What is she - Juliet? Characteristics of the image from the story "Romeo and Juliet"

There are few people who do not know who Juliet is. The characterization of this heroine is known throughout the world. In honor of her, the satellite of Uranus is even named . But do you know everything about a heroine like Juliet? Her characteristic, presented in the article, makes it possible to get to know this girl better. You will surely learn something new about her.

Who is Juliet?

characteristic image of juliet capulet

The characterization of the heroine presented in our article shows how the girl changes during the work. Shakespeare (the portrait of the author is presented above) at the beginning of his tragedy presents us with a girl named Juliet Capulet. For the first time we get to know her in the 3rd scene of the 1st act. She seems to us an ordinary carefree girl, similar to many others at her age. Her mother and father take care of her. Juliet is very attached to her cousin Tybalt. She trusts all her secrets to the nurse, because she nursed her, having lost her own daughter. The heroine lives in abundance. Her family from Verona is a noble and respected in the city.

Juliet at the beginning of the work

The girl is almost 14 years old, but she still does not think about marriage. In her heart Juliet hopes to find her love, although this feeling has not yet visited her. Dances and holidays are what the young girl has fun.

Juliet, whose characterization is given at the beginning of the work, is submissive to the will of her mother and father. Parents in those days were revered by their children more than today. Therefore, the girl responds with unquestioning consent to the proposal of the mother to take a closer look at the ball to Paris, the young count.

Juliet's attitude to hostility between Montecchi and Capulet

Juliet is aware of the feud between her family and the Montecchi family. However, she does not care much about this topic. The girl remains neutral. She does not feel hatred for Montecca, which she has been instilled in since childhood and is peculiar, for example, to Tybalt.

Shakespeare endowed his heroine with a great mind and heart. The girl has her own opinion and is very reasonable. She thinks it’s stupid to hate people just because they are Montecchi. Juliet herself is not familiar with them. Moreover, in her memory, they did not offend either her family or her personally.

The heroine falls in love with Romeo

For the first time, Juliet was forced to seriously think about relations between families only after the ball, at which she fell in love with Romeo Montecchi. The girl expressed her thoughts about this on the balcony. Juliet fell in love with Romeo, but her mind tells her that Montecchi is the enemy of her family. The girl still decides to listen to her heart. As a result of mental anguish, common sense defeats stupid prejudices. Juliet was not so blind and hardened as to hate at the behest of her parents.

Juliet's sincerity in her feelings

juliet characteristic

In heroine, there is no pretense of virtue, nor licentiousness, nor covetousness. The girl is sincere in everything. She cannot hide her feelings. Juliet immediately recognized Romeo in them. However, after she nevertheless catches on. Juliet is afraid that he might take her impulse for frivolity. The girl is afraid that her lover will have a wrong idea about her.

It is Juliet who offers Romeo to secretly get married. In her opinion, legal marriage is a proof of love. She can only be like that with Romeo - that is how Juliet was brought up.

Naive hope of lovers

characteristic of juliet shakespeare

The girl does not think about the consequences, being in the grip of blind love and new feelings. Young justify themselves voiced by the father of Lorenzo hope. They naively believe that the warring families, having learned about their marriage, will agree to make peace for the sake of the happiness of their children. Heroes do not allow the idea that the spirit of hostility will be stronger.

The heroine's obsession with her feeling

The characteristic of Juliet from the story "Romeo and Juliet" changes in the course of the development of the plot. On the day when the heroine finds out from the nurse about the death of Tybalt, her beloved brother (her husband killed him), she falls into despair. The girl reproaches Romeo, but immediately regrets it. For her, the life and love of a lover is much more valuable than the life of a brother and even parents.

Juliet is so obsessed with feeling for Romeo that she is ready for him to sacrifice everything that is required. Perhaps the words testifying to this, she uttered in a fit of emotion. Perhaps her reason at that time did not think sensibly. In the end, the girl sacrifices only herself.

The misfortunes that fell on Juliet's head

All the new qualities of the main character are revealed to us by the presented characteristic of Juliet from the novel "Romeo and Juliet." For the first time, a girl shows her struggle-prone character when she dares to disobey her parents and argue with her father. She rejects the groom chosen by her parents. This is a difficult moment for Juliet, as she understands that her mother and father want happiness for her. However, the girl cannot tell the truth that she is already married. Many blows of fate fall upon her head. But until recently, Juliet did not know the worries and worries. The death of a brother is followed by the expulsion of her husband, and then the coming duality - betrayal of love, dishonor. In desperation, the girl tries to find support from the nurse, but she does not fully understand the strength of Juliet's feelings. The nurse advises her to marry the count. This becomes the last straw for the heroine. Suddenly, the one who supported her always and in everything was estranged from her. And Juliet decides to prefer death to marriage. Only in this way can she remain pure before her beloved, herself and God.

