Flowers from balls of sausages: manufacturing instructions

Balloon flowers are an original choice of decor. You are planning a celebration, and you want to decorate the house in an original and beautiful way? Choose your twisting decor. This is the art of inflating and twisting balloons of sausages into a variety of compositions. As a decor of premises, flowers from balls of sausages today are very relevant and in demand. You can use the services of masters who have the skills to make decor from balloons. And if you are a creative person, then it will not be difficult for you to learn how to make flowers yourself from balls of sausages. Schemes, photographs, instructions, and even entire video master classes for their production can be viewed on the Internet or in publications on needlework.

balls of sausage balls

Flowers from balls of sausages: DIY instructions for making

For beginners in the manufacture of flowers from balloons, for starters, you need to learn how to make the simplest flower from one ball of sausage. To do this, remember that twists are performed only in one direction: clockwise or counterclockwise. It is difficult to inflate the sausage ball with the mouth, for this it is better to use a special pump. The ball should not be soft; a dense ball may burst during twisting.

In order to twist the flower, you need to fold the inflated ball in half and secure it with a knot. On the opposite side of the node, perform twisting, dividing the ball in half. Then twist the resulting double β€œsausage” in two places. Fold the ball in places of twisting with a fan. Then, holding the joints on both sides with your fingers, twist them so that they are connected in the center by the lock.

single ball flower sausages
To make the stem and leaves for the flower, you need to inflate a green sausage ball and tie a knot. To twist β€œtulip”: push the knot of the ball inward with the index finger of the left hand, grab this knot through the body of the ball with the other hand, remove the left hand, twist so that the knot remains under it. To perform the leaves, you need to twist two bubbles into the castle on the same ball. It remains to connect the parts. Insert a stalk ball into the middle of the flower ball. Everything, the flower from the ball is ready! Just a few minutes of work - and flowers from balls of sausages are ready. Instructions for execution are available even to a child.

Floral arrangements of balloons

Flowers from balls of sausages, the instructions for the implementation of which are presented earlier, can be combined in a variety of compositions. A bright spot in the house will be a large floor vase with a bouquet of 10-15 flowers from sausage balls. The walls and stairs of the house can be decorated with whole flower garlands of balloons. To decorate curtains and chandeliers, small flowers are made from balls. In addition to sausage balls, regular balloons of round and oval shape are used in the modeling of floral arrangements using the twisting technique.

Balloon flowers will not only decorate your home, but will also delight your child. Imagine how much joy and delight will cause him a huge number of balls after disassembling compositions. It will be something to play for both your baby and all the neighboring children.

balls of sausage balls

Having shown imagination and having applied a little strength and patience, each of you will be able to make a beautiful and original home decor with your own hands - flowers from balls of sausages. Instructions for the manufacture of such flowers makes it possible to learn twisting skills to everyone. Good luck in all your endeavors!


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