Installation of a gas boiler in a private house: technology

The problem associated with the lack of central heating and hot water supply, as well as the poor quality of these services, can be solved today by installing a gas boiler.

Boiler selection

installation of a gas boiler in a private house

To do this, you can choose single-circuit or dual-circuit equipment. The first option is able to provide only one process, which can be, for example, heating. While dual-circuit equipment guarantees two processes, namely, heating and water heating. Installing a gas boiler in a private house is quite troublesome and time-consuming, this is largely due to the fact that the master will have to monitor compliance with all rules and regulations. It is also worth remembering that the operation of such equipment is always fraught with some risks, which is why it is necessary to comply with fire safety rules.

Basic rules for the installation of gas equipment

installation of a wall gas boiler in a private house
If you decide to install a gas boiler in a private house, then you will need to prepare documents and carry out certain actions. A contract for the supply of gas to an individual consumer will be needed. The installation project, as well as all technical conditions, must be agreed with the city representative of the gas service. The heating system must be crimped to 1.8 atm.

It will be important to dehydrate the heating system. The master will have to analyze the connections for leaks. A voltage regulator is mounted for the boiler, it is important to take care of the availability of an uninterruptible power supply. It is unacceptable to supplement heating water with antifreeze. This can cause damage to the gaskets, leading to leaks in the heating system.

Room requirements

installation of a gas boiler in a private house price
If you decide to install a gas boiler in a private house, it is important to check how much the room meets the standards. This is the room in which the boiler is supposed to be placed. Installation of the boiler in a single-family house may involve the arrangement of a furnace or boiler room at any level, it can be a roof, attic, basement or basement. As a restriction, residential premises, as well as a bathroom and a bath, are used. To determine the volume of the room, which will play the role of a boiler room, it is necessary to take into account the total thermal power of the equipment, capacitive or instantaneous water heaters. When installing a gas boiler in a private house, it is recommended to consider that there are some exceptions. Thus, if the boiler has a closed-type combustion chamber, then the volume of the boiler room is not standardized; a window with an exit to the outside may also not be installed.

Air supply

DIY gas boiler installation in a private house

For the removal and supply of air, it is important to organize the flow of the required volume. In order to ensure equipment capacity of 23.3 kW, about 2.5 meters of cubic gas per hour should be burned. In order for this volume to completely burn out, you will need 30 meters of cubic air per hour. If an insufficient amount of oxygen arrives, the gas will not burn out completely, eventually a harmful substance will begin to accumulate, while inhaling it will negatively affect human health.

If you are installing a gas boiler in a private house with your own hands, it is especially important to ensure that the air flow is ensured not only outside but also from other rooms of the house. This can be achieved by creating a gap between the floor and the door. It is necessary to mount the boiler on the floor in increments of 10 cm from the wall, which is important to cover with non-combustible material.

Features of work on the installation of gas equipment

installation of a gas boiler with an indirect heating boiler
Installation of a gas boiler in a private house, the price of which should be of interest to you at the first stage, requires compliance with the rules and regulations. When planning the room in which you intend to place the boiler, you need to make it so that the area is 4 square meters or more. Ceilings should be 2.5 meters or more high. It is important to pay attention to the width of the door that goes into the room, it should be equal to 80 cm. The wall-mounted gas boiler is installed in a private house so that the equipment is naturally lit through the window opening.

It is important to consider that for every 10 square meters there should be 0.3 square meters of the window. It is imperative to provide intensive ventilation, since the combustion of gas is carried out due to the influx of air. The area of ​​the opening for external air intake should be 8 centimeters square per 1 kW of equipment power.

When installing a floor gas boiler in a private house, it is important to take into account the moment that the pipes of the gas pipeline must be made exclusively of metal. It is important to remember that flexible hoses are permissible only for connecting consumers.

What you need to know about the cross section of the chimney

installation of gas boilers installation rules and features

Do not neglect the cross section of the chimney, which should correspond to the available capacity of the boiler. In the event that the power of the equipment is 30 kW, then the diameter of the chimney should be equivalent to 130 millimeters. When installing gas boilers, the rules and features of the installation require the use of a chimney with a diameter of 170 millimeters with an equipment power of 40 kW. It is unacceptable that the cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney is smaller than the cross-sectional area of ​​the hole for connecting the chimney. The upper end of the chimney must be 0.5 meters or more above the roof ridge. There should be an automatic machine in the electrical power supply system of the equipment that is equipped with thermal and current protection.