Why does Juliet decide to drink poison?

The girl does not think about the opportunity to escape with Romeo, confess to her parents everything. Indeed, in this case, the mother and father will have to refuse Paris, such a noble groom, and this can cast a shadow on the honor of the entire Capulet family. Juliet cannot allow her family name to be dishonored.

characteristic of juliet capulet

The girl drinks the drug that Lorenzo's father presents to her, although she realizes that it may turn out to be poison. But Juliet has no other choice. She must take the last chance, even if fears are in vain. After all, the girl is already ready for death. She prepared a dagger, which is waiting in the wings under the pillow. All horror, all doubts overwhelmed by her, spill over in Juliet's monologue. She says that worse than the unknown (whether she will live or die) can only be separation from her husband.

The death of Romeo

So, the heroine in despair decides to commit suicide by drinking poison. But the monk Lorenzo advises her to drink a potion immersing in a death-like dream for 3 days. When Romeo arrives at her tomb, they will be able to escape together from the city. This is Lorenzo’s plan. But fate is cruel to lovers. Romeo, learning that his beloved has died, returns from Mantua. He drinks poison in the crypt of Capulet, to be next to Juliet after death. The girl, waking up, sees his dead body.

Juliet's courage

This girl in front of our eyes grows into a real heroine! And at the end of the work manifests the courage of Juliet. She remains in the crypt, not doubting anything. Thus, she refuses the salvation offered to her by Lorenzo.

characteristic image of juliet

The detailed description of Juliet, compiled by us, allows us to conclude that Juliet subconsciously already understands: she wants to stay here forever and die near her beloved. In later life without Romeo, she cannot find the point. After all, it was she who breathed and lived. If Juliet finds a guard, the secret will be revealed. In this case, the parents will turn away from her, and the family will be waiting for shame. However, the girl was hardly considering it all. She acted confidently and impulsively. The girl found Romeo's dagger and pierced herself with it. Thus ended her short and bright life Juliet.

The characterization of the hero is always given for a reason. After all, the author has a reason for revealing the identity of his characters. What did Shakespeare want to tell us? What thoughts does Juliet's characterize you? Shakespeare wanted to show the power of love, which no external circumstances can resist. The author of the work refers to the characters from his drama with paternal tenderness. He sees them through, because he is their creator. However, Shakespeare does not blame his heroes for their weakness. He tells us that ordinary people, with all their flaws and vices, are worthy of love. And she exalts them above the imperfection of the world and saves them from the evil reigning in it.

Love turns out to be stronger than death

It is hard to believe that the heroine depicted at the end of the work is just a little girl who once circled in a beautiful dress at a ball among admiring guests ... Characteristic of Juliet Capulet during the development of the drama, of course, undergoes changes. The heroine's feeling for Romeo is stronger than death. I want to believe that the lovers met in heaven and saw from above how their parents put out the fire of enmity forever. They were able to make peace only over the bodies of their dead children.

Juliet's House in Verona

juliet hero characterization

In conclusion, we say that the characteristic of the image of Juliet, presented above, reveals the complexity of this character created by Shakespeare. The girl is the personification of devotion, fidelity, eternal youth and courage. You cannot share love and Juliet. This heroine herself is love.

And today, many tourists make a pilgrimage to Italy. Here in Verona is the Juliet House (pictured below). The house has a balcony on which this heroine allegedly spoke with Romeo. There is also a statue of this girl. The "Juliet Wall" is always pasted with many notes that tourists leave here, asking for luck in love. They believe that Juliet Capulet, the patroness of this feeling, will help them find it. In Verona is also the tomb of Juliet. Here, according to legend, her remains lie.

characteristic of juliet from the story of romeo and juliet

This concludes the characteristic of Juliet. Many of our contemporaries are familiar with quotes from the work, as well as with the drama itself. For more than four hundred years, all new generations have been enthusiastically reading about the tragic fate of Juliet. It's hard to believe, but Romeo and Juliet is a drama first published by Shakespeare in 1597! And she still inspires people from all over the world. And the characterization of the image of Juliet Capulet is still becoming the object of ever new works of professional literary scholars.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22052/

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