Agra: city attractions, description with names and photos

The most visited tourist city in India is Agra. Its streets and squares cause delight and admiration even among travelers who have seen many unusual places. Agra is beautiful, stately and exotic. It fully reflects the richness of the culture of the Indian people.

This is one of the most amazing cities in India. The sights of Agra are magnificent, unique and colorful.

General information about Agra

The state of India is rich in fabulously beautiful cities that cannot be forgotten after seeing them once. These include Agra, which in the XVI-XVII centuries was the capital of the Mughal Empire. Today this city is the country's largest tourist center.

The resort is located in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the very depths of the territory of North India. Tourists come here from all over the world to see for themselves the beauty and splendor of this place. You can learn the history of medieval and modern India by visiting the sights of Agra (photos are presented in the article).

Residential neighborhoods on the background of historical monuments

A bit of history

Agra in the middle of the XVII century ceased to be the capital of the Great Empire, it was then that the period of its decline began. Repeatedly raids of jats, marches, Persians and Pashtuns were carried out on the city, destroying and devastating it. Many of the survivors fled to other cities.

At the beginning of the XIX century, the British came to Agra, who built a river port in the city, thanks to which the city became the most important industrial and commercial center of India. A railway appeared here, which made it possible to connect the city with Calcutta and Delhi.

In the middle of the XIX century, local residents rebelled against the British, but the authorities suppressed the rebellion by the introduction of British troops into the city. Only after the end of World War II did the British leave Agra.

The city's attractions

Today, Agra is a center of tourism and industrial business. Railway trains are constantly running through Agra, connecting it with other cities. This largest tourist center is saturated with a peculiar flavor and rich in many unique attractions. The city of Agra is famous for fabulous monuments, temples and palaces, numerous tombs of the great Mongol emperors. Here is the Taj Mahal Palace - one of the seven wonders of the world and the main symbol of India, revered throughout the world as the most beautiful building.

The following is a brief description of the sights of Agra.

Taj Mahal

Many people know about this most famous building from the school bench. Millions of travelers come here every year. The symbol of Muslim India is a snow-white mosque and a tomb.

Taj Mahal

One story tells of the creation of the Taj Mahal. She talks about the tender love between the Mughal ruler Shah Jahan and his wife, the beautiful Mumtaz. She died after the birth of their fourteenth child. The emperor ordered to commemorate her beauty the most beautiful mausoleum on earth, comparable in magnitude with the strength of their feelings.

Shah Jahan, even in his lifetime, wanted to create for himself a second similar mausoleum of black marble and connect it to the first using a suspension bridge over the Jamna River. He wanted to meet his beloved wife in the next world. However, this was not destined to happen due to the fact that his son Aurangzeb, who was striving for power by any means, poisoned his older heir brother, and also did not spare his father.

Among the attractions of the city of Agra, the Taj Mahal is the main historical and architectural monument of India.

Fort Agra

Located 20 kilometers from the Taj Mahal, the fort was built by the Indians in the 11th century. At that time, this territory of India was not conquered by the Mughals.

The Red Fort is the last refuge of the aging emperor, imprisoned by his own son. Shah Jahan went out on a moonlit night and in the early morning to the small dungeon balcony and with his watery eyes looked at his creation - the Taj Mahal.

Fort Agra

The fortress, reminiscent of the famous Red Fort in the capital of India, is located on one of the hills of Agra. It was built for fortification purposes. A defensive structure, similar to a whole city, made of red sandstone, was completed. Once upon a time in it were the oldest treasures of the Indian sultans. The fort of India during the Mughal attack was severely destroyed, but in the XVII century it was completely rebuilt by Akbar (Mughal emperor).

The walls of the fortress, built in the shape of a semicircle, are decorated with colorful mosaics and intricate ornaments, as well as fortified towers. The complex includes a mosque, a palace, pavilions, several buildings and a garden of fabulous beauty.

Only a miracle has preserved this fabulous structure to our times.

Tomb of Akbar the Great

This is another important historical attraction of Agra for the whole people of India, located in the suburbs of Sikandra. The most famous and respected Islamic leader in India, Akbar the Great (ruler of Agra), is buried here. He died at the beginning of the XVII century.

Tomb of Akbar the Great in Sikandra

The tomb, which is a real masterpiece of Muslim architecture of the Middle Ages, is located near the city.

Tomb of Itemad-Ud – Dauli

Another wonderful object of Muslim architecture (XVI century), called the Small Taj Mahal, is decorated with marble and Florentine mosaics. In addition, marble slabs are decorated with semiprecious stones.

Itimad-Ud-Daula is a mausoleum built several years earlier than the Taj Mahal. Its impressive mosaics and patterns deserve attention.

Tomb of Itemad-ud – Dauli

Fatehpur Sikri

This object is another unique attraction. Agra. It is located 40 kilometers from the city. An outstanding historical and architectural monument of the Akbar era - the "ghost town" was once the main city of the Mughal Empire. It was during the reign of Akbar I (period 1571-1585). The status of the capital was lost due to the emperor moving to the city of Agra due to lack of water.

It is known both as the City of Mosques of Emperor Akbar, and as the City of Victory. Many ancient legends are associated with it. One of them tells that the emperor really wanted to have a son. To do this, he found a Sufi mystic named Salim Shikhti to help him. At the place where Akbar prayed the sage for his son, Fatehlur Sikri was erected.

Fatehpur Sikri

Rambach Garden

This landmark of Agra, preserved to this day, was created at the beginning of the 16th century by Emperor Babur. From Farsi, the name translates as "Garden of Rest". On its territory there are many trees, arbors and pavilions, canals, fountains and reservoirs.

It is located five kilometers from the famous Taj Mahal. According to the legend, in this place the future emperor Akbar made an offer to his future wife.

The garden is decorated in Persian style. An abundance of sunlight illuminates cozy beautiful arbors located among spreading plants and paved paths. This luxurious garden looks like a real paradise.

Mausoleum of Cini Ca Rauza

This attraction of Agra is severely destroyed, but it retained its forms and lines typical of Persian medieval architecture. The minister and poet Shah Jahan is buried here. This monument (XVII century) was originally a large complex with various structures, but only the mausoleum has survived to this day.

Mausoleum of Cini Ca Rauza

The square-shaped building has neat turrets. The interior is represented by a large hall, decorated simply and modestly. But there are some elements that reflect Persian architecture well. The arches of the mausoleum are decorated with an interesting ornament made of bright colored ceramic tiles.


This article does not represent all the cultural and memorable places of the city. There are a lot of them in Agra.

This city is a relatively expensive resort, accessible only to the middle class and more affluent people. Here are beautiful hotels with excellent service. There are also great local markets where you can buy gifts and souvenirs to commemorate India.

There is no sea, and the waters of the Jamne River are dangerous for swimming, since the tropics with the little-studied microorganisms and dangerous crocodiles living in them are very close by.


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