Wildlife: what are the names of the big mosquitoes?

Probably, each of us in the evening had to watch a large and nasty mosquito fly into the house or apartment. Phew, how I hate them! But this is not about that. Do you know what big mosquitoes are called? So I did not know for a long time, until I began to rummage through literature. Of course, this is not God knows what a discovery, but to learn will not be superfluous. So let's go!

what are the big mosquitoes

What are the names of the big mosquitoes?

In general, their common name is "centipedes." However, my inquisitiveness and craving for knowledge helped me find out more detailed information about these insects. For example, I found out that a mosquito got the big name โ€œleg-millโ€ among the people. In science, such creatures are called "jerks." But that did not stop me! It became vitally interesting for me to know why they were so christened.

What big mosquitoes are called: the secret of the name

Everything turned out even easier than I expected. The fact is that these insects, when they sit on some surface, stretch their front legs, and freeze for an indefinite time. However, there is something in this position that gives them such a name. They constantly twitch their front paws! That's where such a simple name came from!

Life of mosquito-jugglers

Usually we observe one or two jerks flying around our house. In the wild, these are whole clusters, whole swarms! On quiet summer evenings they just huddle in the warm air. For them, this is the most suitable habitat. Interestingly, in such huge clusters there are almost only males.

big mosquito is called

For animals and humans, jerks are completely harmless. They do not know how to bite. Rather, on the contrary, they help a person a lot in one very interesting business ... Which one? Read my article further!


Everyone knows that fish can be caught on breadcrumbs, worms, maggots and bloodworms. Here is the last bait that interests us. What is a bloodworm? It sounds silly, but I used to think that bloodworms are a dried butterfly moth! But no! This is the larva of our "hero of the occasion"! They breed in droves and serve as the most favorite food of many freshwater fish. If at home you have an aquarium with fish, then know that those same red worms used as fish food, this is the larva that a large mosquito lays. What is the name of this action? Of course, clutch propagation! About it - further.

mosquito big name


Tussock mosquitoes (or centipedes) breed by laying their eggs in water. Outwardly, the latter resemble gelatinous transparent balls or oblong sausages. After some time, larvae appear, subsequently acquiring a green or red color. Pupation occurs at the bottom of the reservoir in special sludge tubes. Soon the time comes to hatch. The body of the pupa begins to overflow with air, quickly being pushed to the surface of the water. There her covers begin to burst, and the winged insect is released!

Friends, now we know what big mosquitoes are called, why they are so christened, how they breed and what kind of life they lead. I hope my article was useful to you. Good luck to you!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21987/

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