League of Legends: Syndrome Guide

Today we will take a look at the Sindra guide, one of the strongest magicians in the League of Legends game. It is capable of inflicting high permanent damage, perfectly controlling a group of opponents at once, and also has almost the highest damage among other champions for a single target when using the ultimate skill.


First, consider the parameters that Sindra can count on. The guide in the future will be based precisely on these data, which means that any experienced player should be familiar with all the nuances. If you are just starting your journey in the world of the League, you can safely skip this item and move on, as you are unlikely to notice changes in the characteristics in practice.

guide syndrome

  • Health over 18 levels increases from 523 to 2053.
  • Its recovery increases from 6 to 17.
  • The mana pool is between 384 and 1404.
  • Regeneration of magic 6-19.6.
  • Protective characteristics from physical attacks are 24.7 and increase to 82.5.
  • Spell Resistance 30-38.5.
  • Hand Damage 53.8-103.2.
  • Attack Range - 550.
  • Attack Speed ​​- 0.6-0.8.
  • Travel Speed ​​330.

The syndrome we compose on the guide has high damage from skills, however, judging by the stats, it is a very "subtle" champion. It is on this ratio that the balance of the hero is built.


The next step in the guide is Sindra and her skills. Even a novice understands that the gameplay for the champion is based on the mechanics of skills. Therefore, now we will give you a list of Sindra's skills (season 7). A guide to them will allow you to better prepare for the next match.

  • Transcendence (passive). Increases the effectiveness of all skills at the maximum level. As a conclusion, it is beneficial for the player to fully pump one skill, and only then proceed to improve the following.
  • Dark sphere (Q). In the official description, the word "throws" is used, but this is not so. At this point, with a slight delay, a sphere appears and causes damage to all enemies. After that, she remains in place for 6 seconds, but does not damage the approaching enemies. In addition, this skill is casted on the go and is interrupted only by exceeding the distance to the attack point.
  • Willpower (W). In the League of Legends, Sindra, whose guide you are reading, is one of the few who can use minions not only as a defense. When using this skill, she "grabs" the nearest sphere or small minion and, at the second command, throws it to the specified point. Upon landing, deals damage and slows enemies.
  • Expulsion of the weak (E). Deals damage in a cone in front of you and slightly repels opponents. If at the same time a sphere lying on the ground was touched, then it also pushes to a great distance and stuns all touched opponents. Correctly choosing the angle of application of the skill and a large number of spheres, this skill can stun the entire enemy team at once.
  • Unleashed Strength (R). One of the most powerful ultimates in "LoL". Sindra (a guide to tactics will show this later) deals damage to only one target, but is disastrously powerful and targeted.

Syndra Guide Season 7

Pumping Order

Sindra’s guide has not changed so much since season 6. First of all, you must study and upgrade the Dark Sphere. At 5th level, sphere skills will last 2 seconds longer, which will give you more options to use them.

Then you need to pump "Exile". By reducing cooldown, you can use hard control more often, and when you reach the maximum level, the radius of the skill increases, which will increase the flight distance of the stunning sphere.

The last skill is to improve the Willpower. Of the beneficial properties will be an increase in deceleration force. Since usually only “infalids” fall under this skill, they are not able to move away, therefore, the effectiveness of the skill sharply tends to zero.

The ultimate skill, of course, improves as it becomes available, since it is he who will decide a lot in mass battles.

Alternative boost

This option is almost identical to the previous one. Except that the stunning skill first improves. This option is ideal for players who decide to experiment with this champion and take him on a support role.


The choice of summoners is very limited. The 2017 Sidre Guide ordered us to take "Jump" and "Ignition." However, the effectiveness of this combination is very doubtful. And this is not due to the approach of the 8th season and the change in the rune system.

Sindra is a ranged hero. Moreover, all her skills are aimed at maintaining distance, and the ultimate has a range higher than the auto attack. Thus, to approach the distance of application of "Ignition" is quite disadvantageous and dangerous.

lol syndrome

Therefore, we recommend using the “Jump” in combination with the “Barrier” or “Healing”, which will help you escape not only on the line, but also protect you from enemy assassins in the team fight.

Main runes

As the main branch of improvements should choose "Witchcraft". Most guides advise you to choose Magic Comet as your main talent, but it has too much kickback compared to Sindra's skills. Therefore, we recommend the use of "Summon Fluff". It will allow you to do more permanent damage.

