Warhammer 40,000: The Eastern Firstborn

The whole planet of the Russians - this is how the hive world from the techno-fantasy universe “Warhammer 40,000” can be described. Vostroyansky first-born - one of the prominent regiments of the Imperial Guard, and they will be discussed in the article.

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History of Appearance

Two brothers lived on the planet Vostroy

The senior guard is destined to become

And the youngest should not become a soldier -

Such a right has not been given to him.

Keepers of Death - Two Brothers

The first mention of them was during the events known as the Heresy of Horus, when the Imperium vitally needed fresh forces in order to confront the legions of heretics and traitors.

Not everything was so simple with European shelves. The Warhammer 40,000 is rich in all kinds of references. And the very existence of such a unit is inspired by the history of Russia.


The world was colonized in the era of the Dark Era of Technology (another milestone in the history of the fantasy universe “Warhammer 40,000”). But it became an industrial center only during the time of the Crusade, when it was rediscovered by the legions of the Imperium.

Since then, the forges of Vostroi have not reduced production capacities to arm the Imperial Guard.

games in the universe of warhammer 40,000

Mistakes of the past

The history of the Warhammer 40,000 universe is full of tragic events, rash decisions and deals with conscience. As well as actions for which you have to pay.

During the Heresy of the Horus, the Imperium was in dire need of people capable of holding weapons. Requests for militarization were sent to all worlds. The Eastern population constantly worked in factories, factories, and forges, because the formation of regiments would significantly reduce production capacity.

The ruling circles decided that the continuous supply of weapons would be more important for the Imperium and rejected the demand for general mobilization.

After the Heresy

When the civil war ended, the Adeptus Terra began a check to identify evaders. So the truth surfaced about the actions of Vostroy.

Exterminatus, or the complete annihilation of the population, was extremely undesirable, because this would ruin the friendship with the cult Mechanicum of the Holy Mars (with which everything is not easy after the betrayal of fabricator general Kelbor-Hal).

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Time to collect stones

The primarch of the Legion of the Ultramarines, Robout Gilliman and the Technotriarchs of Vostroi, signed a pact according to which each family sends its first child to the Imperial Guard. This applies to all walks of life: the poor and the rich.

Residents are honored to serve as guardsmen. So the name Vostroyanskie Firstborn appeared. The world swore allegiance to Mars, because it has enough technical innovations.

Each soldier trains in eternal winter among the ruins before being sent to distant corners of space. The regiment is constantly replenished with fresh blood, and veterans are happy to teach young people. Thanks to this, all units know their history from the very beginning.


The East-born First-born from "Warhammer 40,000" are divided into many regiments, which showed themselves differently in the vastness of the galaxy. Each formation includes different types of soldiers.


Recruited from senior officials of Vostroi. As a rule, they have the patronage of relatives from other regiments, as a result of which friendly relations are maintained between units.


A field doctor becomes a soldier who has undergone appropriate training. No matter how successful and illustrious the emperor’s armies are, the help of a doctor is difficult to overestimate. In addition to the usual first-aid kit, wears a lasgan.


Secret unit. It is known that famous warriors, veterans with rich experience, seasoned in battles get there. Armed with Helgans - this is a laser rifle shooting bursts.

Tank forces

Since the Vostroyansky Firstborns are natives of the industrial world, all the equipment is produced and delivered from their home planet. Because the shelves do not lack the tracked equipment.

first-born first-born warhammer

Appearance and traditions

It may seem to the unprepared that in front of him are some kind of cybernetic boyars. The East-born Firstborns wear high hats, long caftans, the red color prevails in equipment - a sign of close cooperation with the Mechanics of Mars.

An obligatory tradition of returning the seed to the motherland: time is allocated for a soldier to find a woman ready to conceive a child. So the population of the planet is replenished. Not a single woman impedes the fulfillment of a sacred duty by a recruit.

Each rifle is assembled personally by the Vostroyansky Firstborn: it is decorated with precious stones and birch bark letters. An exclusive sample is passed on to the heirs as a family relic.

