How to choose a grinding machine: an overview of models and tips from professionals

Grinding equipment is an ideal tool for processing problem surfaces: removing rust from the body of a machine, pipes, cleaning paintwork, etc. In addition, some types of similar equipment can cut brick, concrete, slate, the same pipes and other materials.

The modern market offers a huge range of equipment of such a plan. Experienced consumers already know what exactly they will need in a particular case, but beginners are asked many questions: “What kind of grinding machine to choose for a car, for furniture, for cutting?”. We will try to consider all the nuances that may arise when buying such a tool.

From our article you will learn how to choose the right grinding machine, what to pay special attention to and how not to miscalculate with a purchase. We also give an example of some of the most successful models in different directions. So let's get started.

Features of using the tool

To answer the question of how to choose a grinding machine, first we will deal with some features of the use of the tool. Here we will talk about household and professional appliances. The difference between the first and second is very significant both in price and in capabilities.

Professional equipment

We give a simple example. Answering the question: “What kind of grinding machine to choose for a car?”, You need to know who sets it. If this is a car mechanic working on the stream in the service station, then he needs a professional tool that can withstand serious loads.

The quality of materials in advanced technology, as well as the reliability of components and electronics is much higher than that of household counterparts. In addition, if you need to choose a professional-level grinding machine, then be prepared to look at bulky, as well as powerful models, because a modest-sized tool is simply not able to accommodate a high-performance engine on board.

Household equipment

Such a tool involves work from case to case. If you want to choose a grinder for the home, then pay attention to the small-sized equipment. Such a tool is characterized by less power, lower performance, a modest set of additional functions, but much more attractive in terms of cost.

Household grinding machines are designed on average for 10 hours of work per week. In addition, after 10-15 minutes of work, they need rest for about the same time. You can choose a household type grinding machine if you have your own summer house, a garage with a car, or if you are doing some woodwork, naturally, without looking at the stream.

Next, consider the classification of the tool.

UGSh / Angle grinder (grinder)

This is the most common type of equipment. In people, this type is most often called "grinder". This is a universal grinding machine with a narrow cylindrical body, on the front of which there are attachments for nozzles.

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On larger models, a special handle is provided for a comfortable grip. Most tools have mirror mounts for the grip - for left-handed and right-handed people. Inside the structure there is an electric motor with an angular gear transmission.

The tool can be equipped with special circles, or in another way abrasive disks, as well as brushes for polishing various surfaces. All this is mounted on a dynamic spindle, and the cutting wheels are additionally held by a flange with a nut.

If in doubt, what kind of grinding machine to choose for grinding, then the grinder in most cases will be a universal option. This tool does a very good job of peeling and stripping a wide variety of surfaces.

An angle grinder is used for leveling walls, removing paint, as well as for other construction and finishing works. You can also choose a grinder for the facade of the frame house: remove the protruding elements, trim and smooth the corners, align something, etc. The Bulgarian in this case will definitely not let you down.

Despite the versatility of the tool, in some cases it is still better to focus on the highly specialized equipment described below.

Eccentric (orbital) machine

As the main working tool, a special disk is used here, which is securely mounted on the housing. It simultaneously performs both reciprocating and circular movements. Unlike grinders, polishing and grinding becomes more efficient, high-quality and, importantly, convenient.

what kind of grinding machine to choose for a car

Consumable sheets can be fixed on the sole in two ways - with a special clip or Velcro. The first ones are noticeably cheaper, and more consumables are produced for them. But working with Velcro is much more comfortable, or rather, changing sheets. The whole process takes place in seconds, not minutes as with a clamp. The sheets themselves can be made of felt or foam sponges. Also with this tool, many use fur discs.

The answer to the question of which orbital sander to choose depends on the type of surface to be treated. If you work with wood or plastic, then you can stay on simpler models. With it, you can finish the finished surfaces (paints, varnishes, putty, etc.).

