For what purpose and how to make traps in Minecraft

The world of Minecraft is full of a wide variety of dangers, from which it can sometimes be very difficult to hide. Therefore, the player has to come up with various means of self-defense, for example a weapon, which is the most effective in most cases. However, it should be noted that it is far from always worthwhile to openly go to the enemy, since he can surpass you both quantitatively and qualitatively. So do not focus solely on weapons, explore other possibilities. Be sure to pay attention to the traps, as they form an impressive part of the gameplay and will become your faithful ally in the fight against any opponents. That is why you should definitely learn how to make traps in Minecraft. And then your life will become much simpler and calmer.

Basic trap information

how to make traps in minecraft

Before you begin to learn in detail how to make traps in Minecraft, you should understand what they are in general. So, to begin with, a trap is a simple or complex mechanism, based in most cases on the activation of a specific trigger. A mob or your adversary accidentally or purposefully interacts with any object, which starts a chain, which leads to a certain effect on it. You can make both primitive and ingenious traps - it all depends on your imagination. Only you can limit yourself. So it's time to learn how to make traps in Minecraft.

The most common are pressure plates

As in any other aspect, there are the most used mechanisms that are most popular. First of all, pressure plates should be attributed to them. And if you want to learn how to make traps in Minecraft, then you should start with this type. The essence of this trap is simple - you install a plate, which, with the help of red dust, is connected to any mechanism. When the mob or the enemy steps on this plate, the mechanism is triggered, and what you intended is happening. For example, this can lead to an explosion of dynamite - it is used more than other objects as an attacking component of traps. But it is worth considering that the explosion will be strong and will cause damage not only to the enemy, but also to the environment.

minecraft trap mechanisms

Moreover, you need to try very hard so that the enemy does not notice the pressure plate - it cannot be masked, because if you put something on it, it is activated. Therefore, it is recommended to use this type of traps in narrow corridors. In general, in the Minecraft game , mechanisms, traps and other tricks occupy a very large share, so you will need to prepare carefully so as not only to be able to catch the enemy by surprise, but also not to get caught in the net.

Underground liquids

If the tricks with the pressure plate are quite simple to perform, then there are those that are not so simple to perform. These include Minecraft traps that are associated with various liquids. The basis is this: you need to create a certain area underground, filled either with water, or lava, or some other liquid into which the enemy can plunge. Next, you need to create a place where he can fall there, and arrange everything so that the chance of it is as high as possible.

minecraft traps

If there is water below, then with proper design and placement, such as a cactus, the enemy will not be able to get out and suffocate. As for lava, there are already no options - he will die without a single chance of salvation. These traps are good in that they can be made invisible, but they have two significant drawbacks. Firstly, they are very difficult to construct, and secondly, you cannot collect loot from dead mobs or opponents. It becomes clear that the art of how to make traps in Minecraft is not an easy task. Therefore, you will need a lot of time to get comfortable.

Using a distributor

how to make traps in minecraft

Very often a trap is used such a thing as a distributor. If it charges arrows, exploding potions, or other objects that cause damage when thrown, it will shoot them when it receives a command. If there are ordinary objects there, they will simply be thrown out next to the distributor. Naturally, for the trap, we are interested in the first option, it remains only to figure out how to activate it. Here you can use both a pressure plate and hooks with a thread stretched between them, and the second option is much more secretive.

Surprise chest

All in β€œMinecraft” an incredibly large number of traps, but not to mention the chest is simply impossible. You can craft a trap chest, but at the same time, unfortunately, it will be different from the usual one, so this trap is designed for inattentive players. True, you can improve it with the help of a comparator, which will make it much more inconspicuous and more effective.


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