Cat or cat: whom to choose for the house?

When you bring a tiny fluffy creature to your house, there is no limit to joy. Little kittens are very touching and cute. Those wishing to have a pet have many questions, including one: who is better to choose - a cat or a cat? Does it really matter? There is a difference, and for some it is very significant.

cat or cat whom to choose

Animals differ in sex with each other as much as men and women. In order not to make a mistake and make the right choice, it is necessary to carefully study the significant characteristics. Only then can we determine with certainty who you will have: a cat or a cat. Whom to choose - the heart will tell. In this article we will consider the main parameters by which to choose an animal - a boy or a girl, and also analyze how the cat's breed and its affiliation with one sex or another are related.

What to look for?

It is believed that females are more affectionate and affable than males. It is said that the cat will be more fond of the owner, while the cat most often seeks to maintain its independence. If you live in a country house where the animal has the ability to move freely, it is wiser to take a male representative. The cat will not bring unplanned offspring, will not burden you with the heartbreaking cries that occur in the female during estrus. In addition, the animal can be neutered so that it does not spoil the furniture and does not mark the apartment. Today, this is not a problem. There are many veterinary clinics. Cat sterilization will cost twice as much, and the operation itself is much more complicated. And this is of great importance.

whom to choose a cat or cat of Scottish breed

Cat or cat: whom to choose? The question is not at all idle. A cat is more suitable for living in a city apartment. The fact is that males have the ability to mark territory, and females never do this. The cat is by nature tidier and tidier, more affectionately communicates with the owner. In some cases, it even looks much smarter: it quickly accustoms to the tray, does not get dirty in the apartment. Keeping the baby in the home is a pleasure.

Home affection

Who values ​​home comfort more: cat or cat? Who to choose and still not be mistaken? Feline nature is such that they become more attached to the house than to humans. At least in society there is a similar opinion. In fact, this is only partially true. The cat has more affection for a particular place. She, like a woman, is the guardian of the hearth. The cat will strive to control all the events that take place, not a single trifle will pass by her all-seeing eye. The cat, if necessary, can escape from the apartment or accidentally jump out onto the landing. The cat is likely to behave as cautiously and judiciously as possible. She has the ability to spend hours looking at items of interest to her. The kitty will strive to examine all the hidden corners of your apartment, look everywhere.

Affection for man

A loving owner, of course, wants the pet to reciprocate. Admittedly, all felines very subtly feel the true attitude towards themselves. For love they pay devotion. If one of the family members treats the pet badly - offends or simply does not notice, the animal will most likely respond with an insult. They cannot be deceitful in front of them: they see and notice everything. Sometimes pets are trying to somehow earn the attention of a particular person. Animals can become moody and even aggressive.

who is better to choose a cat or cat

Cats become attached to humans more. They can easily adjust their lives to the tastes and needs of their beloved master. For example, a pet will not unceremoniously wake you up in the morning, demanding food, even if the food in the bowl is over. She will quietly wait for your awakening and even then will show that she is hungry. Cats are more independent, therefore they are not inclined to constantly bask in the arms of the owner. Most likely, he will allow himself to climb the curtains, rush around the house in search of imaginary prey. The kitty will accompany you everywhere, wherever you go. At the same time, this gentle creature often does everything in order not to give out its own presence, unobtrusively offers a person its company.

British Shorthair

The breed is extremely popular both in Russia and abroad. When purchasing a thoroughbred kitten, you should first analyze your own motives. What do you expect from an animal? How do you see joint communication? Are you going to exhibit, breed?

whom to choose a cat or a Bengal cat

If you just dreamed about this breed and do not want kittens in the future, you should choose a boy. British cats look very impressive, aristocratic. They imposingly lie on pillows and sofas, each and everyone demonstrating their royal origin. Cats are calm, balanced, flexible. If your goal is raising animals, then, of course, you should take a girl. Favorite creatures can be a British cat or cat. The heart will tell you who to choose.

Scottish lop-eared

These cute animals attract attention with the unusual structure of the ears. Few can remain indifferent at the sight of these mysterious purrs. Who to choose: a cat or a cat of Scottish breed? Here a lot depends on your character. It is known that males differ in their wayward character. If they are planning to do something, then be sure that they will carry out their plan in all available ways.

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The females, on the contrary, are very calm and phlegmatic. If anyone will show an uncontrollable tenderness to the owner, then this is a Scottish cat. A cat, which you can choose in a special cattery, will not deliver you such minutes. Most likely, he will be interested in anything, but not the prospect of constantly sitting in the hands of the owner. It is worth taking it for granted and not require the animal to perform overwhelming tasks. Moreover, the cat can also be very attached to you. Simply, he, like any man, will not show his love hourly.

Bengal breed

Many people dream about this pet. A graceful bengal that looks like its wild fellow leopard is simply a masterpiece of modern felinology. It’s impossible to pass by with such indifference. Who to choose: cat or cat? Bengal breed is difficult to confuse with anyone. The bright spotted fur coat of the animal is striking. It all depends on your preference. If you want to have a luxurious muscular animal at home, choose a cat. Bengal is quite large, beautifully complex.

british cat or cat whom to choose

Such a pet will be a good reason for the envy of acquaintances and friends. The cats are somewhat smaller in size, their fur coat is not so bright. However, the darling will be able to bring you offspring after some time. If charming kittens are part of your plans, you should opt for a kitty. In any case, a loving host will never be disappointed.

Cat or cat? Canadian Sphinx

Who to choose in this case? This breed is called "crystal statuettes", attributed to it special characteristics. This animal will behave unpredictably, regardless of who the cat or cat is in front of you. A significant feature of the breed is its complete dependence on the host. This animal cannot be said to live on its own.

cat or canadian sphynx cat whom to choose

Rely entirely on your own taste. Choose a future pet with an open heart, then you will never regret your decision. In any case, the Canadian Sphinx is strongly attached to man. The pet will follow you "tail" and participate in all family affairs.

Psychologist's opinion

Experts argue that the choice of sex of the animal depends on psychological factors. If a woman lacks male attention, she will choose a cat. An unmarried or very young girl is likely to prefer to have a kitty girlfriend. Men are more condescending to female pets, and males, on the contrary, do not like. The character of a person also matters. Active people prefer cats, calmer ones prefer cats. And this is no coincidence.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, it’s great if a cat or cat has appeared in your family. Who to choose is not so important. The main thing is to love the animal, properly and fully take care of it. In any case, the life of the owner with the advent of a pet will become bright and eventful. A small kitten is the same child: you need to take care of it, regularly feed it, and monitor your health.


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