Ashley Williams, Mass Effect 1, 2, 3

Mass Effect Military Alliance Marine, Ashley Williams becomes Shepard's partner during the first mission and takes the place of the murdered Jenkins. This character is a hereditary military, excellent with various types of weapons, but does not recognize the use of advanced technical abilities and biotics. Ashley can become a romantic partner for the main character-man.

The role of model and actress for Ashley Williams from Mass Effect was played by Alison Carroll.

Early biography and characterization

Sergeant Williams was born in 2158, on April 14. Her family always had some hereditary military men. Ashley was the eldest daughter and had three younger sisters at once - Ebi, Lin and Sarah.

Growing up, Williams herself turned into a great soldier. During military training, Ashley got all the necessary skills that made her a real specialist in handling assault rifles and combat armor (light and medium types). She was also able to pass the verification test for participation in the battle in the complete absence of gravitational forces. In order to get the necessary skills of the environment and military assault, Ashley was sent to Titan. There she was awarded a special insignia, which was the reward for demonstrating the bold assault tactics.

Ashley Williams from Mass Effect

Family history

Unfortunately, all Ashley's requests for transfer to the ranks of the army were constantly refused. At one time, even her father was unable to advance in service and become someone more than an ordinary third-class student. It is believed that such treatment of the Williams family is the result of certain actions and decisions on the part of Ashley's grandfather, General Williams, who served as the commander of the garrison in Shanxi. At that time the First Contact War was in full swing, and it was the general who decided to surrender to the alien side (the first and only case) in order to save the lives of his subordinates. Despite the fact that this act was truly correct and wise, it was never accepted in the Alliance. After this incident, the high command put a special ban on further advancement in the military career of each of the Williams.

For Ashley, this meant that her entire service would be limited to being in ground garrisons, and that her excellent performance and results would never be able to pave the way for real combat missions.

Character Character

team Ashley Williams in Mass Effect 3

According to the reports of one of the senior instructors, at the training ground, Ashley is able to demonstrate impressive endurance and the necessary level of aggression - worthy qualities not only for the position of head of the detachment, but also for the leader of the whole platoon. In addition, Williams has always been an example to others thanks to her strong morale and iron discipline.

The stain on family history only fueled Ashley's desire to become the best soldier. She hoped that in this way she could make humanity forget what had happened on Shanxi and not pass on the mistakes of the older generation to it. Such determination made Ashley one of the most loyal soldiers of the Alliance and military affairs in general. She is quite firm in her decisions, moderately prickly and sometimes hot-tempered. The aggressiveness and straightforwardness of her character became excellent qualities for an excellent fighter, however, except for those situations where Ashley has to deal with someone from the civilian.

Williams is also known for her highly controversial political views. She does not trust the alien races and does not believe that the Alliance should try to establish relations with them.

Cosplay by Ashley Williams from Mass Effect

Novel in Mass Effect 1

A close relationship with Ashley Williams from the Mass Effect game begins immediately after completing the Eden Prime mission. Recall that this opportunity falls only to the male hero. Leisurely progressing through the novel will lead to the fact that Ashley will always reciprocate with Shepard's flirting. The only exception is the captain’s possible kiss order, which appears in one of the dialogs. To this, Williams will answer that he considers such a manifestation of feelings towards a senior in rank to be nothing more than a direct violation of the charter. As the novel progresses, Shepard learns how the feminine side of the Williams family is wary of love and relationships. At first, they appreciate the man for a long time, watching him, but after that they love him all their life.

When, in the story of the first Mass Effect, the ship Normandy receives a ban on flying outside the Citadel, the girl strongly supports Shepard and, finally, kisses him. Before the team landed on Ilos, she again visits the captain, confesses his warm feelings and spends the night with him. Ashley promises that she will tell Shepard something very important, but only after he returns from Ilos alive.

Novel in Mass Effect 2

Ashley Williams from Mass Effect 3

In the second part of Mass Effect, Ashley Williams continues to serve in the Alliance, but only if she survived after the events on Vermayer. All her actions will remain unknown to Shepard, since by that time he will already be working for Cerberus.

From the Ghost, we learn that Williams is on the Horizon. At the moment when Collectors attack the colony, it tries to fight back, but in the end it is paralyzed. After the battle, you can talk to her, but Ashley will not like our cooperation with Cerberus, and she will refuse to return to the team.

If in the first part of Mass Effect Shepard and Williams were together, then after the events on Horizon our hero will receive a letter. In it, Ashley will apologize for harsh words uttered earlier and ask us not to die a second time.

If Shepard retained his feelings and did not start a new relationship, then on his table there will be a frame with a photograph of Ashley. Before the start of the final task, the captain will take the photo frame in his hands and will look at it.

Novel in Mass Effect 3

Actress for Ashley Williams from Mass Effect

An affair continues with Ashley Williams and in Mass Effect 3. At the very beginning of the passage we will meet her on Earth during our visit to the headquarters of the Alliance. Ashley will be able to join the Normandy team among the very first contenders. After the mission on Mars, she will be seriously injured and will be placed in a hospital on the Citadel. After several visits and dialogs with Shepard, she can be taken to the team.

In Mass Effect 3, Ashley Williams gains the honorary status of Spectrum. When Cerberus attacks the Citadel, Ashley may be killed by Shepard himself during the final cutscene. If a player wants to avoid such a turn of events, he will either have to convince Williams of the need to retreat, or let her finish Undine on her own. At the end of the game, she can be met drunk in a bar on Normandy.

Details of the novel in Mass Effect 3

It is worth noting that an affair with Ashley in the third part of Mass Effect is possible even if Shepard had met with others before. To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  • visit Ashley in the hospital (you can even give her books from her beloved author);
Romance with Ashley Williams from Mass Effect 3
  • take her side in all disputes;
  • give Ashley support when it comes to her sister;
  • Participate in all available conversations on Normandy
  • Do not kill her during the quest at the Citadel.

Interesting Facts

  • Williams is considered one of the most popular characters in the series, along with Garrus. Evidence of this is the numerous positive reviews of players who choose Ashley as a soulmate, various advertising art, Mass Effect promos and cosplay.
  • Ashley Williams has a special code - B4. She went through several genetic modifications, including intrauterine vision correction, made for reasons of genetic inheritance, as well as the installation of an infantry improvement package from the Alliance.
  • According to the early ideas and scripts of Mass Effect, Ashley Williams played the role of potential romantic interest for the female hero. Later they decided to discard this idea.
  • Ashley's father, fond of Tennyson's poetry, called his daughter a middle name - Medellin.
Ashley Williams from Mass Effect
  • Initially, during one of the first dialogs with Shepard, Williams was supposed to read an excerpt from the Green Hills of the Earth by American writer Robert Heinlein. They could not realize the idea because of the complex process of obtaining the rights to creativity, after which the original verse was replaced by the poem "Tennison's Ulysses".


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