How to find water for a well

Usually, after acquiring a plot for the construction of a summer house or a country house, the new owners first of all try to dig a well. This desire is understandable - it is very difficult to plant a garden or carry out construction work without your own water. If the land area is small, and nearby neighbors have already managed to solve this problem, then there is nothing to worry about. But what if there is no one nearby, and the layout of the house, garden, kitchen garden and surrounding buildings directly depends on where the future well will be? And anyway, does it make sense to dig it out? How to find water for a well? We will try to answer these questions in our article.

how to find water for a well

How to find water for a well - method number 1

This method is based on observation. First of all, you should try to look for external signs of the occurrence of underground water underground. In particular, pay attention to vegetation with bright green and dense leaves. If there are places on the site in which it remains peppy and lush, while the grass and flowers nearby begin to wither and dry out, this is a clear sign of the proximity of water. The presence of moisture-loving plants on the territory , such as sedge, reeds, birch, coltsfoot, etc., also speaks volumes. With their help, you can not only determine the best place for the well, but also try to determine the depth of the aquifer. For convenience, we group some data into a table:

Plant name

Groundwater depth

Broadleaf cattail

From 0 to 1 m


0 to 1.5 m

Black poplar

0.5 to 3 m

Sand reeds

1 to 3 m

Wormwood sand

3 to 5 m

Panicle wormwood

3 to 5 m

Licorice naked

Up to 10 m

Pets can also help in this matter. So, cats and dogs choose the wettest places in the heat for rest, and horses that are thirsty, if they smell water nearby, beat hooves in that place in the ground. Geese in such places like to lay eggs, and after sunset, midges and mosquitoes begin to curl here.

How to find water for a well - method number 2

Dowsing was used for this purpose by our great-grandfathers. At that time, the search for water was carried out using a vine bent in the shape of the letter โ€œGโ€. Now in esoteric stores you can not only find aluminum frames and pendulums for every taste, but also purchase detailed manuals for their use. Then these frames can be used to check the presence of geopathogenic zones, the strength of the bioenergy field of households, etc. The method is, of course, unconventional, but why not use ancient knowledge for additional verification? It remains to say that the location of the water is revealed by crossing the frames.

how to find water at the well site

How to find water for a well - method number 3

This method is called weighted, because to check the future location for digging a well, weighing moisture-absorbing material (red brick, silica gel), buried for a day at a depth of 50 cm, is used. Directly before that, it is well dried and put into a clay pot. Then weighed and closed the vessel with a non-woven stopper. The heavier the vessel will subsequently be, the closer the groundwater passes to the ground.

How to find water for a well - method number 4

Wait until the hot summer days and early at dawn or before sunset carefully examine the proposed site. If a swirling or creeping fog appears above its surface, then this will be another confirmation that underground groundwater passes nearby.

how to find water for a well

How to find water for a well - method number 5

According to geodesists, water-resistant layers usually repeat the surface of the area in their relief. Therefore, it is generally accepted that a well is best dug in the place of depressions and hollows, surrounded by hills and hills. At the same time, in order to find out for sure whether there is water in the proposed place, it will not be superfluous to carry out reconnaissance drilling. We hope that now the question โ€œhow to find water in the well siteโ€ has been removed from the agenda, and we can proceed directly to the robots themselves.


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