Painting of nails and threads: a master class. Schemes, instructions

Today, almost nothing can be surprising. Even a work such as a picture of nails and threads. Who would have thought that from such simple and seemingly incompatible materials you can create real masterpieces that will decorate any interior. We invite you to learn more about the technique of creating paintings, about what other tools you may need and about possible design options.

More about paintings

picture of nails and threads

A panel of threads is a substrate made of almost any material on which cloves are driven in a certain order, and the yarn forms a pattern. That is, nails act as pegs for which the thread clings.

This type of art requires attention. But the result usually exceeds all expectations. Pictures can be created both independently and to attract children to this occupation. There are different schemes of work, and almost any idea can be embodied in the form of a panel of threads and nails.

Necessary tools and materials

First you need a substrate for the picture. This can be a foam sheet, a wooden board, fiberboard, plywood, cork board and other similar material. Cardboard and similar heavy paper are not used in this technique.

polyfoam sheet

Next, you have to stock up with cloves. Their number depends on the complexity of your work. But on average one picture needs at least twenty pieces. It is best to choose carpentry, furniture or decorative nails of small diameter. They are small in size and with neat hats.

The third component of the picture is yarn. It is best to choose knitting threads. They are dense, there is a large color variety. But twisted and floss threads are also suitable. It is better not to take silk yarn, as it is hard to work with.

You will also need scissors, a hammer, pliers (if you drove a carnation in the wrong place, it will be easier for you to pull it out), a drawing on paper, buttons, paint on wood (if you want to change the color of the substrate).

If you plan that the finished picture of nails and threads will hang on the wall, then stock up on a special loop.

Principle of operation

The order of creating the panels is quite simple: you select or invent the picture you want to create, print it or draw on a sheet of paper, cut the image along the contour, prepare the substrate (paint, clean or do nothing at all), and then start creating.

DIY picture of nails and threads

Lay out a paper picture on the backing. To prevent it from moving, attach it with the buttons.

Then carefully drive decorative nails along the outline of the pattern. Try to place them at the same distance. Some masters mark the points with a pencil, and then drive in the carnations.

Then remove the picture from the backing and place it in front of you. Take the thread and tie one end to the stud.

Using the picture-scheme, wind the knitting threads on the nails in any order so that intersecting lines form. When the thread ends, do not forget to fasten its end.

Where can I use such paintings?

thread panel

The created panels will ideally fit into any interior and add a touch of modernity. Such paintings look good on walls, chests of drawers, shelving, and so on. But if you have children or they are frequent guests in your house, then the placement must be chosen carefully. Although you use small or decorative carnations in your work, they can still be dangerous for the baby. In this case, the ideal option would be to hang a picture of nails and threads higher on the wall or put on the top shelf of the rack.

Depending on the selected image, the panel can be placed in the living room (any subject), the kitchen (fruits, vegetables), the bathroom (shells, anchors, crabs and so on), the corridor and other rooms.

Create a silhouette drawing

The central composition is not always highlighted with threads. Sometimes with their help a background is created that frames an empty space. Such panels are called silhouette.

Knitting thread

Master class on creating a silhouette of threads and nails:

  1. Prepare all the necessary tools and materials (Figure 1).
  2. Draw a tree outline on a piece of paper (Figure 2).
  3. Attach the circuit to the substrate and drive the cloves along the outline of the tree (Figure 3).
  4. Then drive in the cloves along the entire contour of the substrate to form a frame (Figure 4).
  5. Tie a loop at the end of the thread and begin to create a pattern (Figure 5).
  6. Pull the thread from the extreme nails to those that form the silhouette of a tree (Figure 6).
  7. When most of the thread is pulled, remove the patterned paper with tweezers (Figure 7).
  8. Pull the entire thread and fasten the end.

The picture is ready!

Making an easter bunny

The procedure for creating the picture will be as follows.

decorative nails

Draw or print a silhouette of a rabbit and a basket of Easter eggs.

Prepare a board and place pictures on it.

Drive the cloves along the contour of the figures at the same distance from each other.

