In which versions of Minecraft is Herobrine? Minecraft, Herobrine

In which versions of Minecraft is Herobrine?

Minecraft has every chance of becoming one of the most famous games of all time - and this is simply because it is really great in its idea and concept. But this is far from all that this masterpiece paints. There is a name that is familiar to every player in Minecraft - Herobrine. This is a real legend, which has not been confirmed, which makes it even more mysterious.

People rack their brains trying to figure out how this is possible, but find no answers. Who is Herobrine? Why did he provoke such a stormy public reaction?

Minecraft concept

If someone else does not know, then Minecraft is a sandbox - that’s the name in the gaming industry is a world in which there are virtually no restrictions. You can build, destroy, walk and do whatever you want - no one will stop you. Minecraft deliberately made eight-bit graphics - it simultaneously immerses you in a retro atmosphere, and allows you to significantly increase the functionality of the game itself. You can build entire cities, sculptures, create extraordinary works of art - and all this in an eight-bit world. The world in which only you play of people, all the rest are various animals that are aggressive and not very. Of course, you do not build everything for yourself - the game has the opportunity to showcase its works to other players, letting them in for a while into their world. And it is from here that the roots of the legend of Herobrin go. So who is he?

Man or Herobrine?

In a game like Minecraft, Herobrine simply had to appear sooner or later. The fact is that in the early versions of the game there was an opportunity to add a “person” - a character who possessed the player’s original appearance, but could hardly do anything. He did not dig, did not chop wood, did not hunt - he could only travel around your world. And here the first page of the Minecraft world legend is already beginning to open - Herobrin looks exactly like a Man, but has no pupils. His eyes are completely white, which, of course, can very frighten even the most daring player. Especially if you play in the latest versions of Minecraft, where you can’t add the Person, and you are not connected to the Internet. Such a surprise will not please anyone.

Minecraft: Herobrine

Probability of existence

What is the likelihood that Herobrine actually exists? In which versions of Minecraft is Herobrine? What needs to be done to see it? These questions endlessly torment players who periodically notice a human silhouette when playing a single player game. In fact, it can be either a software malfunction, which later developed into an incredible legend, and people see what is actually not there, or subtle trolling of the creators of the game who fuel interest in their project in such an unusual, and most importantly, effective way . The second option looks much more realistic, especially if you take into account the comments of Notch, the founder of the project, which will be discussed later. But first you need to figure out where, in general, appeared Herobrine in “Minecraft”.

Minecraft: Survival with Herobrine

Herobrine phenomenon

All legends begin with something, and the legend of Herobrine also began with the fact that one American Minecraft player told an incredible story. He used the old computer for the game, he had to set the settings to a minimum, so the fog, beyond which nothing is visible, was close enough. The player went about his business in his own world when he saw a figure on the edge of the fog. Due to the quality of the image, he could not consider who was there, but reasonably suggested that it might be a cow. Cows are a very important resource for survival at Minecraft, so he started a chase until he realized that it was not a cow at all, but a man. Moreover, he had no pupils, and what is most frightening - there was no nickname that is displayed above the user's head in a network game. However, the player himself double-checked and made sure that the Internet connection was not established, which means he was alone in his world. How did this happen? But it didn’t end with one appearance. A mysterious figure loomed periodically on the horizon, but it was not possible to examine it more clearly or catch up. Moreover, traces of human activity began to appear in the world, that is, dug holes, cut leaves and a distinctive feature of Herobrin - small pyramids of all kinds of materials. Naturally, he wanted to make the story public and find out if anyone else had seen this mysterious figure.

Minecraft: version with Herobrine


And here the most unusual began. When a player wrote his story, attached a screenshot of a mysterious figure to it and posted it on the official page of the game, his post almost immediately disappeared. He was shocked, but tried to write off everything as a failure, so he sent the message again - it was also erased. But this time it did not end there - Herobrin first showed his face, if I may say so. A user received a personal message from a user with such a nickname, the text of which was extremely short: “Stop”. Naturally, he decided to learn as much as possible about the sender’s profile, but when he got to his page, he received an error - such a page did not exist.

