Blueberry forte is a plant from the nightshade genus, and a yucca from the agave family

In this article, we will consider two plants that are absolutely different from each other: blueberry forte and yucca. But they are worth it for gardeners and flower lovers to pay attention to them.

Blueberry forte from the nightshade

blueberry forte plant
You must have come across a vision-enhancing drug called “Blueberry Forte” in the pharmacy network. Know that he has nothing to do with a real berry!

Blueberry forte is a plant that belongs to the nightshade family and is also called nightshade sunberry. His at the very beginning of the 20th century. brought out Luther Burbank, who crossed Guinean and European nightshade and received a hybrid, stubbornly called blueberries forte.

This is an annual plant with a height of not more than two meters, which has high frost resistance and easily tolerates drought. From one bush, which, incidentally, does not require a garter, you can collect almost half a bucket of large, like cherry, black berries. Blueberry forte is a plant with not very tasty fruits, but from them it turns out to be a good jam, reminiscent of grape. Even antihypertensive properties are attributed to him.

Fresh berries have a slight laxative effect, improve digestion,

help with the removal of worms. If the berries of Sunberry are dipped for a couple of minutes in hot syrup, then they become to taste like raisins and, with regular use, improve visual acuity. As medicinal fruits, shoots and seeds of the blueberry forte plant are used. Thus, a plant can be safely reckoned as a medicinal one, which is of great benefit to the human body.

And according to recent studies, scientists have come to the conclusion that Sunberry slows down the aging process, improves memory and coordination. This berry heals neurosis, headaches and even glaucoma. Therefore, blueberry forte is a plant that should be in the garden or in the garden of everyone who cares about their well-being. In addition, it is a very pretty-looking bush that will decorate your site.

Yucca. Reproduction and care

yucca breeding
This houseplant belongs to the agave family. Hailing from the humid forests of North America. But it is found in Mexico, and in Jamaica, and in Bermuda.

It is believed that yucca brings happiness, good luck in business and peaceful family relationships to the house . This is probably why this beautiful evergreen plant is so popular among gardeners.

Growing yucca, you need to remember that she is very photophilous. If possible, in the summer, put the pot with it outdoors: on the balcony or terrace. And in cold weather it is better to keep it closer to the window.

Yucca is a flower that loves abundant watering, but it is important to observe the measure, since stagnation of water in the pan can lead to rotting of the roots. In winter, it is watered less often than in summer. It is necessary to observe a pattern: the lower the temperature, the less water requires a yucca.

yucca flower
The leaves are wiped with a damp cloth without spraying. This should be done only if your flower is near the central heating pipes.

In the spring and summer, the yucca needs regular fertilizing with complex fertilizers. Then you can make a plant transplant. For these purposes, it is better to purchase a ready-made earth mixture. Do not forget that for this home tree you need large pots or tubs.

Yucca is propagated by daughter rosettes, which are previously cut and rooted in wet sand.

We wish you to enjoy the beauty of your garden and home!


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