From the first line you can use the "Mana Stream". But this talent only works once a minute. This means that for a medium-long match, it is used 20 times. And the number of effective hits when the mana is really small, and even less. Therefore, we advise you to pay attention to the "Hat of the Absolute." After several uses, this talent will reduce the recharge of ults by another 15% in addition to the CRA from items.

From the second line, you can use "Superiority", which gives a 10% reduction in cooldown. But this talent is very doubtful, especially when using the assembly of artifacts, which we will consider a little later. Therefore, if you are going to fully follow the guide, then try the talent "Speed". It will not only increase the speed of movement, but also add a little AP.

The third line is the final one. Due to the high speed of applying skills, there is practically no choice. Use the "Impending Storm", which gives a constant increase in AR. A “burn” fires every 20 seconds, and a “Walk on Water” is too narrow.

Syndra Guide 2017

Additional talents (1st option)

As the second branch of talent, you can take "Domination". There are several options. For example, you can use Dirty Reception. Sindra has two skills that limit movement, so you can often do extra damage, and teammates will help with control.

Another interesting talent is Eye Collection. At its expense, you can accumulate more AP, which means increase damage.

If you do not have enough survival on the line, take the “Taste of Blood”. This talent works even when dealing damage with skills. Due to the range of skills, problems with the heal should not arise.

The last option is "Ruthless Hunter". It will allow you to quickly move between the lines, which is priceless for a good mid. In general, you can choose any combination to block your own weaknesses.

Additional talents (2nd option)

In addition to Domination, you should also pay attention to the Inspiration support branch. It is especially beneficial to use it in games with a draft pick. What talents are useful?

Hyde League of Legends League

The whole first line. These talents are responsible for the survival of the character.

  • Hextech Leap. Allows you to overcome obstacles in hopeless situations, if there is at least a couple of seconds to prepare.
  • "Cookie Delivery." Free "banks" are not superfluous.
  • "It's about time." The stopwatch works like Zhonya's Hourglass and is necessary for crafting them. It is very beneficial to take this talent if strong initiators like Zed or Fizz are standing against you on the line.

The second line may be useful "magic shoes." There is no particular value, but it will help to save 300 gold in the match. You can safely take it if the enemy does not have good initiators or foresters with jerks.

The last possible talent is Cosmic Knowledge. Gives a precious recharge and increases its maximum threshold. Especially useful for spammers like Sindra. In addition, it will speed up the recharging of Zhonya’s Hours if you collect them.

Artifact assembly

Starting purchases for Star Defender Sindra look the same as for most other magicians. Doran's Ring and a pair of cans for health are the best choices. There is an option to take “Fabric Armor” against champions with physical damage, but this will quickly end your mana, and you simply will not be able to compete with the enemy on the line.

guide syndrome 6 season

In midgame, reloading skills will play a large role in Sindra's tactics. At its expense, you will be able to spam "Dark Spheres" more often, which means to do more damage. In general, you can compile the following:

  • "Sorcerer's Shoes" for magic piercing;
  • "Morellonomicon" will give mana, CRA and regeneration;
  • Zhonya's Hourglass or Banshee’s Veil, depending on the type of protection needed.

By the end of the match you can get the necessary items.

  • If you did not take talent for 10% of the CRA, then you can use the second protective item (Banshee-Zhoni) or Hextech Protobelt with health and additional maneuverability.
  • There is little choice left on the penultimate slot - Rabadon's Death Hat is a must.
  • Slot number 6 needs to be scored with something useful. The “echo of the people” is suitable when using the “Quickness” and the absence of the magical protection of the enemy. In extreme cases, it can be replaced by the "Staff of the Abyss" with 40% penetration.


As for the style of playing for Sindra, it’s all simple. At the beginning of the match, try to harass the opponent on the line and pick him up with the help of your forester. The ideal option is to kill another enemy ally who came to gank you.

If you use the Ruthless Hunter talent, then this is an ideal time for ganks to another line, since the increase in the speed of movement allows. Choose your victim and go for a break and a new stack of talent.

Star Defender Syndrome

In the mid-game, try not to leave your comrades and throw the enemy with "Dark Spheres". If possible, use Expulsion of the Weak immediately to control opponents. If you see that the assassin is trying to get close to you, slow him down with Willpower and leave behind the allies. If you can be helped at least a little to bring down the health of the attacker, and there are many spheres on the earth, then you can try to shoot a squish.

In general, this tactic describes the ideal situation in the game, but if something goes wrong, do not be upset and give up. When playing from the backlog, go to the farm and by the 30-35th minute you can easily catch up with the enemy for the purchase.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21963/

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