Bakelite plywood: characteristics, application

Bakelite plywood is a strong, resilient, waterproof, wear-resistant material, not inferior in quality even to low alloy steel. All this is due to special technology, which consists in impregnating birch veneer with bakelite glue at high temperature and under pressure. Such plywood, called "marine", is not afraid of either water or heat. It can be operated at temperatures from minus 50 to plus 50 on the Celsius scale.

Bakelite Plywood
The material does not decay, is not covered with fungus, can be used in countries with a tropical humid climate and on the seashore. Service life - up to 15 years.

Preparation method

First stage. For the production of grade I plywood , its layers are completely immersed in resin, for the manufacture of grade II material, the veneer is simply lubricated.

Second phase. The sheets are pressed under a pressure of 4 MPa.

The third stage. Plywood is cooled under pressure.

High pressure allows you to completely impregnate the layers and get thinner plywood. In addition, pressing makes the material resistant to moisture.


The material is produced in the form of sheets with a width of 1250 mm and 1500 mm, the length of which can be 2800 mm, 5650 mm, 5700 mm.

Plywood in Moscow
Permissible deviations in length can be about 40 mm, in width - up to 20 mm. Plywood thickness varies from 5 mm to 20 mm (error about 2 mm). The density of the material is a maximum of 1.2 MPa. Unlike usual, bakelite plywood is presented in dark shades, as a rule, in red-brown.

Plywood has a smooth surface on which dents, scratches, rollers, gasket prints are not allowed according to GOST. Marriage is considered bakelite plywood with unplugged and unpainted places, bubbles, underpressing, delaminations.

Fields of application

Thanks to many useful qualities, bakelite plywood is successfully used in various industries. Such as automotive, shipbuilding, aircraft, mechanical engineering, hydraulic industry, show business, circus art.

Bakelite plywood
Speaking about the application more specifically, the material is great for roofing, floors, decks, partitions, formwork, ceilings, cladding, floors in buses, exhibition stands and more.

Grades of plywood

There are several brands of bakelite plywood on the market: FBS, FBS-1, FBS-1A. The first two species, with increased water resistance and fire resistance, are intended for use in construction and shipbuilding. The third type is designed specifically for the automotive industry. The moisture resistance of the latter brand is slightly lower, since only the outer layers are impregnated with resin, but at the same time it is the cheapest.

The upper layers of the FBS and FBS-1 plywood are made of veneer of the first grade, the inner ones of veneer of the second veneer. FBS-1A is completely made from grade II raw materials.

By the method of machining, the material is unpolished, polished (on one or both sides).

Advantages of Bakelite Plywood to Low Alloy Steel

Why are experts leaning in favor of plywood? Along with such qualities as water resistance, super strength, fire resistance and elasticity, the material is lightweight and not afraid of corrosion, which makes it possible to operate it in conditions of high humidity and even under water.

Bakelite plywood is made and sold in Moscow. A wide range, low prices, round-the-clock shipment, direct deliveries, maximum convenience for customers are the basic principles of manufacturers.


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