Features of the installation of boiler equipment

installation of a gas boiler for heating a private house
If you are installing, a gas boiler for heating a private house should work in conjunction with a gas analyzer, which will be able to warn of a possible gas leak. Among other things, you need to take care of the presence of an electric valve that shuts off the fuel supply. If you have to work in a multi -storey apartment building, it is unacceptable to mount gas equipment in the basement. Each device must be supplemented with gas meters. As for ventilation, it should be in the upper part of the room.

Features of installing wall equipment

When gas boilers are installed in a private house, the scheme of work allows to eliminate errors. Wall-mounted equipment is installed in cases where the power requirements are not too stringent. Among other things, this arrangement of equipment can be selected when there is not too much free space. Most often, such boilers are used in multi-storey buildings. Installation of wall-mounted equipment allows providing an autonomous system of additional heating, which can be installed even in houses with central heating. Installation of a gas boiler in a private house with your own hands can be carried out on other devices that are installed on the floor, this is due to the fact that the boilers are not too demanding on free space. It is permissible to mount wall equipment in cascade. This is advisable if there is a need for significant power.

Professional Master

Installation of a gas boiler with an indirect heating boiler can be carried out at a distance of 20 centimeters from other gas appliances, as well as materials that are flammable. Depending on the model of equipment and power, the distance between the boiler and the wall can vary from 30 to 50 centimeters. It is not recommended to place the boiler near a window or in an opening between the walls. The power source should be as close as possible. Before the boiler is installed in its place, all pipes of the equipment and systems must be flushed with water. This will get rid of foreign particles that could be in the system during the assembly process.

The nuances of the work

The slats that are used to fix the boiler must be installed in increments of 0.8 meters, as for the maximum distance, it is 1.6 meters from the floor surface. It is necessary to analyze the wall for evenness and strength, it must support the weight of the boiler itself of related devices. When a wall-mounted gas boiler is installed in a private house, the wall is equipped with a gasket of non-combustible material, the thickness of which should be equal to 3 millimeters. The boiler in this case is fixed at a distance of 4.5 cm from the wall surface.

Before the equipment will be connected to the pipes, it is necessary to get rid of the plug, which is installed on the nozzles. In order to prevent clogging of the heat exchanger, it is recommended to install an angular mesh filter at the water inlet. On both sides it is important to install ball valves, this should greatly simplify further maintenance and repair. After that, it is important to check how smoothly the equipment is installed. Skewing in one of the parties can lead to negative consequences. The connection of gas pipes to the equipment should be carried out using a steel pipe through special compression, it is important to ensure a rigid connection. It is important to apply a paronite gasket. On this we can assume that the installation of a gas boiler in a private house, the price of which starts from 5000 rubles, is completed.

Chimney design requirements

It is important to choose the right material for the chimney, which will depend on the type of equipment and the fuel used. For a gas boiler, it is necessary to use pipes that are cylindrical and made of metal, it is preferable to use stainless steel. Such products will be the safest, most reliable and most durable. It is important to install a hatch for cleaning the chimney. In order to conveniently collect soot during the cleaning process, it is necessary to leave an empty space under the entrance of the chimney. When installing this part of the boiler equipment, do not make turns and knees in an amount of more than three pieces.

The pipe that connects the chimney to the boiler should be as short as possible, its length should be no more than 25 cm. The vertical section at the outlet of the equipment should be 2 diameters or more. Behind this segment, the pipe should be led to the connecting section, and after it it is necessary to turn up with a certain bias towards the equipment. In this case, smoke removal will be carried out due to natural draft.


The cost of installing a gas boiler in a private house will be less if you install all the equipment yourself. However, it is necessary to take into account the moment that the connection of the system is nevertheless carried out by a professional team of masters. This is necessary so that all the rules and standards of fire safety are strictly observed. After all, this is the only way to protect yourself and your home from fire, which can occur due to improperly installed heating equipment.


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