Often go into battle with sabers, which also represent a certain value. They wear gas masks designed by the Mechanics of Mars.

warhammer 40,000 history of the universe

241st regiment

One of the famous units, famous for their exploits. It was nicknamed "improvised legion" due to the often changing structure and periodic borrowing of the methodology of warfare from others.

Legia Zaimprowizowany was commanded by Colonel Illich Szradislav, a gloomy, restrained and prudent commander, thanks to whose skills the Vostroyansky Firstborn children more than once came out of various troubles unscathed.

A striking example is the skirmish with Tau on the planet G7-X49.

"Old bullies"

The name is the 9th regiment, consisting of veterans. They were remembered for the valor shown in the battle for the peace of Nimbos, which the Tau empire tried to get. The feat of the East-born First-born inspired the inhabitants not to give up on the xenos.

Then there was a reorganization of the unit and a new battle against the tyranids from the Moloch hive fleet. The guards heroically defended the city of Karak Prime, knowing that in winter, gluttonous arachnids become slow, and the city is the only source of food.

The Eastern-born Firstborn threw one wave after another until the ammunition ran out. I had to make a difficult decision: open the gates of the city, and let the invaders in.

When a sufficient number of xenos passed, the reactors were blown up and 85% of the hive burned in place along with the defenders. Remains of aliens died from cold and hunger by the end of winter.

The further fate of the regiment was tragic. Xenos able to change their appearance entered the ranks of the command, this regiment compromised and the Firstborn were destroyed by the Vurgaan clan of the Legion of Iron Hands.

oriental warhammer

Interesting Facts

When creating the characters, the developers of the Warhammer 40,000 games and series of books were inspired by the images of the Russian army of the 18th century, Cossacks and a few Poles.

The planets of the Vostroi system have the usual names:

  • Almaty
  • Zaporich (a possible reference to Zaporizhia).
  • Sholokhov (in honor of the writer).
  • Cossacks.
  • Kossia (possibly the amended word Russia).
  • Kuban.

The group Keepers of Death has a song called “Two Brothers”, which tells about the East-Firstborn, one of whom went to the Imperial Guard to serve, and the second did not receive such a right. But really wanted to.

The younger brother was jealous of the elder and tried his best to do so to overshadow the glory of the elder. And he became a space marines. Yes, and went to the Legion of the Ultramarines.

In the very first battle, the Vostoyanskye Firstborns covered the Adeptus Astartes with fire, one of them was the first to break through the defenses and occupy the heights. As it turned out, it was the youngest. After the battle, the two brothers met and the elder said that he was proud of him.

But this only wounded the pride of the younger, who set out to further shame his brother and find a source of immeasurable power. As a result, Chaos took possession of the soul, and the legion of the Children of the Emperor received replenishment.

In the next battle, the elder was looking for targets and in the sight he saw his brother in the ranks of the Chaosites. When he broke into the ranks of the loyalists, the elder said that he had always loved his brother, but now he would have to be killed from the lasgan.

The brothers met in battle, the Gods of Chaos gave the youngest the right of the last blow, as a result, both died and went to Warp.

The song is the author’s fantasy, not written by any book.

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The Eastern Firstborns are not the only Imperial Guard regiment worthy of respect. A bit like Soviet soldiers of the Second World War, the Valhalla Ice Warriors - warm overcoats, earflaps and lasguns.

In addition to them, there is the Krieg Death Corps, resembling German soldiers in appearance - they wear gas masks, are masters of trench warfare, and they also love sapper shovels.

Kadian Regiment - A novel by Kadian Blood was written about them by Aaron Dembsky-Bowden. Known not only for iron endurance and discipline, they became famous for standing to the end during the attack of Ezekiel Abaddon, which ended in the death of Cadia.

The Warhammer 40,000 universe is growing rapidly and evolving: in 2019, the last book of the Horus Heresy series will be released, which will describe the siege of Terra. Novels have already been published telling about the events after: about the Black Legion, the Death Guard, the confrontation of Robout Gilliman and Mortarion.

New adventures of your favorite characters continue. It remains only to wish the authors creative success and further development.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21977/

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