suffered from troubles, persecution, persecution, and repression in their entire history. One version is: β€œWhy are Jews smart? Because neither have a higher coefficient of mental development just because of the long-term persecution, which forced them to hone their intelligence, just to survive. " It is believed with even greater difficulty, because if a father has been honing his intellect all his life for the sake of survival, this does not mean that he will give birth to a more intelligent son than he. Etc. This is nonsense. Yes, and Jews were considered smart long before they settled in Europe.

3. Writer and scholar Charles Murray, in his own way, answered the question of why Jews are smart. He believes that the growth of intelligence among these people happened due to the fact that Judaism has become such a religion in which teaching and learning have become more important factors than observance of all these religious rituals.

4. The Jews themselves, it turns out, are humble people and never claim that they are the smartest, but say that they just try not to be stupid, lead a righteous and, therefore, right way of life. And the reward for all that they achieve is wealth. Moreover, the last for the Jews is the reward given from above, that is, by God (β€œGod” and β€œwealth”, as you can see, the words have the same root), and it consists in the family and good relations with people, and not in money. So, here are four factors that, according to the Jews themselves, help them to be smarter:

- education;

- habits;

- thinking;

- behavior.

Well, another question that worries many: why are Jews rich? The answer is simple - simply because they are smart. That's all. Although no, not all. Wealth in terms of money floats into their hands, as they:

1. Reasonable approach to spending money.

2. Have a normal desire to earn money (and not at all fraudulently).

3. Constantly make savings and make investments.

4. Draw up insurance for cases of illness, force majeure, etc.

5. Moderate in everything.

5. Have a certain philosophy of life (Jewish).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21952/

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