Large fontanel in a child: size, timing of closure. The structure of the skull of a newborn

At birth, the baby has elastic and at the same time strong cranial bones that connect the large and small fontanel, as well as the sutures, they also act as natural shock absorbers. According to their condition, it is possible to determine the presence of ICP or the nature of the course of childbirth. When passing through the birth canal, the skull of the newborn is significantly deformed due to the laying of bones on top of each other. This reduces the risk of injury to both the baby and the mother. The irregular shape of the head may somewhat frighten young parents, but do not worry, because after a while it will take on the usual shape.

large fontanel in a child

Why do I need a fontanel

A large fontanel in a child provides unhindered development of the brain. And its most active growth occurs, as you know, in the first year of life, precisely at the time when the skull has a space covered by a membrane.

Thanks to the fontanel, it is possible to conduct a brain examination without the use of complex techniques and with the least discomfort for the baby. Neurosonography allows you to identify the effects of injuries, hemorrhages, various neoplasms, changes in brain structures at an early stage. Among other functions, it is worth noting the provision of thermoregulation. A large fontanel in a child, in particular, the membrane that covers it, cools the body when the body temperature reaches 38 degrees. An additional thermoregulation mechanism significantly reduces the likelihood of cerebral edema and seizures, which can be caused by high temperature. He also acts as a kind of shock absorber during the falls, without which the first steps can not do.

fontanel in infants

Terms of closing a large fontanel in children

The average size is 2x2 cm, the fontanel is on the top and has a diamond shape. With age, the cranial bones grow together and by the year it disappears. But all children have different development, so this process can last up to 18-20 months. This should not cause concern if other indicators are in line with the norm.

The skull of the newborn is characterized by the presence of a small fontanel on the back of the head, which is much smaller. In almost all children, it is closed immediately after birth, it can be found in infants born before the deadline. In this case, its complete fusion is observed after 4-8 weeks.

The pulsation and size of the fontanel are of particular importance and allow doctors to assess the condition of the child. Due to its functional load, later or vice versa earlier overgrowth in some cases may be a symptom of pathological growth of the cranial bones.

newborn skull


A woman's nutrition during pregnancy has an effect on the phosphorus-calcium metabolism of the child, which accordingly affects the time of overgrowth of the fontanel. A large fontanel in a child can be dense, have a small size and have a tendency to quickly close if the expectant mother consumed too many dairy products while taking vitamins. This is one of the reasons for the strict observance of the established norm, selected by the gynecologist, depending on the duration of pregnancy. It is also worth noting that an excess of calcium promotes early aging of the placenta.

In addition, due to the limited volume for brain growth, an effect on its development is noted.

Calcium phosphorus metabolism

An excess of calcium in most cases is the cause of the early overgrowth of the fontanel; when it is deficient, it closes later than the set deadline. Both cases are the reason for additional examination, since low calcium levels are caused by insufficient amounts of vitamin D, and its deficiency also contributes to the emergence of a disease such as rickets. Because of it, bone tissues begin to change, legs become less even and gait is disturbed. Among other symptoms, baldness of the occipital part of the head, profuse sweating, characterized by an acidic smell, and poor sleep are noted. Normalization of the exchange of calcium-phosphorus elements prevents premature fusion of the fontanel edges.

large fontanel in newborns

Impact factors

If the large fontanel in newborns closes too early, this may indicate the likelihood of microcephaly, craniostenosis, and if there is a discrepancy after closing, you should pay special attention to possible increased cranial pressure.

A large fontanel in newborns should have a size within 1-3 cm. Exceeding this parameter can indicate the presence of infectious diseases, injuries received during childbirth, hypoxia during pregnancy and impaired outflow of fluid in the cerebral ventricles. In addition, children born prematurely, as well as having malformations, endocrine disorders and improper metabolism, can also have a large fontanel.

fontanel sizes

When to see a doctor

If a mismatch occurs, tests are required to determine the level of calcium in the urine and blood and undergo a medical additional examination. This is due to the fact that rickets, which is a frequent cause of an incorrect fontanel size, leads to bone deformation, a decrease in the overall muscle tone and changes in the functioning of the nervous system. In this case, constipation may occur due to general muscle weakness. The child must be shown to a neurologist if the psychomotor development and fontanel do not correspond to the age, more often the reason for this is intracranial hypertension, which is eliminated with special drugs. In this case, parents should monitor the development of the child and in case of any doubt contact a pediatrician. The physician should be aware of any non-compliance and alarming symptoms. For example, frequent crying in a dream and loud cries when waking up can indicate a headache, which is caused by high intracranial pressure. The fontanel in a baby becomes tense when crying, under it there is an arterial pulsation.

A dented surface also requires a medical examination, which indicates dehydration due to frequent vomiting or diarrhea.

small fontanel

What are mothers afraid of?

Newly made parents are often afraid to even accidentally touch the β€œsoft” crown and ask the pediatrician about the need for specific care. The fontanel in the baby, in particular its membrane, it cannot be damaged by combing hair or stroking the head, as it is much stronger than it seems. Moreover, in some cases, it is undesirable for a child to dive, even under the supervision of qualified specialists, since the brain is exposed to a pressure difference.

When observing the development of crumbs, the pulsation of the fontanel should not cause feelings in the parents. Many people are of the opinion that it can accelerate its overgrowth with an increase in the daily intake of vitamin D and calcium in the diet. But such actions will not have any effect in the presence of a genetic predisposition.

closing dates of a large fontanel in children


In conclusion of the foregoing, it is worth noting the main reasons for the fontanel to not comply with established standards:

  • Rickets is the most common. But do not search for the symptoms of this disease only if the crown is not overgrown for a long time. The main additional symptom is skeletal deformation, in particular changes in individual parts of the body, for example, legs or chest.
  • Large fontanel in a child may also be caused by hypothyroidism. But such a violation of the thyroid gland is manifested at the age of 1.5-2 years rather rarely.
  • Hereditary factor. In this case, the timing of fusion is very blurry and can reach up to 2.5 years. You can talk about its presence, provided that there are no other signs and simultaneous development in accordance with age.


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