Roof construction: types of roofs and their types

During the construction of the house, much attention needs to be paid to the future construction of the roof, because there are many of its varieties and types. Depending on which option you choose, the functionality of the entire building will be determined.

The roof construction system can be different, depending on the type of roofing materials or geometry. It is conditionally possible to divide all roofs into 2 very large categories. The first includes all flat roofs, and the second - pitched roofs.

Varieties of roofs

types of roofing materials

The process of designing the roof structure of a house requires increased attention, because this element transfers all the load to the rafter frame, the choice of a suitable roofing is in progress, you must also not forget about third-party factors like wind or snow. All this affects the building. Errors during the determination of the slope of the roof and rafter systems affect the integrity indicator of the entire building, so it is important to use clear instructions and norms when implementing them.

Nowadays, there are a huge number of different options for arranging the roof structure. Of course, there may be differences depending on the climatic zone or the materials used for the roof, however, they are all grouped by the following characteristics:

  • the form;
  • number of stingrays;
  • bias;
  • type of carrier system.

A common denominator for all types of roofs can be called a roofing cake and the overlap of the upper floors.

How are the roofs divided by the angle of inclination?

The flat roof structure most often represents an almost flat surface, the slope of which is not more than 5 °. Such roofs are characterized by low consumption of building materials and are used for the construction of utility structures, sheds, arbors or country houses. They do not contain attics, and they can only be insulated from the inside.

Varieties of Flat Roofs

flat roof

The advantage of such roofs can be called the fact that they can be used in the future as a basis for other auxiliary facilities or platforms for people.

They can also be divided into several types of roofs by design :

  • With ventilation. There is a free zone between the waterproofing and the insulation, so that you can get free access to air to the layers of insulation. This helps to remove excess moisture very quickly.
  • No ventilation. It is presented in the form of a sealed roofing cake, in which there is no access of air from outside.
  • Inversion. This is a type of roof structure when the reverse order of the roof layers is applied. This option is considered an excellent solution for creating exploitable roofs or green roofing.

Pitched Roofs

beautiful roof

Such a roof has a slope that exceeds the mark of 5 °. Pitched roofs are conditionally divided into the presented types:

  • Single-handed. This is the most economical and simplest type. It is one plane, which is based on 2 load-bearing walls of the building, which have different heights. Such roofs are most often used for the design of industrial buildings, garages, warehouses and similar premises. They do an excellent job with classic tasks: protect the building from rain and wind. Such roofs are rarely exploitable.
  • The construction of a gable roof has two planes that rely on walls with the same height. With each other, these planes are combined on one of the sides, thus, free space with a different volume is obtained. The sides of the roof are closed by gables that protect the building from the other two sides. Roofs can have different slope and overhang parameters.
  • The design of the attic roof has 2 slopes, however, each of them is placed on two planes that connect to each other at an obtuse angle. Mostly, such roofs are created to obtain a spacious attic. Broken roofs can also be equipped with skylights, which are placed on the top of the ramp.
  • The hip roof structure is equipped with two small and two large slopes. Larger ones unite as gable roofs, however, instead of gables, a side slope descends from the end of the ridge. It is also called hip. In cases where the hips do not reach the walls, it is customary to call such a roof half-hip. Hip roofs do an excellent job with significant wind loads. This design can also be equipped with a skylight. Roofing differs in complexity during design and during creation.
  • Hipped roof. The presented type of roof construction includes a variety of unusual formats that can have 4 identical slopes at the same time, which are combined with each other at one point at the top. Each of the ramps has a triangular shape, so this design is completely symmetrical with respect to all directions. Moreover, each pitched roof can have a different height. The large size makes it possible to create not just a living space under the roof, but also contributes to a simple and quick precipitation. If you live in regions where strong winds mainly blow, then you need to further strengthen this design.

The roof structure of a private house is a combination of a large number of various components, the interaction between which forms an important protective frame for the entire building. If at least one of the components of the structure was manufactured or placed incorrectly, this will significantly affect the life and reliability of the entire building.

Roof systems

pitched roof

Each type of roof consists of a Mauerlat, a system of rafters of struts and supports, which play the role of a skeleton for the entire roof and serve as the basis for mounting roofing materials.

Each component is made from wood. Most often, it is conifers that are chosen, as they are light in weight and have a long service life. Among other things, tar on wood helps to reliably protect it from rotting processes.

The design of the wooden roof contains support for the entire rafter system. Such a Mauerlat is a beam with a large cross section that is located on both sides of the building, located above its load-bearing walls. It is attached to the wall very rigidly using metal bolts, wire or studs. It is extremely important to fix the beam as firmly as possible. It is isolated from the wall using roofing material or any other materials for insulation. This ensures a long service life of the building and its safety. Mauerlat has a thickness of at least 15 centimeters.

The advantages of this solution

roof with solar panels

The roof truss construction plays an important role in supporting the crate, as well as the roof that is located on it. Rafters can be of two types: piling or hanging.

