Learn how to get rid of horseradish in the garden!

Russian national cuisine is delicious and extremely diverse. Many dishes include horseradish, which is one of the most beloved Russian seasonings. Unfortunately, once settled in the garden, this plant automatically goes into the category of worst weeds.

how to get rid of horseradish in the garden
So how to get rid of horseradish in the garden? This is not as simple a thing as one might think. First, we give advice for those who can not imagine life without this piquant seasoning. Plant horseradish only on a site specially enclosed with sheets of slate or metal, from where its roots will not be able to move to the rest of the garden!

But how to get rid of horseradish in the garden, if it has already appeared? There is a simple and widely known method of eliminating it for a long time: cut the leaves at the very point of growth, and then sprinkle the hemp densely with a mixture of ammonia and potassium nitrate. But these fertilizers are far from always at hand.

There is a more laborious, but effective way. Dig out the places of the "location" of horseradish, look for all the roots and remove them as deep as possible. The remaining pieces should be worn with polyethylene tubes (2-3 cm long) into which ordinary table salt is poured . Since it turns out to be deep enough in the ground, it will no longer affect the cultures later planted in this place.

how to get rid of horseradish
Since getting rid of horseradish in the garden in this way is quite difficult, there is a way and shorter. You can tightly mulch the problem area for a couple of years with a dark cloth or plastic film. This measure works without fail, only far from every gardener will be attracted by the prospect of losing two years of fertile land.

In principle, you can remove it from the site if you regularly dig out the roots for the same two years. If you are not lazy and do it constantly, then the plant will become noticeably depleted in a couple of years, and then it will simply die.

But how to get rid of horseradish in the garden, if at your summer cottage you are only visiting, but don’t want to see the hacienda densely covered with this weed? There are other ways in which combination you will end the annoying plant once and for all.

In addition, alternative options come in handy in cases where horseradish is wound up under a fruit tree, under which it will not be possible to pose as a mole. Then you will have to dig out the place of weed growth as carefully as possible, find all the roots and act with them according to the β€œpipes and salt” method that we described above. Of course, such a fight with horseradish in the garden is quite difficult, but without this, nothing will work.

the fight against horseradish in the garden

However, multiple excavation in the future gives better results. Carefully shoveling the desired area with the help of a pitchfork, remove even the smallest pieces of roots and plant there pumpkin, squash or squash. They have the ability to suppress horseradish growth.

And what to do when he appeared next to the garden on which vegetables grow and bear fruit ? In this case, you will have to dig up the soil both near the weed itself and on the opposite side of the bed. All found roots should be dealt with using table salt.

So you have learned how to get rid of horseradish, which has grown on your site!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22011/

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