Mineral plant nutrition: basic elements and functions of various elements for plants

Any plant is a real living organism, and in order for its development to proceed fully, vital conditions are required: light, air, moisture and nutrition.

mineral nutrition of plants
All of them are equivalent and the lack of one adversely affects the general condition. In this article we will talk about such an important component in the life of plants as mineral nutrition.

Features of the nutrition process

Being the main source of energy, without which all life processes die out, food is necessary for every organism. Consequently, nutrition is not just important, but one of the main conditions for the quality growth of a plant, and they produce food, using all the aboveground parts and the root system. Through the roots, they extract water and the necessary mineral salts from the soil, replenishing the necessary supply of substances, carrying out soil or mineral nutrition of plants.

A significant role in this process is assigned to root hairs, therefore, this nutrition has another name - root. With the help of these filamentous hairs, the plant draws from the earth aqueous solutions of various chemical elements.

They work on the principle of a pump and are located at the root in the suction zone. Saline solutions entering the hair tissue move into conducting cells - tracheids and blood vessels. Through them, substances enter the conductive zones of the root, then spread along the stems throughout all the aboveground parts.

Elements of mineral nutrition of plants

So, the food for the representatives of the plant kingdom are substances obtained from the soil. Mineral or soil nutrition of plants is a unity of different processes: from absorption and promotion to assimilation of elements in the soil in the form of mineral salts.

plants and soil mineral nutrition plants
Studies of the ash remaining from plants showed how much chemical elements remain in it and their amount in different parts and different representatives of the flora is not the same. This is evidence that chemical elements are absorbed and accumulate in plants. Such experiments led to the following conclusions: the elements found in all plants — phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sulfur, iron, magnesium, as well as trace elements represented by zinc, copper, boron, manganese, and others — were recognized as vital.

Despite the varying amounts of these substances, they are present in any plant, and replacement with one element of another is impossible under any conditions. The level of availability of minerals in the soil is very important, since crop productivity and the decorativeness of flowering plants depend on this. In different soils, the degree of saturation of the soil with the necessary substances is also different. For example, in the temperate latitudes of Russia, there is a significant shortage of nitrogen and phosphorus, sometimes potassium, so fertilizing, nitrogen and potassium phosphorus, is mandatory. Each element has its own role in the life of the plant organism.

mineral nutrition of plants

Proper plant nutrition (mineral) stimulates quality development, which is carried out only when all the necessary substances in the right amount are present in the soil. If there is a shortage or excess of some of them, the plants respond by changing the color of the foliage. Therefore, one of the important conditions for agricultural technology of crops is the developed norms for the application of fertilizing and fertilizing. Note that many plants are better than underfed than overfed. For example, for all berry horticultural crops and their wild forms, it is fatal excess that is harmful. We learn how different substances interact with plant tissues, and what each of them affects.


One of the elements necessary for plant growth is nitrogen. It is present in proteins and amino acids. Nitrogen deficiency is manifested in a change in the color of the leaves: at first, the leaf fades and turns red. A significant shortage causes an unhealthy yellow-green color or bronze-red plaque. Older leaves are first affected by shoots below, then along the entire stem. With continued deficiency, the growth of branches and fruit setting ceases.

mineral nutrition

Excessive fertilizer with nitrogen compounds leads to an increased nitrogen content in the soil. At the same time, rapid growth of shoots and intensive growth of green mass are observed, which does not allow the plant to lay flower buds. As a result, plant productivity is markedly reduced. That is why balanced mineral soil nutrition of plants is so important.


No less important in plant life is this element. It is an integral part of nucleic acids, the connection of which with proteins form the nucleoproteins that make up the cell nucleus. Phosphorus is concentrated in plant tissues, their flowers and seeds. In many ways, the ability of trees to withstand natural disasters depends on the presence of phosphorus. He is responsible for frost resistance and comfortable wintering. Deficiency of the element is manifested in the slowdown of cell division, the cessation of plant growth and the development of the root system, the foliage acquires a purple-red hue. The aggravation of the situation threatens the plant with death.


Mineral substances for plant nutrition include potassium. It is necessary in the greatest quantities, since it stimulates the process of absorption, biosynthesis and transportation of vital elements to all parts of the plant.

mineral nutrition of plants and the importance of water
Normal provision with potassium increases the resistance of the plant organism, stimulates protective mechanisms, drought and cold resistance. Flowering and fruit formation with sufficient provision with potassium is more effective: flowers and fruits are much larger and brighter colored.

With a lack of an element, growth slows down significantly, and a strong deficit leads to thinning and fragility of the stems, a change in the color of the leaves to lilac-bronze. Then the leaves dry and collapse.


Normal soil nutrition of plants (mineral) is impossible without calcium, which is present in almost all cells of the plant body, stabilizing their functionality. This element is especially significant for the qualitative growth and operation of the root system. Calcium deficiency is accompanied by stunted root growth and inefficient root formation. There is a lack of calcium in the reddening of the edge of the upper leaves on young shoots. An increasing deficit will add magenta throughout the leaf area. If calcium does not enter the plant, then the leaves at the shoots of the current year dry together with the tops.


The process of mineral nutrition of plants under normal development is impossible without magnesium. Being part of chlorophyll, it is an essential element of the photosynthesis process.

elements of plant mineral nutrition
By activating the enzymes involved in the metabolism, magnesium stimulates the laying of growth buds, seed germination and other reproductive activities.

Signs of a lack of magnesium are the appearance of a reddish tint at the base of the leaves, spreading along the central conductor and occupying up to two-thirds of the leaf plate. Severe magnesium deficiency leads to necrosis of the leaf, reducing the productivity of the plant and its decorative effect.


Responsible for the normal respiration of plants, this element is indispensable in oxidation-reduction processes, since it is it that is an acceptor of oxygen molecules and synthesizes chlorophyll precursors. With iron deficiency, the plant affects chlorosis: the leaves brighten and thin, becoming yellowish-green, and then a bright yellow color with dark rusty spots. Violation of respiration provokes a slowdown in plant growth, a significant decrease in productivity.


Without exaggerating the importance of the necessary trace elements, let us recall how plants and soil react to them. Mineral nutrition of plants is supplemented with manganese, which is essential for the productive course of photosynthesis, as well as protein synthesis, etc. A lack of manganese is manifested in weak young shoots, and a strong deficit makes it nonviable - the leaves on the stems turn yellow, the tops of the shoots dry out.


This trace element is an active participant in the process of auxin formation and a catalyst for plant growth. Being an essential component of chloroplasts, zinc is present in the photochemical breakdown of water.

mineral soil nutrition of plants
It is necessary for the fertilization and development of the egg. Zinc deficiency becomes noticeable at the end of the growing season and during rest - the leaves acquire a lemon tint.


Mineral or root plant nutrition will be incomplete without this trace element. Included in a number of enzymes, copper activates such important processes as plant respiration, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Copper derivatives are essential components of photosynthesis. The lack of this element is manifested by drying of the apical shoots.


Stimulating synthesis of amino acids, carbohydrates and proteins, boron is present in many enzymes that regulate metabolism. A sign of acute lack of boron is the appearance of variegated spots on young stems and a manifesting bluish tint of leaves at the base of the shoots. Further deficiency of the element leads to the destruction of foliage and the death of young growth. Flowering is weak and unproductive - the fruits are not tied.

minerals for plant nutrition

We have listed the main chemical elements necessary for normal development, high-quality flowering and fruiting. All of them, correctly balanced, make up a quality mineral nutrition of plants. And the importance of water is also difficult to overestimate, because all substances from the soil come in dissolved form.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22066/

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