Isaeva Larisa and her handmade dolls

They say that the opportunity to do what you love is real happiness. A master who is keen on an idea can immerse himself in work without noticing the arrows running on the dial, postponing homework and meetings with friends for later, completely surrendering to the process.

Isaeva Larisa

Isaeva Larisa once did not even think about exchanging regular work for a hobby. And today her creations are known to the whole world. The dolls created by Larisa live in large and small private collections, galleries, museums. Amazingly realistic kind faces, moving bodies, breathtaking designer costumes brought fame to its creator. The style of the author is easily guessed at a glance, despite the huge number of imitators. Looking at her creations, it is sometimes impossible to believe that Isaeva Larisa is an ordinary person, and not a fairy at all, able to breathe life into a fragile figure.

What was her path in art and how does a craftswoman live? Let's try to look into a workshop in which small miracles are created.

Pre-doll life

The recognized doll master Larisa Isaeva, just a few years ago, was not even particularly fond of needlework. She knew the same thing that many ordinary wives and mothers can do.

Remembering his childhood, Larisa first of all mentions the backstage of the theater in which her father served. According to her, an incredible atmosphere reigned in the theater. Probably because of this, after graduating from school, Larisa decided to become a music teacher. However, she was able to work for a short time by profession.

handmade dolls larisa isaeva

According to Larisa, not everyone can instill in the young generation a sincere love for classical music. Enthusiasm here is not enough. At some point, the future puppeteer ceased to feel the strength of a real teacher and honestly admitted to herself that she wanted to do something else.

A case brought her to production in her native Yekaterinburg. In a company engaged in industrial water treatment, Larisa Isaeva worked as a specialist in vector graphics.

Feather Test: First Tildes

What breathed a fresh stream into measured life? The craftswoman herself admits that once again everything was decided by chance. Once, back in 2010, she whiled away a winter evening at the TV and, changing channels, she suddenly saw something interesting and new. Today it’s very difficult for her to remember what the participants of the show “Decorative Passions” made, but what she saw was unusually inspired by Larisa, and she also wanted to craft.

In search of ideas, the Internet has helped. In those days, the world experienced another tilde boom, and the works of Tony Finger were extremely popular. Uncomplicated soft dolls with dotted eyes, cute curls and fashionable clothes Larisa liked. She decided to try to sew a tilde.

Looking at today's works of Larisa Isaeva, it is simply impossible to consider the connection with tildes. But according to the master, it all started with them.

Isaeva Larisa
Armed with a standard pattern, she set to work. The result was a chrysalis, which is still kept in Larisa’s house. Following her, a second appeared very quickly. True, both came out not quite canonical, with detailed faces (which is not typical for the genre). “I couldn’t resist it,” Larisa Isaeva explains, laughing.

No matter how good the tildes, but soon they were not enough. Already the third work had a wire frame and a significantly modified pattern. Larisa seemed too boring to simply repeat the work of Tony Finger. She decided to look for her way.

Author's pattern

The craftswoman set herself certain goals. She wanted to make a doll as human-like as possible. She adjusted the tilde proportions to the anatomical proportions. Cut and redrawn, assembled parts into a single whole ...

work of Larisa Isaeva

Several works have been created. Larisa not only embroidered mouths and eyes on doll faces, but also made a tightening to make her face more prominent. True, the created pattern had one feature that the craftswoman herself seemed to be a drawback - a vertical seam on the face. But it was impossible to get away from him, otherwise the forehead, nose and chin would be flat. It was only possible to improve the technique, making the seam neat and high-quality. But this did not make him invisible, he was noticeable anyway. Therefore, the search for the perfect pattern continued.

Even today, having achieved recognition, having acquired thousands of fans, Larisa Isaeva continues to move forward. She does not believe that she has reached the summit, and assures that she still has something to strive for.

Getting started in mixed media

At some point, Larisa came up with the idea to replace the doll’s textile face with plastic. I had to master the technique of modeling from polymer clay. According to the master, this was a path of trial and error, practice and experimentation.

dolls of larisa isaeva

The body itself was decided to leave textile on a wire frame. Larisa believes that such dolls are warmer, because they are softer and lighter than a hinge like BJD.

The craftswoman sculpted brushes and heads with a neck, and then sewed these parts to textile bodies, inside of which was hidden a wire frame responsible for stability and mobility.

A few words about the suit

Designer Larisa Isaeva dolls are dressed in unique costumes with high detail. Looking at ready-made compositions, an attentive viewer will notice small buttons and buckles, embroidery and painting, puffs and tucks. This is necessary when the bar is high. As a result, even characters similar to each other have features. Each doll is unique.