Highlight the contour of the inside of the eyelet with cloves. In the picture, it will be made in a different color.

Nail the bow on the basket, its inside and Easter eggs.

When all the carnations are driven in, select the thread for the inside of the eyelet and pull it.

Then create other small elements: bow, eggs and so on.

Now you can start filling out the main part of the picture. With a white thread, depict the rabbit, and with blue - the basket itself.

DIY picture of nails and threads is ready!

Make patterns

pictures of nails and thread patterns

You can make amazing paintings from nails and threads. Work schemes differ in that the pattern is created due to the formation of curls of thread.

The sequence of execution of such panels:

  1. Take a square board.
  2. Step back from each edge a couple of centimeters and drive in the carnations at the same distance from each other so that they form a frame (Figure 1).
  3. Take the thread and fasten one end to the corner stud (Figure 2).
  4. Then pull the thread to the opposite corner to form a diagonal line. Put the yarn back and hook it on the adjacent stud, and then draw another diagonal line. Pull the thread in this way, each time clinging to adjacent cloves. The yarn should go clockwise. Over time, you will see that a pattern forms in the center (Figure 3).
  5. Thus fill the entire space of the web and fix the end of the thread (Figure 4).

The original panel is ready!

This way you can create amazing work and not use paper drawing.

Knitting thread

These paintings will always be performed according to one scheme:

  • substrate preparation;
  • driving in carnations in the form of a frame;
  • pulling the thread from one nail to the opposite.

For example, you can take yarn of different colors and pull it on the Christmas tree pattern (picture above).

Picture from threads and nails: a master class on creating the word

In this technique, you can make not only silhouettes, patterns and illustrations, but also words.

thread and nail painting master class

The procedure is as follows.

Glue several sheets of paper between each other and write in volume letters any word, letter or sentence. Remember that the letters must be thicker so that the final picture looks beautiful. Cut out the word (picture 1).

Prepare the backing (picture 2).

Place the word on the backing (picture 3).

Drive the cloves along the outline of the letter. They should be located close to each other and at the same distance (picture 4).

Remove the paper letters (picture 5).

As a result, you should get it, as in picture 6.

Prepare threads of such colors so that the shade of one changes to another, like a rainbow (picture 7).

Start pulling the thread from the very top of the first letter (picture 8).

Then take a different shade and continue to work with it. So fill the letter with threads of different colors (picture 9).

Gradually fill in all the letters. Remember that you need to choose colors carefully. Selected shades should flow smoothly one into another (pictures 10 and 11).

Fill in all the letters. The picture of nails and threads is ready!

Combined panel

You can combine any picture and make a signature to it. All elements are made of threads and nails.

thread and nail painting master class

Descriptions of the process of creating panels:

  1. Cut a balloon out of paper and place it on prepared plywood.
  2. Drive along the contour of the ball of clove.
  3. Remove the paper and draw a rope down from the ball with a pencil.
  4. Drive along the contour of the clove rope.
  5. At the bottom, write a phrase or word with a pencil and also drive in the cloves.
  6. The rope and letters will consist of one row of carnations.
  7. Pull the thread in a chaotic manner so that it forms a ball. The yarn should cover the entire outlined space.
  8. Take a thread of a different color and pull it over the cloves that make up the rope. The yarn should go between the nails in a zigzag fashion, several times lowering and rising.
  9. In the same way, pull the thread over the cloves forming the proposal.

Panel of threads and nails with your own hands is ready!

Tips & Tricks

pictures of nails and thread patterns

If you chose sheet polystyrene as the substrate, then its surface must be covered with a layer of acrylic paint.

To keep the work neat and beautiful, try to tighten the thread as best as possible.

Since cloves are small, it is more convenient to use a small hammer.

The paintings look very beautiful using additional decorative elements. For example, a silhouette can be made of threads and nails, and small details can be made of rhinestones or droplets (see picture above).

Original pictures will turn out if you stick a finished image (for example, a woman) onto a substrate and make any of its detail voluminous due to the threads stretched over the carnations (skirt).


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