Spring garden treatment for diseases and pests. Treatment of trees from pests in the spring

Spring time is the beginning of worries for gardeners and gardeners. How much must be done to get a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits! It was during this period that the bulk of the work related to the preparation of soil, trees, shrubs and other plants. In the spring, nature wakes up, and with it numerous insects. Spring treatment of the garden from diseases and pests plays a very important role. Therefore, you need to know how to properly conduct it in order to achieve a good harvest.

Comprehensive Care

Spring garden treatment for diseases and pests includes three important points. Firstly, this is the whitewashing of tree trunks. This helps to disinfect the bark, which can be a source of disease and pests. Gardeners use slaked lime for this . It is applied in two layers. Modern preparations that are designed to treat bark contain chalk, PVA glue and copper sulfate. The second important point is the tillage near shrubs and trees. This is a simple digging of the earth with a shovel.

Spring garden treatment for diseases and pests
Trees or shrubs are dug around, and all pests are upstairs. This procedure is carried out a few days before the treatment of trees with chemical agents. This is the third phase of comprehensive care. Spring treatment of the garden from pests and diseases is carried out by any suitable means. It is better to choose gentle, but effective drugs.

Three stages

Processing and spraying the garden from pests and diseases take place in three stages. The first procedure is carried out very early (beginning or mid-March), when the buds on the trees have not yet blossomed. In this case, special attention should be paid to such shrubs as raspberries, gooseberries and currants. We clear the planting of old and dried branches and fruits. We cut the crown of trees and remove the old bark on the trunks.

Spring treatment of the garden from pests and diseases
All old branches must be removed outside the garden or burn them. After that, spring treatment of the garden from pests and diseases by any effective drugs is carried out. The second time this procedure is carried out before flowering. Thus you can get rid of weevils, apple flower beetle, sawflies and some fungal diseases. After flowering ends, the third spring treatment of the garden from diseases and pests is carried out.

A bit about pests

Any gardener needs to know what pests can be that harm plantations and reduce yield. Only in this case, you can notice the changes in time and get rid of uninvited guests. The main pests are numerous weevil bugs. These include apple flower beetle, bukarok and geese. All of them have a long proboscis, which is broken by unopened kidneys - they dry up and die. These pests infect fruit trees, resulting in lower yields.

Treatment of trees from pests in the spring
Shrubs are more susceptible to attack by small insects: aphids, caterpillars, spider mites and currant moths. The damage done by them, you can not immediately notice. Garden sawfly affects the plant during flowering. The insect lays its eggs in the ovary of a flower, and its larvae gnaw out. Fruits in this case do not form and fall off. One of the most dangerous pests is the apple tick. These insects infect trees with entire colonies. The site of attack is the kidneys. They do not develop and fall away. That is why the treatment of trees from pests in the spring, to the opening of buds and flowering, is important.

Diseases of trees and shrubs

In addition to pests, diseases pose a great danger to shrubs and trees. The most common of these is scab, which affects mainly apple trees and pears. Its causative agent is a fungus. Signs of scab appear on the leaves and fruits in the form of small light green spots. Then they are covered with a velvety bloom of a brownish-olive color. In apple trees, the scab affects the upper part of the leaves, and in the pear, the lower part. The disease causes the leaves to dry and fall. The fruits change their shape, and in places of lesions become hard. The scab fungus hibernates on fallen, dried leaves and young shoots. In spring, spores are activated and infect the lower part of the crown.

Spring protection of the garden against diseases and pests
Protecting plants will help spring garden treatment from diseases and pests. Gray rot usually affects cherries and plums. Its signs appear immediately after the flowering of trees. Sprigs dry out, and the flowers become dark, but do not fall. A dark spot appears on the fruits under the influence of the disease, which gradually covers the entire fruit. The fungus hibernates in branches, shoots and affected fruits. The disease develops in the spring in the conditions of dampness. Early spring protection of the garden from diseases and pests will help to cope with these problems.

Processing tools

Any gardener should always have at hand the equipment that will facilitate his work. Some tools are simply necessary. Spring treatment of the garden against diseases and pests is a simple procedure that requires certain adaptations. They can be purchased at specialized stores. With them will be easier spring garden processing. What to apply for work? Special pumps or sprayers are best suited for this.

Spring garden treatment against diseases and pests
They allow for high-quality processing with a minimum consumption of the drug, which should lie in small droplets on each leaf, twig and fruit. Such devices allow you to get even the most distant branches. To do this, choose a hose of suitable length. Sprayers operate on the principle of irrigation. Therefore, the sprayer must be kept at a remote distance from the object (approximately 70 centimeters).


