Temperate westerly winds are ... Temperate westerly winds of the southern hemisphere

Temperate westerly winds are winds that arise due to different pressures in the atmosphere. Mostly they form on the border between land and oceans, seas. From the name you can determine the area where they can blow - in the temperate zones of the southern latitudes and northern.

Where can be formed

West winds of moderate latitudes are movements of air masses that have a range of action ranging from 35 degrees north to 65 degrees south latitude. These boundaries are between the subtropical ridge and end with a polar front. Winds form massive cyclones and swirls that cover entire continents.

temperate westerly winds this

Temperate westerly winds are sources of extratropical cyclones that drown out the tropical winds they encounter. But the latter are again enhanced by the swirling shape of the westerly winds and become even more destructive. Depending on the seasons, the strength of the winds also changes.

In winter, the speed of cyclones increases significantly. Temperate westerly winds are the dominant moving air masses of the Southern Hemisphere. This is due to the huge space covered by the water column. Passing through land, the winds lose their strength.

Climate of the planet

The westerly winds of the temperate latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere affect the climate of the entire Earth. How much heat or humidity will be displaced due to the pressure difference over land and sea, and the ocean depends on the strength of air mass movement. The summer period is less windy due to a decrease in the pressure difference above the poles.

the westerly winds of the temperate latitudes of the southern hemisphere affect the climate

The westerly winds of the temperate latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere affect the climate not only of the surrounding air. The direction of ocean currents, the density of vegetation, and the population of the animal kingdom on land and in water depend on the strength of the winds. The directions of warm and cold currents are changing.

Temperate westerly winds never subside. In the zone of their action, there is an increased activity of cyclones, but in the equatorial part of the planet they still do not dominate. Subtropical cyclones are taken up here.


Westerly winds of temperate latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere blow all year in the northern strip from 60 degrees south latitude. Their average wind speed was recorded, ranging from 7 to 13 m / s. Often these winds suddenly increase and cause devastating hurricanes. It is in winter that it is unsafe in the subtropics. A huge number of typhoons, tsunamis are observed.

temperate westerly winds

Western winds of temperate latitudes bring moisture to the coast and at the same time take a significant part of the heat from land. When the air moves from the coast into the ocean with great force, cyclical turbulences begin to form for many kilometers. In images from space, you can see white clouds spiraling over the Pacific Ocean, seas, Atlantic. There are other names for westerly winds according to the breadth of their location: howling fifties winds and roaring forties.

How is the formation of cyclones

Air gusts prevail in the stratosphere, and pressure drops form in the troposphere. Moreover, areas with high pressure always belong to the Northern tropics. There, the air pressure is much higher and it practically does not drop.

the westerly winds of the temperate latitudes of the southern hemisphere are blowing

Due to the formation of air irregularities, westerly winds of moderate latitudes begin to form. The causes are associated with heat received from the sun. The cyclones themselves, which are visible from space as swirling clouds, appear due to physical phenomena from the rotation of the planet.

A pattern has been established, westerly winds are trying to shift to the eastern hemisphere, which contributes to the formation of air flow from west to east. Uneven cyclone bands shift depending on the time of year.

Names of air mass flows

Each movement of the air mass got its name:

  • Winds moving from north to east are called trade winds.
  • The movement of the masses in the higher layers from south to west is called anti-trade winds or westerly winds.

Westerly winds are also called "westrelease" or "belt of westerly winds", you can often hear a different name - "good news." The higher the layers of air masses, the stronger gusts arise, and the more constant they are. The range of winds is proportionally expanded with the rise.

Wind research has come in handy for sailors. Following the laws of movement of the winds, with the help of a sailboat it turns out to overcome the vast distances of the Pacific Ocean. The name β€œPassat” comes from the Dutch language and in translation into Russian means β€œpermanent”. In the Middle Ages, sailors got used to catching constant winds and there were entire sea routes. One of these sailing trips gained popularity: from Europe straight to the New World.

temperate westerly winds bring moisture to the coast

Getting on land, westerly winds bring rain, squalls of water fall in a short period of time. Everyone knows the sudden heavy tropical rain. They are the manifestations of the trade winds.

The southern and northern trade winds are separated from each other by a strip of the inner tropical zone. The counter interaction of cyclones is excluded due to the rotation of the planet. At the same time, constancy of the trade winds is ensured. After all, they do not stop all year, only the strength of the wind is replaced.

Natural patterns

The trade winds are able to strengthen due to the vertical movement of air masses. Temperature differences on the surface contribute to the rapid lowering of heavy air from the upper atmosphere. Due to it, there is a mixing of horizontal gusts with suitable gusts. The buildup is sudden and leads to acceleration of the wind along the water surface. The impulse is so strong that it comes to land in the form of a typhoon in a few hours.

Often natural disasters on tropical islands take vacationers by surprise. Predicting the development of strong trade winds is extremely difficult. The increase in wind speed occurs according to the laws of Coriolis or, more simply, in a circle combined air flows. Where and at what moment the next pressure change will occur, can only say scientists who observe events directly in the area of ​​the cataclysm formation.

Varieties of air flow

The trade winds over the oceans are characterized by heavy rainfall. Winds absorb moisture from the surface of the water. There are similar movements of air masses over deserts. They never bring "good news" to its inhabitants. It never rains there, not a drop of moisture falls on the hot earth.

temperate westerly winds causes

These winds are also called trade winds, not just sea, but desert. They are dry due to the peculiar movement of air. The layers in these areas from the lower layers cannot rise higher, releasing all the moisture on the coast. Dry tropical air continues to move towards land, which blows non-stop throughout the year.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22001/

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