If the question is which eccentric sander to choose for metal and stone, then you will find the answer to it on shelves with powerful, large, as well as expensive equipment. Using in this case a cheap tool for wood and plaster, you just burn it.

Tape machine

On the wide sole of such a tool is a body with an electric motor inside. The working area is usually rectangular in shape. The center of gravity of the equipment is shifted slightly down, which minimizes operator effort. The tool involves working on both vertical and horizontal surfaces.

choose a belt sander

A tape in the form of a ring acts as a snap, which is a sandpaper. Due to the pair of end rollers, the tape is driven and provides not only the processing of the main material, but also the removal of dirt and dust from the object.

To answer the question of which belt sander to choose, you will also need to find out which surface to work with. A serious tool is needed for metal, while less powerful and more affordable in terms of wood and plastic.

Many professionals advise a belt sander to choose for primary, that is, rough processing: remove the putty from the walls, old paint, as well as cleaning windows and door frames from foreign elements. Such equipment will significantly save time and effort in preparing for the final procedures.

Also, professionals are advised to buy a narrow-profile tool of such a plan, and not more powerful - universal. That is, it is better to choose a belt sander on wood and use it for its intended purpose - furniture, windows, floors, etc., rather than splurge on expensive universal options, the power of which will simply not be in demand.

Vibrating machine

Here we have a tool with a soft base, where the body is located with the engine and controls. The unit makes the eccentric mechanism move in a reciprocating manner and acts on the next part of the structure - the sole. The latter spins at high speed and vibrates.

how to choose a grinder for home

Sanding sheets are attached to the body using Velcro or clamps. The advantages with the disadvantages of the first and second we covered above, and in this case they remain the same. The sheets may have a different grain level to process the respective materials.

A lot of “garage” masters ask themselves: “And what kind of grinding machine to choose for furniture?”. Professionals in this field unanimously say that it is better not to find vibration equipment. This is an ideal tool for the final surface treatment: plastic, soft metals, natural stone, finicky furniture as well. If you need to choose a sanding machine for wood, then this is just your option.

In addition, such equipment is very often used in car repair shops for scrupulous bodywork, where gentle polishing is required.

Next, we consider several specific options for the tool. This will help to orientate a little in the variety presented on the market and to choose the right grinder for walls, metal, wood and other surfaces.

DeWALT D26410

This is a professional and at the same time high-performance model of an eccentric type. Due to the decent weight, the machine sits well on the surface and does not try to slip out of hands. A powerful 400 W motor ensures reliable operation with coarse sandpaper sheets.

DeWALT D26410

The functionality of the machine allows you to switch from a coarse 6 mm amplitude to 3 mm for finishing polishing surfaces. A variety of settings involves using the tool on a variety of objects. You can grind at least concrete, at least plastic, and without any risk of overheating the latter.

The machine behaves equally well both at 4000 rpm and at 10,000. The same can be said about the amplitude - from 8,000 to 20,000 vibrations / minute. The well-thought-out design has received reliable operator protection from dust, where the latter neatly goes into a special filter bag. The cost of a professional machine is about 15 thousand rubles.

Advantages of the model:

  • excellent performance;
  • wide variation in vibration and rpm settings;
  • good ergonomic performance;
  • reliable protection of the user from dust;
  • full modes for rough and finish surface treatment.

No flaws were identified.


This is a vibrating machine from a well-known brand, and this series is exclusively in the Swiss brand assembly. On the market you can find rare options from China, but the price, and at the same time, the effectiveness of the tool will be almost two times lower.


If you want to choose a sanding machine for wood, then you should take a closer look at this professional model. The lower part of the body is equipped with a universal platform (92 x 182 mm), which allows you to fasten sheets on both clips and Velcro.

The machine works with an amplitude of 2.4 mm with an oscillation frequency of up to 22,000. Judging by user reviews, the tool fully justifies its rather considerable cost (about 15 thousand rubles) and is rightly called professional.

