Grass bear ears: application, properties and recipes

The healing properties of bearberry, which people have long called bear ears, are used not only in folk medicine, but also in traditional medicine. This plant is used for a number of diseases, and it acts very gently and at the same time is effective.


A young plant looks like grass. However, in fact, bear ears are an evergreen branched perennial bush, the height of which can reach up to 130 cm. It belongs to the heather family. Its shoots are long and leafy. Young twigs have a greenish-brown color, and old branches become reddish over time.

Leaves are oblong-ovate in length from 12 to 26 mm with a width of 4-9 mm. On top they are leathery, glossy and have a dark green color. Pale pink five-toothed flowers form apical drooping brushes. Spherical berry with a diameter of 6-8 mm, inedible. The plant blooms in May, and the fruits are formed from July to September.

Many confuse cranberries and bear ears. They are really very similar, but they have several differences. If you take a closer look, you will notice that the leaf of the lingonberry is folded down and covered with small black dots, while the bearberry is flat and the dense network of slightly depressed veins is clearly visible on it.

Bear ears on rocky ground

Chemical composition and applications

In the grass, bear ears have the greatest value of its leaves. They are collected, dried and prepared from them various tinctures, decoctions, lotions, etc. This plant is quite widely used in pharmacology, since its composition is rich in the following extremely useful components:

  • ascorbic and organic acids;
  • trace elements and resins;
  • tanning and coloring components;
  • hydroquinone and arbutin glycoside;
  • mineral salts and flavonoids.

Due to its chemical composition, this shrub can restore health. All of the above components have a wound healing, diuretic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Leaves of grass bear ears

What is used for

The use of grass bear ears is effective in the treatment of colds and coughs, not without reason it is part of most breast collections sold in pharmacies. On the basis of this plant, even products are made that are used for bronchial asthma. The grass is indispensable during the treatment of cholelithiasis, and is also used to prevent and get rid of infections that can be transmitted sexually. A decoction made on the basis of this plant and used in the form of lotions, well promotes the healing of ulcers, wounds and ulcers.

The healing properties of this herb are also used in Tibetan medicine. Various infusions and decoctions are made from it. Tibetan doctors advise them to use for people suffering from bazedovoy disease, gonorrhea, sinusitis and pulmonary tuberculosis. Herbal-based ointments help treat gout and aching joints.

As you can see, this plant helps in the treatment of many diseases, but before you start using it, you need to get advice from your doctor. It has long been known that any medicine can cause serious and even irreparable harm to human health if used incorrectly.

Flowering bush bear ears


The use of bear ears has its own limitations. Before starting treatment, you need to carefully study all contraindications. Drugs based on this herb should not be used:

  • With various diseases of the stomach. The use of the plant often causes nausea and diarrhea.
  • During pregnancy. This plant, which has a diuretic effect, can provoke pressure on the muscles of the uterus, which will entail termination of pregnancy or premature birth.
  • In diseases of the kidneys and especially in acute forms of their course.
  • While breastfeeding. The leaves of the plant contain a significant amount of tannins, which can provoke the occurrence of colic and constipation in babies.
  • For allergic reactions to this plant.
  • Children under 12 years old.
Berry Ears Grass Berries

Picking grass

Many are wondering where to find bear ears, because this grass is quite rare. In nature, it can grow as separate bushes, and merging into one fluffy carpet, which can extend over several hectares. The plant prefers well-lit, open and warm areas with sandy soil. Also, its overgrowth can be found among stones and in the forest. You need to collect leaves in dry weather and until that moment, when there is no frost. Otherwise, the raw materials may deteriorate during drying.

The leaves of the plant are collected only after the end of fruiting, since you need to take the top of the shoot. Under no circumstances can weed out grass. The shoots should be carefully cut off with scissors, then the next year the lateral processes will appear in their place, and the bush will become even denser and more magnificent. Do not forget that on the plant you can not cut off all the shoots at once, otherwise it may die. It is allowed to remove at a time a maximum of 20-25% of their total number. The same rule applies to the harvesting of bearberry flowers.

Grass bear ears

Drying and storage

The collected leaves must immediately be distributed in an even layer on a flat surface, and then covered with gauze to prevent the ingress of various insects. It’s best to dry the grass of the bear’s ears in the fresh air under the cover. So it will constantly wind up in the wind and will not get wet during rain. Also, the collection can be dried in a well-ventilated room or in the attic of a house. In the same way, the flowers of the plant are prepared for storage.

Usually in dry and sunny weather this takes no more than two or three weeks. Ready-made collection is poured into fabric bags and stored in a dark, dry place. Due to the fact that the plant contains a significant amount of glycosides, insects do not threaten already dried leaves. Before preparing infusions, teas or decoctions, dry leaves are removed from the branches. In this case, the raw material should not have any smell.

dry grass bear ears

Bear ears: cooking instructions

As mentioned above, this plant helps with many diseases, greatly facilitating the condition of patients. The preparation of folk remedies is a simple process, so drugs can be made at home. The rest of the article provides some of the simplest recipes.

For a tonic infusion, you need 10 g of leaves and 200 ml of hot water. Raw materials are placed in enameled dishes, poured with boiling water and covered with a lid. After 15 minutes, the infusion is cooled, filtered, and the precipitate is wrung out. Boiled water is added to the resulting liquid until a full glass is filled. Infusion can be stored for 24 hours in a dark and cool place. It is recommended to take it 30-40 minutes after eating 1/2 cup no more than 5 times a day.

The recipe for bear ears to help with rheumatism is also very simple. To do this, take one tablespoon of raw materials, pour a glass of cold water and leave for 10 hours. You can do this at night, and in the morning boil for 5 minutes and let it brew for half an hour. Strain and drink 1 tbsp. l no more than six times a day and only 3 hours after eating.


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