Transbaikal region. Sightseeing: description and photo

The Transbaikal Territory is located in the eastern zone of Transbaikalia. It is part of the Siberian Federal District. The Trans-Baikal Territory is famous for its historical and natural monuments, sights in this place at every step. The area of ​​this territory is 2.52% of the area of ​​the Russian Federation. Everything here conquers with its scale and uniqueness. The main attractions of the Trans-Baikal Territory constantly attract tourists. At all times, people were struck by the diversity of relief, natural beauties and historical monuments.

Sights of Zabaykalsky Krai

A photo describing these beautiful places can be found in the article. But it is best to visit Transbaikalia in person. This is the only way to feel the greatness of nature, the height of mountain peaks and the vastness of the steppes. Tourists are recommended to visit such places:

  • Sokhondinsky Reserve;
  • Arey Lake;
  • national park "Alkhanay";
  • Kodar Ridge;
  • Butinsky Palace;
  • numerous museums.

Zabaykalsky Krai sights

Sokhondinsky Reserve

In this protected place, nature is striking in its diversity. It combines several environmental systems:

  • taiga;
  • steppes;
  • swamps;
  • mountain tundra.

The length of the reserve is 211 thousand hectares. It is located on the Khentei-Chikoysky plateau with the Sohondo massif. Loach Sohondo is the oldest volcano. Its slopes admire the whimsical forms.

This place is characterized by dry and light snowy winters. The climate is continental. There are a lot of lakes of glacial origin. Their depth is more than twenty meters. Plankton and algae do not take root in them, in connection with this they are famous for their transparency, the water there with a light blue tint.

In the Sokhondinsky reserve, such rivers as the Selenga, Amur, Angara, and Yenisei take their source. It is noteworthy that they belong to the basins of different oceans. Cupid belongs to the Pacific Ocean, and Selenga, Yenisei, Angara - to the Arctic.

Rare plants that are listed in the Red Book grow in these parts, such as a leafless fennel, a real slipper, a large slipper, a smooth iris, a spotted shoe, a Siberian apricot, a dwarf and pencilvania lily, Altai onion, cross ayan, a pair of Rhodiola species.

Fascinates with its diversity and wildlife. At the moment, it has been found that 255 species of various birds, 67 mammals, three species of amphibians, four reptiles, eight fish and 1200 arthropods live in the Sokhondinsky Reserve .

Attractions Transbaikal Territory

Arey Lake

This reservoir is a hydrological monument of nature. If we talk about the Trans-Baikal Territory, a photo of the sights of which are in this article, first of all it is worth mentioning this wonderful lake. His fame is associated with a combination of a number of factors:

  • the lake impresses with the variety and quantity of fish, which is undoubtedly a huge plus for avid fishermen;
  • Areya waters contain a lot of oxygen, but are poorly mineralized;
  • mud at the bottom have healing qualities, eliminate numerous skin diseases;
  • on the south coast there are huge anthills built by northern ants, some of the structures reach a diameter of 2-3 meters;
  • at the very bottom of Areya a unique Areya potato grows; it cures diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Zabaykalsky Krai sights photo

National Park "Alkhanay"

"Alkhanay" is located in the Duldurginsky district. He is famous for his natural beauties. The whole nature of this place is saturated with legends and beliefs. Since ancient years, the Buryat-Mongol tribes have raised in their descendants a love of this land. They called for the unity of man with the world around him. In 1991, the head of the Buddhist clergy, the Dalai Lama, consecrated this land with his presence.

Day by day, interest in the Alkhanay National Park is growing. A huge number of believers come here to bow to sacred places and bathe in healing springs.

But not only natural monuments can be proud of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Historic sights are also striking in their uniqueness.

sights of the Transbaikal Territory photo with a description

Transbaikal Alps - Kodar

This amazing place is located in the north of Transbaikalia. First of all, Kodar ridge attracts tourists here. This is the highest point of Transbaikalia, a peak whose height is 3073 meters. The Kodar Range clearly stands out among the plateaus and the middle mountains of Transbaikalia. Kodar is the Transbaikal Alps. A traveler of any level can choose a route here, suitable for complexity.

the main attractions of the Transbaikal Territory

Butinsky Palace

This palace belonged to the noble family of the Butins, who built unique and inimitable buildings for various purposes in the city of Nerchinsk. If you study the sights of the Trans-Baikal Territory, it will become clear that the Butins' palace is undoubtedly the pride of the city of Nerchinsk.

A unique object of the palace is the Venetian mirror. They say that such a huge is no longer in the world. Its dimensions are 4 meters in length and 4 in width. To put it inside, they even dismantled the roof. The palace is also famous for its garden. Here you can find exotic plants that do not grow in the climate of these places.

Zabaykalsky Krai sights

Museum of the History of the SIBVO Troops

This landmark of the Trans-Baikal Territory was opened for the 20th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War. At the main door there is an iron plate on which the names of 1255 Siberian soldiers, Heroes of the Soviet Union are immortalized. Three central halls are dedicated to the historical feat of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War.

Everyone who goes to the Trans-Baikal Territory must visit these sights. We must pay tribute to the heroic deed of our ancestors.

This is only part of the places that the Trans-Baikal Territory is famous for. Attractions it can still be listed and listed. But it is better to go to this beautiful land and personally visit each of them.


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