Magnetic filter for water: choice, principle of operation, reviews

The water that is supplied to large cities is not always of high quality. Therefore, those people who care about their health use all kinds of filtering systems. They also purify water at industrial facilities. There are many different devices. These are compact home water purification systems and powerful sophisticated devices. One of the simple and affordable treatment systems is a magnetic filter. The features of its functioning will be considered further.

About hard water

Magnetic elements have another name - water softeners. From the installation of this device you can get only the pros. Too hard water becomes so because it contains many harmful calcium and magnesium salts for humans. If they are not removed from the liquid, then these salts and limescale can enter the human body. This leads to serious health problems. If hard water is used often enough, a large amount of calcium salts will cause the formation of sand in the body, which will then turn into stones.

magnetic filter for water

In addition, high rigidity affects the skin and hair. But that is not all. Such water also does not have the best effect on things that wash in it. When washing, hard water is spent an order of magnitude more, and the quality of the procedure is very poor. However, this is not so dangerous. The problem is that washed items accumulate deposits from the water. They will then begin to tear and wear out very quickly.

Magnetic filter device

This is an available item. It has a simple device based on two magnets that convert salts to other states that do not form scale. Such products are quite compact, and their installation and operation is extremely simple. These magnetic filters for water purification also do not need to be replaced with accessories or connected to the mains.

Principle of operation

So, the principle of operation of these filters is based on magnetohydrodynamic resonance. This phenomenon leads to the launch of a structural transformation of the medium or the transition of the second row.

In simple terms, calcium salt under the influence of a constant magnetic field turns into aragonite. If this transition does not occur, then calcium carbonate will begin the crystallization process.

hard water filter

Unlike carbonate, aragonite has no properties to be deposited on surfaces where heat exchange occurs. In addition, manufacturers who advertise these items claim that a magnetic water filter will not only save health, but also improve the quality of surfaces that have already worn out due to calcite. They assure that such surfaces even after a short use will return to normal, stop loosening processes and will not delaminate.

Where are magnetic transducers used?

The field where this small compact device is used is quite wide. And although no one has officially been able to confirm the effectiveness of its work, a magnetic filter for water can be found not only in industrial facilities, but also in most urban apartments and in suburban households. Often magnetic converters are installed at pumping stations, central water supply networks, gas water heaters and boilers, dishwashers and washing machines.

Magnetic filters for softening water in the fight against scale

Many people think that descaling is cheaper than buying a small device. And many more are sure that they do not have hard water. If there was a raid at the bottom of the kettle, and it worked for only a year, the reason is too hard water.

It can be seen in clogged strainers, which are installed in the taps, to feel the bitter taste of liquid. Rubber seals in the same valves do not withstand more than two months. If white stains appear on clothes, these are consequences of hard water.

Low thermal conductivity of scale - the cause of the death of technology

One of the properties of scale is poor thermal conductivity. This feature does not allow the normal operation of many devices. Industrial equipment may also suffer. Limescale causes pipe rupture, increased energy or fuel consumption.

household water filter

When a magnetic filter for water is installed at production facilities, after a while the result is immediately noticeable.

Scale can be removed, but softening will be more effective. The result of using magnetic transducers is significantly higher than the use of chemicals for descaling.

Advantages and disadvantages of magnetic elements

This hard water filter is installed on the pipe section. In this case, it is very important that the installation is carried out on such a segment that is as isolated as possible from the already formed scale. Installation work does not provide for a complete disassembly of the water supply system. In the selected area, it is necessary to clean the scale, and then install the filter. With the scum that already exists in the pipes, after a while, the filter will be able to cope on its own.

At the heart of the device are two powerful neodymium magnets that are installed in a plastic case. It is not required to specifically enable or configure the device - the magnetic filter for water will start working immediately after installation.

Among the advantages of such devices, there is no need for any maintenance. There are no replaceable cartridges. After installation, you can not approach the device for five or more years. Without the need for replacement, the device can work for about 25 years.

magnetic filters for water purification

Among the minuses, the fact of oxidation of this water purifier is highlighted. Also, bright green reflections may appear in the liquid. But it is not harmful.

Types of magnetic filtering equipment

So, the filter for hard water effectively performs cleaning from absolutely any stable particles, from corrosion, from solid particles of various origins. In addition, the element purifies oxides, particles of iron, sand, various oxides that are in water in a dissolved state. So, the device protects the pipeline and water heaters from scale. And if any electric or other heating systems are installed in the house or apartment, this will save on energy.

All cleaning devices of this type differ in the installation method. This is a flange-type cleaner, a mesh flange element, a magnetic water filter on top, a coupling-type device, and a mechanical-magnetic system.

Depending on their purpose, these cleaners are used in domestic or industrial conditions. Such a simple device helps to reliably protect any vulnerable parts of installations that work with hard water.

It should be remembered that installation can be carried out no more than two meters from the device that must be protected. Installation at the entrance is also allowed. If the fluid contains rust, it is recommended that the filter be cleaned once every two years.

About long life

If you try to compare a magnetic and any other household water filter, you will notice that the service life of the product on neodymium elements is much longer. Even the best water purification devices cannot perform their direct functions for so many years. The best filters are designed for seven years, and this is the maximum value.

magnetic water filter reviews

Such element lifetimes can be explained by the use of rare earth magnets in the device. These metals very slowly lose their properties. Even after ten years, rare earth magnets will lose only 0.5% of their capabilities.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that water tends to get used to the effect of the element, and after a while it will become hard again. In this case, the device is simply removed for two to three weeks, and then reinstalled in its place.

water treatment systems

It is very important to know that with a large number of advantages, this element has certain water requirements. Only water whose temperature is close to room temperature will be cleaned. The flows inside the pipe should flow in only one direction and at a suitable speed. If the liquid will stand in one place or flow in different directions, the magnetic filter for water will not function properly.

magnetic filters for water softening

These products are recommended for apartments where there is no centralized hot water supply and gas columns are installed. For effective cleaning, just install the filter on the main pipe. Also, it will not be superfluous to purchase any household filter for water intended for drinking. In this case, you will ensure the maximum level of cleaning.

Magnetic water filter: reviews

These devices have long been sold in our country. Many have already managed to take advantage of them. However, users claim that such a device is not suitable for purifying such a device with drinking cold water from a tap. Salts will be visible even in the kettle. Accordingly, a taste will also be present.

When using the device together with a geyser, the effect is, but doubtful. Scale forms on the tubes inside. For heating systems where there is a closed loop, the effect really is. In this case, the scale does not settle.

magnetic water filter

So, if in an apartment or house water meets the parameters that are suitable for the operation of the magnetic filter, and it is possible to purchase a household installation for cleaning liquids, then this is the best option. Moreover, his service life is by no means a couple of months.

So, we found out what are magnetic filters for water purification, what are their advantages and disadvantages.


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