Such an expensive nolina: home care

“Oh, what a jellyfish,” I thought, looking at an unknown tree that was still unknown to me. Succulent? Yes, it doesn’t. And the barrel - just like a bottle sculpted. Pretty in her clumsiness, nolin, seen once, was forever remembered for her cap of twisted leaves and a light brown smooth trunk. What is nolina? Home care for her seems to be not very difficult. We’ll find out now.

nolina home care

Bokarneya, a bottle tree, an elephant leg (quite rude) - this is also called this charming plant. It really reminds a baby elephant - especially in the first years of its life, when the trunk is short, and the difference in girth of the base and top is obvious. Moisture is stored in the trunk, so the scorpion is not afraid of long-term drought. In general, this is an ideal option for landscaping a home for those who often go on business trips or long vacations. You can not water Nolina throughout the whole year - it will remain as cheerful and cheerful by your arrival, economically spending the stock of water accumulated in the trunk. Then, growing up, the trunk of the nolin ceases to resemble an elephant’s foot or a bottle. And if it starts branching too! You will not confuse with any other such a plant as nolina, its photos always attract the eye. Previously, nolin was reckoned with the agave family - probably because of its hard leaves. Now the "elephant calf" has been moved closer to the dracenes, in the iglitsov family.

How to care for nolina

Nolin is not particularly picky, care at home does not require any special knowledge or skills. She calmly tolerates dry air, delays with watering. The only thing scary is afraid of is overflow. Its trunk, in fact, is a canister for collecting water, and an excess of moisture can quickly

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lead to decay of the base of the trunk and death of the plant. Therefore, watering nolin is necessary only after the soil has completely dried in a pot. With high humidity, watering may be necessary with an interval of 1.5-2 weeks. If the air is dry - 5-7 days. The dry tips of the leaves of the nolin plant indicate dry air. Home care should therefore involve, perhaps, more frequent spraying. This cute pet does not need a big pot. Despite its size, the root system of nolin is superficial. Under natural conditions, the scorpion grows on stony soils, where the fertile layer is very small. The same root system have indoor violet flowers. Therefore, if you need a large pot, then only for the balance of the plant, which in a small pot can turn over. And so, it is better to plant nolin in flat wide containers with a sufficient number of drainage holes that provide a good drain of water.

Lighting "elephant calf" requires bright and sunny. This plant is used to growing where sunlight is not obstructed by tree crowns. The nolin content on the north side can affect the juicy color of the leaves and the thickness of the trunk, which can completely thin out over time. It can take a different form

nolina photo
nolina, home care is crucial here. If you want your pet to constantly remind you of a pretty bottle shape with a small crown - you need a sunny location and alternating drought with periods of heavy watering. In order for the trunk to smooth out its disproportionate shape and become more straightforward, like a normal tree, and the crown of the “jellyfish” has acquired an elegant length and density - a more shaded place with regular watering will do.

It is necessary to feed with a goblet no more than once a month with poorly diluted mineral fertilizer. Concentration should be 2 times less than recommended. With an excess of nitrogen, nolin leaves can lose stiffness, which will affect its appearance. Nolina is an individual plant. Each individual has its own unique features. If you have nolina - be sure that you have an exclusive. In addition, scorpion grows very slowly. This is probably why its price in the market is quite high.


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