Shambhala bracelet. Weave a classic and double bracelet

All girls love jewelry, and this is understandable, because they, being the fair sex, are able to appreciate the beautiful. The most popular bracelet to date is Shambhala. Weaving such a bracelet should not cause special difficulties even for beginners. And let someone perceive this jewelry as a talisman that brings good luck, but for someone it’s just a beautiful bauble, anyway, but this accessory is in trend today. The bracelet can be purchased in jewelry stores, but it will be much cheaper to make it yourself, this will allow you to get a few stylish baubles for the same amount.

shambhala weaving

Materials for the bracelet

So how to create a shamballa bracelet? Weaving this little thing will not take much time, and for work you will need a waxed or leather cord, beautiful beads and a small plaque for weaving. If there is none, then it is easy to do by picking up a suitable piece of wood and scoring a small clove on one side. An alternative to this device can be a small cushion and a regular pin, which will be attached to the cord for easy operation. You can also use ordinary tape - in this case, weaving can be glued directly to the table.

Usually the cord is taken in black, although this is not necessary. But the choice of beads should be given special attention, because they will set the style of decoration, and its attractiveness depends on them.

Simple bracelet

How does work on the Shamballa bracelet begin? Weaving begins with measuring the wrist and cutting the main thread twice as much as this measure. Two working cords make three times longer so that they are enough for all weaves. After all the segments are connected with one knot, leaving about 4 cm of the free edge of the base.

double bracelet shambhala weaving
They begin work by tying a short cord with macramé loops to the left or to the right, creating the so-called “square knot”.
Shambhala bracelet weaving pattern
Such knitting is continued until the turn of the beads comes, which is strung on the base, they are brought close to weaving and fastened with a square knot.
Shambhala bracelet weaving pattern
Next is the turn of the next bead.

After the desired length is ready, the working ropes are cut and secured with superglue. Next, you need to form a clasp for the Shamballa bracelet, the weaving of which is also done by square knots, only now they tie two free ends of the base, folded in the opposite direction so that the work is closed in a circle. The final step is attaching small acrylic beads to the edges of the cords.

shambhala weaving

Double bracelet

The weaving of a double shamballa bracelet is somewhat different from simple. Firstly, to create such an ornament you will need more beads and a cord, and secondly, the nodes in such a bracelet are slightly different from the simple version. Before starting work, a special scheme for weaving a shamballa bracelet is created - this is especially important if any pattern is planned from beads.

double shambhala bracelet

Work begins with the fact that 3 cords are cut: one 1.5 meters and two half a meter. The basics tie and fasten for work. Then, 12 beads are strung on each of them and, pulling the cords, they are fastened from the second side. The next step is knitting knots from the working thread, which is produced around two stems above the beads. The working thread is fastened and weaved 4 square knots. Then they begin to braid the beads with one of the working cords, passing it under the bracelet on the principle of a spiral, wound it between the beads. The second working thread is twisted in the same way, only spend it on work. The final stage is 4 square knots and the formation of a fastener.


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