  1. If the construction of the building has supporting walls or partitions, it is necessary to use layered rafters. They are installed at intervals between roof spans of 4 to 6 meters.
  2. If the span is larger than specified, you must place an auxiliary support.
  3. The overhead systems have 2 rafter legs that rest from one side on the Mauerlat, and on the other they are combined with each other and join the ridge beam.
  4. The legs of the rafters in the upper part are combined using a crossbar.
  5. The material that is used to create the layered rafters has a cross section of at least 5 centimeters. The most optimal distance between the two rafters is approximately 1.5 meters. If necessary, under the inclined legs, you need to place wooden supports made of bars.
  6. Hanging rafters are installed in cases where the span of the roof exceeds 7 meters and there are no partitions between the walls. Moreover, they can be used to design the attic floor, when the partition under the rafters will be superfluous. Similar rafters have 2 rafter legs in their composition, which are combined with each other by horizontal puffs attached to the legs using vertical struts and an inclined strut. The presented design does not need additional reinforcements, because at its ends the tightening rests directly on the Mauerlat.

Covering and lathing of a wooden roof structure

The lathing is placed above the rafter system and is necessary to accommodate the necessary roofing. Depending on the chosen roof option, it is necessary to select the appropriate type of lathing.

Types of lathing

There are two types of crates: sparse and solid.

  1. Solid is installed if it is necessary to use rolled roofing materials, soft roofing, tiles or other piece materials. The distance between adjacent boards should not be more than 10 millimeters. It is best to install a continuous crate in two layers, between which there will be a special layer of waterproofing. You can choose roofing material, isoplast, and also other rolled materials. Such a gasket makes it possible to reliably protect the rear from excess moisture and strong wind.
  2. Sparse crate is used if it is necessary to use sheet materials. The most popular types are metal tiles, ondulin, bioline or corrugated board. Due to the fact that the load on individual planks can be increased, it is best to use a bar, the thickness of which will be at least 2.5 centimeters. The distance between such battens planks is not more than 60 centimeters.

In order to increase the lifespan of rafter systems and lathing, you can process all wooden components with the help of special impregnation, which helps protect wood from rotting processes and pests.

Roof installation

On a pre-prepared crate, the selected material for the future roof is laid out. If necessary, you can add insulation as solid materials (extruded polystyrene foam, polystyrene) or soft materials (mineral wool, etc.). An important condition when using insulation is the need to place a vapor barrier layer, as well as a waterproofing pad.

What is a green roof?

green roof

Every day in our world, the processes of urbanization are increasing, the number of cars and skyscrapers is growing, and therefore the "green" world is gradually being squeezed out of our environment.

For a more pleasant and comfortable stay in their homes, people sometimes prefer to draw up a green roof. For this, grassy vegetation or stunted trees were used. This makes it possible to maintain a pleasant microclimate not only inside the house, but also on city streets. Similar small gardens were built during the time of Assyria and Babylon more than 2500 years ago.

Gradually, such a fashion began to spread outside the territory of Asia. European countries, in particular the Scandinavian countries, have very successfully adopted a similar practice for their living conditions.

What is a green roof?

beautiful green roof

The green roof uses soil and various vegetation as the main components. Such a roof can either be partially or fully covered by soil on which its own micro ecosystem will develop. A similar roof consists of the following layers:

  1. Vegetation.
  2. The soil.
  3. Filters
  4. Drainage.
  5. Waterproofing.
  6. Thermal insulation.

There are times when the materials or structure for the roof are different, but this is not significant.

Such a roof can be divided into two types:

  1. Inversion.
  2. Extensive.

Extensive roofing

It is used for temporary residence and is not intended to be walked on. Only in certain areas is this permitted. The soil layer has a thickness of not more than 0.15 meters, so only small plants grow here. Such a roof is most often found with lawn vegetation or mosses, which is contained in special pallets and containers. Plants are selected with a horizontal root system. In its water-saturated state, the roof exerts a load of up to 100 kg / m 2 .

Inversion roof

This type of roof makes it possible to create not only a lawn on the roof, but also a full-fledged garden with various trees. You can even put a fountain with a pool there. Such a roof must certainly have a parapet with a height of 1.2 meters and a soil thickness of 0.2 to 0.6 meters.

Most often, such a roof is placed on public houses, where there are business centers, hotels, motels or restaurants. The significant thickness of the soil and other components of such a roof increases the load on the load-bearing elements of the building. In this regard, the presence of an intense green roof must be taken into account at the design stage of the entire building.

The difference between the types of roofing

Intensive roofing differs from the extensive size of the layer thickness, as well as the location of the insulation. It is not below, but above the waterproofing. This helps protect her from possible mechanical damage.

The extensive roof has the following advantages, compared with intensive:

  • low cost;
  • insignificant load on the bearing systems of the building;
  • easy and accessible content.


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