Other cases

But an isolated case would not have caused such extensive discussions about which versions of Minecraft contain Herobrine, how to find it, or, conversely, how to get rid of it. It turned out that there are a certain number of players who also saw this mysterious character - and also could not establish contact with him. Moreover, there have been recorded cases when this mysterious person led people to certain death. And this transformed the whole Minecraft - survival with Herobrin added spice and, of course, mystery to the game. It is still unknown what kind of phenomenon this is, but there are two in-game versions, two versions of Herobrin, each of which has its own line of behavior.

Brother of notch

One of the earliest versions of who might be hiding behind the image of Herobrin is the figure of Brother Notch, the creator of the game. If you want to find the answer to the question about which versions of Minecraft Herobrine is, then you need to look in the very first ones, since in the latter he has definitely been deleted. And this is due to the fact that Herobrine is not just Notch's brother, but his spirit. There is a version that Notch’s brother died, and therefore a ghost appeared in the game that haunts the game characters, constantly recalling his presence. In a way, this is a crazy version, but Herobrin’s appearance in the game is crazy, so there’s nothing surprising about that.

Minecraft: survival on the island of Herobrine

Refutation of the first option

No matter how crazy the variant with the spirit of Brother Notch was, he was nevertheless taken into consideration. Many even wrote to Notch himself to find out if he had a brother. Naturally, Notch did not open all the cards, especially if this is actually not a ghost, but a competent PR project. He answered briefly and clearly that he had a brother, but now he is gone. This caused a real explosion in the community of fans of Minecraft. A real ghost in your favorite game? Of course, Minecraft with Herobrin gained even greater popularity, but such a legend could not last forever, creating a free public relations campaign. As a result, Notch admitted that he has no brother and never had. Moreover, he denied the existence of such a character in Minecraft. Survival with Herobrin categorically failed to discuss with him. As a result, the legend of the brother’s ghost collapsed, and now they remember her as something incredible and terrifying, which, fortunately, has already passed.

Miner ghost

But the existence of Herobrin could not remain without justification, so I had to find another, less frightening and dramatic, but still quite reasonable. People believe that in many worlds in which ordinary users live, there is a special cave on a hidden island. It is impossible to find it yourself, but with the help of Herobrine it is extremely simple. So appeared in "Minecraft" Herobrin Island and its mine. So, a mysterious figure appears on the horizon, the player tries to pursue her, but misses all the time, and after a while finds himself in an unfamiliar area. And before it rises a mine, the entrance to which is littered with a huge amount of useful materials. But as soon as the player tries to take these materials, Herobrin, the ghost of the deceased miner who owns all these riches, attacks him. Some players talked about how they managed to escape from Herobrin, taking along useful materials, but most of the stories ended in tears.

Minecraft: Herobrine Island

Exposing Notch

Players can believe whatever they want, but Notch's word will still be much more weighty. More precisely, it would have been if he had nevertheless decided to inform openly about the existence or non-existence of Herobrin. At first, the Swedish developer replied that there is no such character, but he will appear soon. Then another answer appeared, where Notch generally said that Herobrin never existed in the Minecraft world and no one added him there. Well, the climax of all was another comment from the creator, who stated that Herobrin was still, but he was removed from Minecraft. The version with Herobrin is in the past, but for some reason people still see his figure on the edge of the fog.

Minecraft with Herobrine

Herobrin's future

Such a noble character as Herobrin will still not be forgotten, even if the developers say that they wrote and introduced it to promote their project. And since they do not, users continue to play with the image of a mysterious ghost without pupils. For example, the network has a variety of minecraft series about Herobrin, which enthusiasts record during the game. These videos on YouTube are very popular, so the reluctance of developers to put an end to this story is understandable - PR continues to this day. One can only be surprised at how many views of the series from the category "Minecraft. Survival on the island of Herobrine." Therefore, the story does not collapse, but is even more widespread. Now, players do not need to try to find out which versions of Minecraft have Herobrine - they can install a special modification and call this character into their world. Herobrin will perform the same function as before - wander around the world, dig holes, make pyramids and lure players into his treasury. Now everyone can see Herobrin, but this is still an imitation of a real ghost, which, perhaps, lies on the edge of the fog in your world and waits when you can imperceptibly entice you into its deadly trap.


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