As for ergonomics and protection, everything is also good here. Despite the practically bare handle, it does not vibrate during operation, and dust and dirt do not fall on the operator. The grip is equally convenient for righties and lefties. The only thing some users complain about is a very modest configuration, where, unlike other similar equipment, there is no removable platform for bottlenecks and spare sandpaper.

Advantages of the model:

  • good power (300 W) and performance;
  • vibration during operation is practically absent;
  • comfortable main handle and the presence of an additional front;
  • reliable protection against dust;
  • low noise level.


  • ascetic equipment.

Makita 9404

This is a belt type grinding machine from a famous Japanese brand. As in the two previous cases, this professional model completely discourages the funds invested in it (about 15 thousand rubles) with its efficiency, reliability and high ergonomic indicators.

Makita 9404

Separately, it is worth noting a particularly successful moment in the design of the tool. Here we are talking about a stabilizing system for the tape, or rather its position. You can work with the machine in any angle, but the sandpaper will always have the same effective tension. The belt speed is adjustable from 210 to 440 rpm.

There are no complaints about the build quality. Products from "Makita" have always been distinguished by well-fitted parts without backlashes, gaps and other shortcomings. The same can be said about ergonomics. Japanese engineers took into account almost everything, and working with the tool is a pleasure.

Advantages of the model:

  • good performance;
  • tape stabilization system;
  • reliable protection of the operator from dust;
  • high ergonomic performance;
  • excellent build quality.


  • non-standard tape size;
  • the outsole wears out quickly.

Metabo SXE 425 TurboTec

This is a semi-professional eccentric grinding machine. The 320-watt motor provides a 5 mm amplitude. There is enough headroom both for rough work and for a more noble finishing polishing of surfaces.

Metabo SXE 425 TurboTec

The model also received quite interesting functionality. At increased loads, you can turn on the Turbo boost mode, which finds reserves in the engine and significantly increases its power. Long work at high speeds is not provided, but for complex cases this is a very good solution.

Judging by the reviews, users are mostly satisfied with the model and its work. Some, however, leave complaints about the build quality. The handle of the tool vibrates noticeably during operation, and the wire "walks" in the grooves.

Nevertheless, all concerns about the build quality are mitigated by a decent warranty period of service - three whole years, which is more than enough for tools of this kind. The cost of the machine ranges from 11 thousand rubles.

Advantages of the model:

  • ideal for rough work;
  • good ergonomic performance;
  • excellent protection against dust from the operator;
  • the design is well balanced;
  • 3 year warranty.


  • build quality is not the best;
  • short cord.

AEG FS 280

This machine is closer to the amateur segment than to the professional one, so you can’t count on the capabilities of the above models. But the price tag does not contribute to this. Nevertheless, the tool fulfills its value, and this is about 8 thousand rubles, as it should.

AEG FS 280

Unlike other amateur tools, this machine is reliable enough for frequent use. The only thing you will have to pay special attention to the platform and the clamps holding the sheet: do not forget to tighten and adjust.

A 440-watt motor is enough for any rough work, as well as for finishing polishing some, not very picky surfaces. Technologists with designers worked on the appearance of the tool and its ergonomics, but you still won’t work on it for a long time. It's all about vibration. Here it manifests itself very noticeably and the hands themselves ask for a rest after some time. Nevertheless, home and garage masters do not complain about the ergonomics of the model and consider it acceptable for their price.

It is also worth noting the lack of Velcro on the platform, so professional sheets, alas, will not work. Although the clips wear out pretty quickly, they cost a penny without hitting one’s pocket too much. Regarding the build quality, the owners do not leave negative reviews. There are no backlashes, no gaps, or any other flaws that are inherent in amateur and inexpensive models.

The advantage of the model:

  • good performance;
  • excellent build quality;
  • good ergonomic indicators;
  • good operator protection against dust;
  • attractive cost.


  • tangible vibration;
  • fastening sheets only for clamps.


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