Sights of Port Louis - the capital of Mauritius (photo)

Port Louis is the capital of Mauritius. A city washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean. It received its name in honor of the King of France Louis XV, also popularly called the Beloved. Local conditions and views make the city one of the favorite places for Russian tourists.

The appearance of Port Louis was formed under the influence of immigrants and colonists-Europeans: here colonial architecture is adjacent to Muslim and Chinatowns; Hindu temples, pagodas and mosques were built almost wall to wall. Local color is a mix of English, French, Indian, Creole, Chinese cultures. And, despite this diversity, the locals are very friendly towards each other and visitors.

Let's get acquainted with the main attractions of Port Louis (Mauritius).

View of port louis

St. Louis Cathedral

Let's start with the religious buildings. St. Louis Cathedral is the most famous Port Louis temple. It was erected at the beginning of the XVIII century by decree of the French colonial authorities. It is interesting for its restrained appearance - there is neither stucco molding, nor other decorative elements, nor engineering refinements inherent in many styles of Europe. Strict design, neutral color of materials, cool temperature in the room itself - nothing distracts the mind, allowing you to focus on your thoughts. This place will be interesting to visit both as a temple and as a museum.

Ganga Talo Lake

Let’s visit another place saturated with faith. This time we will talk about the shrine of the Hindus, created not by human hands, but by nature itself. Locals claim that Lake Ganga Talo is so ancient that it remembers the "bathing fairies." The legend about the appearance of this lake is very poetic: once Shiva scooped up water from the sacred river Ganges, flew across the ocean and extinguished the waking volcano with this water. Also, local residents can tell a frightening belief about a densely overgrown island in the middle of Lake Ganga Talo. Legend has it that any person who enters his land will soon die ... But no evidence could be found for this superstition.

Like the previous attraction, this place will be interesting to both religious people and ordinary travelers - the landscape and diverse fauna will not leave anyone indifferent. A visit to this place will leave unforgettable impressions and emotions.

Ganga Talo Lake

Cultural Center Domaine Les Pailles

Returning to the city, many tourists follow the advice to visit the cultural center of Domaine les Pailles. At 12 km 2 in the open air is a real time machine, with which you can see the life of the colonists of the XVIII century. The sugar factory, water treatment plant and even the train practically did not undergo major restoration work. Here you can also try yourself as an equestrian rider, learn about the intricacies of cooking rum and spicy sweets.

Already someone, and the inhabitants of the island of Mauritius know a lot about the art of making sugar. Locals use cooking technology as many as fifteen sugar varieties! And all this can be observed firsthand. If you wish, you can even participate in the tasting of the final product. Even if you cannot be called a sweet tooth, this would be a rather interesting experience for any person.

A photo of Porta Louis (Mauritius) is presented below.

Beautiful city landscape

Museum of Blue Mauritius

This is a relatively young attraction - the museum is only 17 years old, and do not let its name bother the Russian-speaking reader. The museum got its name from the brand, first released by the British Empire outside of England - The Blue Mauritius. A small edition was issued specifically for invitations to the governor's ball in two colors - blue and pink-orange. As befits many collectible stamps, the printout of these copies was not without a typo: instead of the inscription "postal service" the inscription "duty paid" was assumed. Unfortunately, not all tourists will be able to look at the originals of these samples. Originals of stamps are protected from exposure to light and sunlight, their copies are on display in the hall. In addition to stamps, the museum offers an examination of the cultural and historical documents of the island, sculptures, prints and maps of the area from different historical periods.

Museum of Blue Mauritius

Jammah Mosque

And again, back to the topic of religious buildings. Speaking of cultural diversity, it would be unfair not to pay special attention to the Jummah mosque. The architectural design of the mosque comes in sharp contrast with the austere view of Louis Cathedral. It took almost twenty years to build! Although the mosque began to function long before the end of construction. A golden dome and skillful carving on a dazzling white stone - it is not surprising why tourists take picture after picture, trying to capture this fabulous vision in the most successful perspectives. The name Jammah is translated from Arabic as "Friday", and this is no coincidence.

Indeed, the followers of Allah treat Friday with special trepidation - this day is considered the day of joint prayer and worship. For those who cannot attend the prayer in person at the mosque, live sermons are broadcast live. Tourists are allowed into the room, photo and video shooting is also allowed - but only if they are dressed in appropriate clothes. There is still the opportunity to book a guided tour.

Seven-color sands of Chamarel

Geologists can explain why these lands are painted in different colors - most likely, this is due to the temperature difference between the solidifying lava. Chemists can justify the redness of the sand - the point is a high content of iron oxide; Cold shades of the earth received from oxidized aluminum. But no one can explain why neither the wind nor the lingering showers could mix this sand rainbow into a uniform brown mess ... They say that even if you mix colored earth in a jar, within a week it will mystically again stratify into separate colors. But despite this, the government of Mauritius decided to protect the colored dunes from tourists with wooden fences.

You can watch, but walk, alas, is prohibited. To visit this phenomenon is either at sunset or at dawn - so the sands of Chamarel will show their bright variety in the most open form. And goodbye in any souvenir shop you can buy a transparent cone with magical colored sand.

Seven-color sands of Chamarel

In addition to sightseeing in Port Louis there are many options for active pastime. This horseback riding on the Champ de Mars, and a large number of tennis courts and golf courses. The abundance of beaches will offer you rental equipment for diving. Of course, here it was not without the services of an underwater guide-instructor.

One of the attractions of Mauritius

Fort Adelaide

A farewell glance at Port Louis can be cast from Fort Adelaide's observation deck. This stronghold, impregnable and indestructible, bears the name of the wife of William IV. The fort was erected in the XIX century on a hill with the talking name Signal. From it one can see both the harbor, and the mountains, and the Field of Mars; and it’s hard to leave without a replenished collection of memorable pictures. In the past, performing defensive functions, now Fort Adelaide is the center for various cultural events, festivals and concerts. It cannot but rejoice that this miraculously surviving fortress is open to visitors.


Port Louis is a great place to spend a family vacation. Here is a wide range of different excursions, monuments and museums. It is also worth noting that shopping is well developed in this city, so every tourist will be able to choose something to his taste. Enjoy your stay in the capital of Mauritius!


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