Processing of trees from pests in the spring should be carried out taking into account all safety measures. All insecticides are dangerous to humans and animals. For processing, you need to choose a clear, and most importantly, calm weather. Be sure to use a respirator or at least a gauze bandage. The presence of glasses is also a prerequisite, because getting the drug in the eyes can lead to very sad consequences. A protective cap should be worn on the head, since the probability of small drops falling on top is very high.

Spring garden pest treatment tips
Well, rubber gloves will be a reliable protection for hands. Armed with these means, you can not worry about your health. When choosing a drug, it is better to give preference to less dangerous, but more effective. Do not forget about beneficial insects that can be harmful by spraying trees and shrubs.

Processing Rules

Processing and spraying the garden from pests and diseases has its own rules. Their observance increases the efficiency of the procedure and reduces the danger of the process. Firstly, this is the correct application of the drug. It must be sprayed evenly over the entire surface of the plants. Modern devices designed for this allow you to do this without difficulty. The main thing is not to miss a single site. Secondly, the leaves must be processed on each side. Some pests are located on the inside of the leaf. After each spraying, thoroughly rinse all equipment and clean the protective equipment. Immediately after contact with toxic substances, wash your hands well, wash your face and rinse your mouth.

Plant protection products

There are three types of tools that are used to protect plants from pests and diseases. The most common are chemicals. They are produced by enterprises specializing in this and have factory packaging. It is very easy to apply them. Chemicals easily and quickly dissolve in water. Their validity depends on several factors and ranges from several days to a month. Typically, these drugs affect a certain type of pest or disease. The second group is combined means. These are very effective drugs that at one time help to get rid of several diseases or pests. The third type is biological agents. They do not apply to chemicals. Their action is based on the activity of bacteria and microorganisms.

Use of drugs

In the first spraying, which is carried out before the buds open, insecticides with copper and iron sulfate are used. Also, the treatment with Bordeaux liquid gives an excellent effect. It will help get rid of the flower beetle, scab, spotting and destroy all insect larvae. Before flowering, drugs with copper, anabazine, karbofos and DDT powder are used. They destroy weevils, ticks, many fungal diseases and increase the immunity of the plant. After flowering, during the third treatment, combination preparations may be preferred. This will be an excellent prevention of the formation of wood rot.

Bordeaux fluid

The cheapest and most effective remedy is Bordeaux fluid. But what to cook, you need to know some subtleties. To get such a wonderful tool, you need to take 300 grams of copper sulfate, which is sold in hardware and specialized stores, and 500 grams of hydrated lime. Copper sulfate should be dissolved in hot water (3 liters). The temperature of the liquid should be between 50-60 degrees. It is undesirable to use metal utensils for this. When the liquid has cooled, it must be filtered. Separately, dissolve the lime and also filter it.

Spring treatment of garden trees
Then we pour the lime solution into a larger container and pour copper sulfate into it with a thin stream. During the whole process, do not forget to constantly stir the solution. It should turn out homogeneous, without flakes. Then we bring the total volume of the drug to 10 liters. If a copper deposit forms on it when a nail is lowered into the solution, then the amount of lime should be increased. The finished mixture is filtered again. Bordeaux liquid is ready. But remember one rule: pour copper sulfate into lime, and not vice versa.

Drugs and their purpose

The most popular remedies are Bordeaux liquid and copper sulfate, which is diluted in a proportion of 100 grams per 10 liters of water. From ticks and pest larvae, Neoron and colloidal sulfur help very effectively . To destroy weevils, trapping belts, which include glue, are used. Here you can distinguish "Clean House", "Alt" and "Vo-vlip". Inta-vir, Fastak, Kinmiks and Decis help in the fight against leafworm, tinkerbirds, aphids, apple blossoms and moths. Against scab and some fungal diseases, you can use the drug "Nitrafen", "Chlorofos", "Tanrek", "Rayek" and a solution of urea (5 percent). For processing apples, pears, cherries, plums, apricots, peaches, currants and grapes, Chorus, Skor, Delan, HOM and Bordeaux liquid are suitable. They will help to cope with curly leaves, rust, spotting, moniliosis, coccomycosis, gnawing and sucking pests.

Some tips

The ideal time for spraying is the period when the kidneys are already swollen, but not opened. Spring treatment of garden trees is carried out early in the morning or at least until noon. This will protect plants from sunburn. Spraying should begin with the top of the tree. Remember to cultivate the trunk and the ground around the bush or tree. It is necessary to breed drugs before their direct use. Use all liquid without leaving it until next time. Do not forget about safety, then the spring treatment of the garden from pests will be effective and harmless. Tips are never superfluous, so you should listen to them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22049/

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