A true master puppeteer must know many crafts, he has to be a tailor, furrier, shoemaker, sculptor, make-up artist, designer, photographer, hairdresser ... Larisa Isaeva does not hide that she does not succeed all at once. According to her, mistakes are inevitable. But do not be afraid of them and give up!

Jointed dolls of Larisa Isaeva

Over time, the idea came up to master the technique of manufacturing joints from polymer clay. We can see tiny joints in some of the master’s works. At the same time, the craftswoman does not plan to completely abandon the mixed technique in favor of the articulated bodies.

doll master Larisa Isaeva

Larisa Isaeva about master classes

Many beginning masters in the early stages often try to arm themselves with the experience of professionals. Larisa calmly refers to those who are trying to repeat her work. Firstly, the times were not forgotten when she was inspired by the work of another master, and secondly, not everyone can copy what Isaev does. Those who take the first steps in comprehending the secrets of skill, it is useful to focus on successful and recognized. Larisa sometimes takes photos of the process of creating another doll and puts them in the public domain. But she does not set as her goal the formation of her own puppet school.

The manufacturing technology of Larisa Isaeva’s dolls is not secret, the craftswoman answers questions of those interested in her work, shows details, stages of creation.

But answering fans' questions about the workshops, Larisa often refers to a lack of time. Perhaps sometime the skilled worker will want to organize an interaction with the students. But at present, Larisa Isaeva does not conduct master classes.

Where do the dolls live?

The craftswoman admits that most of her first works were gifted. Only a couple remained as a keepsake: a tilde and a wire-frame textile doll according to its own pattern.

In the house of Larisa, there are almost no her works. Most of them have already found new owners. Many went abroad. Each new work of the author causes considerable interest and quickly leaves for a new house. And the craftswoman jokingly calls herself a shoemaker without boots.

Some gorgeous dolls of Larisa Isaeva

Photos of the master’s works are more like illustrations of a book with fairy tales. The bright smiling faces of Russian beauties and good fellows, muscular young ladies, proud queens, oriental dancers look from them ... Each doll seems to have its own character.

The following illustration shows the Copper Mountain Mistress in a luxurious royal dress. She is in a private collection.

manufacturing technology of Larisa Isaeva's dolls

Other images are recognizable: Tristan and Isolde, Ivanushka and Alyonushka, the Snow Queen and others.

Puppet compositions

Handmade pair dolls of Larisa Isaeva are not uncommon. The manufacturing technology used by the craftswoman allows you to create dolls of different heights. Among collectors, not only dolls of standard size, but also larger ones are popular. Especially for the New Year holidays, Larisa makes compositions "Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden," among which are standard and high.

Larisa Isaeva's dolls photo

Some compositions are complemented by objects made using the molding and dry felting technique; for some, complex accessories are created (for example, sleds).

Inexhaustible source of inspiration

Where does the craftswoman get the ideas? Isaeva Larisa admits that she draws inspiration from fairy tales of various peoples of the world, classical literature, and good old films. Some ideas are thrown by customers. But Larisa takes up the manufacture of the doll only if she likes the concept, and the character makes her want to work with him.

Assistant craftswomen

The whole family of Larisa is creative. Her son is fond of music and writes electronic compositions himself. The craftswoman admits that his works make her want to create.

The husband of the craftswoman works as a designer. He is a creative person, fond of art and has many talents. Often, the husband takes a direct part in creating the next masterpiece. Larisa Isaeva knows that she can always rely on her spouse if she needs male power or the advice of a designer with good taste.

Larisa is grateful to the family for the support that once helped her make the decision to leave work and devote herself entirely to her favorite business.

Price tag and trading floors

Handmade dolls by Larisa Isaeva cannot be called budget ones. However, this is not surprising at this level of skill. On average, one doll costs about a thousand dollars; some samples can be twice or three times more expensive. High demand is the main indicator that the price tag is not too high.

You can purchase one of the creations of Larisa Isaeva at one of the many online trading platforms. In physical stores, the craftswoman does not exhibit her work, and she simply does not have time to prepare and participate in fairs. According to Larisa herself, she simply does not have time to accumulate material, dolls do not linger for a long time in her house.

handmade dolls larisa isaeva manufacturing technology

Potential Buyers to Remember

Isaeva Larisa does not create dolls intended for children's games. All her works are made of safe material, every detail is securely fixed, but these magnificent dolls will not survive the active game.

Her works are intended for collection storage. Of course, they can be picked up and bent by their movable joints, but handling should be delicate and gentle.


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